St. Patrick Catholic School
Principal's Newsletter - December 12th, 2024
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December 12th, 2024
Dear Families,
Join Us for St. Patrick School Nights at UNI Basketball Games! Mark your calendars for two exciting nights of basketball, community, and school spirit! St. Patrick Catholic School is hosting special nights at University of Northern Iowa (UNI) basketball games, and we’d love for your family to join us.
Men’s Game
Date: Monday, December 16, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Opponent: Montana
Women’s Game
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2025
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Opponent: Murray State
To enjoy these games as a school community, purchase your tickets in Section 102, where we can all sit together and cheer on the Panthers! Tickets for both events are available online at https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Stpatrick28.
These evenings promise to be filled with fun and Panther pride. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with other St. Patrick families while supporting UNI basketball! We look forward to seeing you there. Go Panthers!
Mr. Wiebers
🏈 Football Bash: Congratulations Week 14 Winners!
Out of Uniform: Friday, Dec 13th
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is an out of uniform day. This month, as part of our Advent project to support Mrs. Grimm and her family, we are having 2 out of uniform days. Students may participate by donating a minimum of $1 each day to be out of uniform. All funds raised will go directly to Mrs. Grimm and her family. Please remember that out of uniform apparel should be weather appropriate. Hooded sweatshirts will be permitted!
Christmas Fund for Teachers and Staff
Our CPTO is collecting for our teacher and staff Christmas gift fund. Donations are divided among teachers, bus drivers, associates, day care workers, office staff, and kitchen personnel. Teachers and staff will receive a Scrip gift certificate which allows them to select a Scrip card of their choice. CPTO asks that you turn in your donation by December 13th. A form was sent home with your youngest child last week.
No Afternoon Circle of Care: Friday Dec. 20th
As many of our college workers will be heading home for the holidays, we will not have Circle of Care available in the afternoon on Friday, Dec. 20th. All students from preschool through grade 8 will need to be picked up by 3:20 p.m. (3:10 p.m. for our preschoolers).
The Giving Tree
Be on the lookout for our GIving Tree during our upcoming musical performances in the Dutcher gym. Ornaments on the tree will be decorated with a QR code with links to our teachers Amazon wish lists. You can also find a link to our teacher wish lists here on our website.
Musical Performance Tonight: Dec 12th 🎄
Mrs. Grimm and our students have been hard at work preparing "CAKE: The Christmas Acts of Kindness Experiment" for our Christmas musical performance. Our 3rd and 4th grade performance will be held tonight, Thursday, December 12 at 7:00 p.m. with doors opening at 6:30 p.m.
We hope to see you there!
Lost & Found Relocation!
Thanks to our Lost & Found Leaders, and Mrs. Rodden, our lost items have been organized and relocated to our cafeteria! The majority of these items have been here since last year. If you know your child is missing a key winter apparel item, have them check the Lost & Found before winter break. Unclaimed items will be donated after the first of the year, so feel free to stop in and look for your missing items!
Christmas Break: Dec. 23rd-Jan 1st
Please mark your calendars for December 23rd through January 1st, as school will be closed for Christmas break. Please note that Circle of Care, Preschool/Daycare are all closed during this time. Enjoy your time with family, and we will see all your smiling faces back at school on Thursday, January 2nd.
Last Day To Order Scrip Before Christmas!
For all of you last minute gift givers, There is still time to order gift cards through Scrip and have them before we leave for Christmas break! Have your paid order turned in to the school office by 9:00 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 16th to have your order by Friday the 20th!
The Annual Appeal 💚
✨The Main Event✨
Save the date for February 22nd, 2025 for our annual Main Event, held at the Hilton Garden in Cedar Falls! Our committee is diligently planning an enjoyable event that will feature food and entertainment.The Main Event is the culmination of our annual appeal, with a night dedicated to community building. More information about purchasing tickets will be going out soon!
New: Front Entrance Door Security
There is a new security feature in place to enter the school office. Parents/visitors will need to press the button on the silver box next to the exterior entrance door on Washington Street before entering the building. Watch for the green light on the small black box below it to indicate the door is unlocked.
All exterior doors in the building remain locked during school hours, and all visitors are asked to enter through the main school office.
⛄ Sign Up for School Related Weather Alerts
As we have entered our winter season, it is important for all families to sign up with Remind to be informed of unexpected changes in the school schedule due to weather, or other important announcements. In addition to using Remind, we also send out an email from the school, and post the information on our social media pages and will also be listed on KWWL.
Our weather policy is posted as “Weather Announcements” under the Quick Links on the home page of the school website.
Through the Remind alert notification system, parents can sign up for text alerts, push notifications (when you download the Remind app), or emails.
If you are new to St Patrick School, or have not signed up in the past, text @cd4he to 81010. If you're having trouble with 81010, text @cd4he to (619) 450-1267. For emails only, go to rmd.at/cd4he on a computer to sign up for email notifications. You do not need to sign up again if you've signed up before.
*A test alert went out on Wednesday, Oct. 23. If you signed up and did not receive the alert, please check your Remind account, or contact the office.
Columbus Sailor Section ⚓
Sailor Nation Baseball ⚾
Please take a look at the following link for more information about Sailor Nation Baseball, and to sign up for our teams!
This is for 3rd-5th grade students at St Edward and St Pats elementary schools, and 6th and 7th graders at BMAP and St Pats.
We do not currently have any coaches or leaders for a 3rd grade group/team. If you are interested please let us know, without any parent coach or leaders there will not be a team for that age group.
New this year is an option to show interest in a tournament team. We are providing base level experience for the kids, and want to know if anybody wants to make an additional commitment to tournament team(s).
Please review the form in its entirety for more details, we would love to have you!
Sign up closes on December 20.
Stock Up on Scrip
Scrip cards and certificates are great for gifts and everyday use. Visit our website to find out about our Scrip program. Place your order through your Raise Right account, email scrip@cfcatholicschool.org, or print a paper form.
Fall Volunteer Sign Up upcoming needs are at the top of the list
St. Patrick Catholic School
Clover Patch Preschool Ages 3-5
Facebook cfcatholicschool
Instagram stpatrickcatholic
Email: office@cfcatholicschool.org
Website: cfcatholicschool.org
Location: Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Phone: 319-277-6781