Kindergarten Corner
Ms. Bradford, Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Stroyan
We will continue to practice segmenting this month.
To help your child practice segmenting, you can use fun activities like "sound talk" where you break words into individual sounds, play "guess the word" with picture cards, use finger counting to represent sounds, create "robot talk" by stretching out sounds, or play games like "sound clap" where you clap for each sound in a word; always start with simple, short words and gradually increase difficulty as your child progresses. ; always start with simple, short words and gradually increase difficulty as your child progresses.
Basic "Sound Talk":
- Say a word slowly, stretching out each sound, and ask your child to repeat each sound individually.
- Example: "Cat" becomes "c-a-t".
Finger Counting:
- Hold up fingers as you say each sound in a word, helping your child visualize the number of sounds.
- Picture Cards
- Show a picture and ask your child to say the word, then segment it into individual sounds.
Sound Clap":
- Clap once for each sound in a word as you say it.
Important points to remember:
- Start simple: Begin with short, easy words with few sounds.
- Make it fun: Use playful voices, silly actions, and positive reinforcement
- Visual aids: Consider using manipulatives like blocks or counters to represent sounds.
- Regular practice: Short, frequent practice sessions are most effective.
- Say a word slowly, stretching out each sound, and ask your child to repeat each sound individually.
We will continue to help the students find the partners to 10.
There are nine ways to make 10 by adding two numbers together. These are called number bonds, number pairs, or number partners.
How to practice making 10
- Use two-sided counters, like red and yellow, and shake and spill them into a cup .
- Use a ten frame to fill in spaces and see how many are filled and how many are empty.
- Build a tower using two colors of snap cubes, then draw a picture and write an equation.
- Use cube trains to show different ways to make 10.
Next week is parent/teacher conferences. Please contact your child's teacher for your conference time. The book fair will also be open next week. Stop in and shop for some good books.