Fall 2024

What a great opportunity to begin language learning at a young age! We have fun learning the Spanish language and its many diverse cultures. We meet for 50 minutes weekly. Kindergarten and first grade meet twice a week for 25 minutes at a time. Grades 2 through 5 meet once a week.
Our year began getting to know each other and learning basic greetings and how to respond to the question, 'How are you?' and 'What's your name?'. We are simultaneously working on numbers to 30 and learning the names of colors. Soon we will move on to shapes and classroom objects.
First Grade
Our year began with a mini review of what we learned in Kindergarten. Then we jumped right into learning about the calendar practicing days of the week and the months of the year. We are learning how to say the seasons in Spanish and will soon begin learning how to describe the weather.
Second Grade
Our year began with reviewing numbers and colors and basic greetings. Our first unit was learning new ways to express our feelings. We now now more ways to respond to the question "How are you?". We spent time going higher in learning numbers up to 100 first by learning to count my tens. We have begun learning the parts of our body - head, nose, knees and toes.
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Our year began with a basic conversation review. Next was a number unit up to one million! We've been spending 'time' learning how to tell time in Spanish. Soon we will begin a unit on clothing nouns.
Fifth Grade
Our year also began with a basic conversations review. We then made scrapbook pages about ourselves telling our ages, siblings, birthplaces, birthdays, and favorite colors. We then began a fun sports unit and are currently writing skits. We are using technology to record our skits and using our imaginations to delete and replace the backgrounds in our videos to have the setting be anywhere. Our next unit will be learning how to talk about what we like to do in our freetime.