Mustang Messenger
September 20, 2024
As you are filling out your transportation forms for the upcoming school year, please note a few reminders about transportation/child pick-up as the new school year approaches!
· If your student is going to be an everyday car rider, PLEASE send a list of approved adults authorized to pick up your student in the parent pick-up line to before September 3rd, which is the first day of school.
· The names you provide are ONLY for car rider line pick-up AT dismissal. If names are not provided the list will default to ONLY the live-in guardians of the student.
· For occasional changes to your student's normal dismissal plan, an email must be sent to BEFORE 1:00 PM by the guardian to ensure the dismissal change can be communicated to our staff. Requests made after 1:00 PM will not be guaranteed and will require administrator approval.
- A live-in guardian is the ONLY person able to sign out their student early without prior notice. A live-in guardian can give permission for another person to pick up their student by providing the office with a note or email prior to pick up. If prior arrangements have not been made with the school office via email or written note, the student will NOT be released to anyone other than the live-in guardian without administrator approval. *PLEASE NOTE: An emergency contact is only able to sign out a child from school IF the nurse or school administration initiates contact. Emergency contacts are for school administration or the nurse to contact in emergency situations ONLY.
- For the safety of our families, everyone picking up a student MUST show photo ID to the office. Even if you come in regularly or the office staff knows you, we are REQUIRED to check EVERYTIME. No exceptions.
Bus Loop Reminder:
Please do not park in the bus loop upon arrival, during the school day, or at dismissal. We need to keep the loop safe and ensure that our busses can navigate safely. Robert Moton has midday bus routes, so this applies for the entire school day. Thank you for your help to keep our bus loop safe and efficient!
Please note: If you must walk across the bus loop during arrival and/or dismissal, please use the crosswalk to do so. If you are with your student, please accompany them across the crosswalk and do not send them alone.
From CCPS:
All schools serve a variety of breakfasts, lunches, and snacks.
To set up an account to monitor your child's purchases or pay by credit card or online check go to
We also accept cash and checks at the register.
To apply for free or reduced-price meals go to
More details included in the attached document.
It is our pleasure to serve your children,
CCPS Food Service Team
The PTO is currently raising funds through our 3rd ANNUAL FUN RUN and we hope you’ll support us for our only fundraiser of the school year!
Our goal is to raise $12,500 to support our school! Please register your student for fundraising efforts at It creates a personalized webpage for you to share with friends and family.
All students participate in the fun run on Friday, October 11th and families are welcome to attend to watch their students during their special area time.
We are also looking for donations for our conference night snack carts. Please see the Sign Up Genius link below to donate items.
Tuesday, September 24, PreK – 2nd grade, 6:00 – 7:30
Wednesday, September 25, 3rd – 5th grade, 6:00 – 7:30
We hope you’ll join us for our Back to School nights next week! This is a great opportunity to meet your student’s teacher(s), learn more about what our school day looks like and what each grade will be learning this year.
Both nights will begin with a presentation by our Principal and administrative team followed by two rotations of grade level visits. See you there!
Up-Coming Events and Important Dates
Pre-K thru 2nd Back to School Night
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024, 06:00 PM
3rd thru 5th Back to School Night
Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024, 06:00 PM
Fall Pictures
Monday, Oct 14, 2024, 08:30 AM
Conference Night - Teacher Invite Only
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 03:30 PM
Book Fair Family Night
Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 04:00 PM
School Closed for Students
Friday, Oct 18, 2024, 08:00 AM
Counselor's Corner
Part of my job as the school counselor is to work with the Student Services Team and review student data so that we can provide the best support for our students at RME. One area of focus during these meetings is ATTENDANCE.
Research shows that regular school attendance plays a significant role in students’ academic growth, which is why we communicate with families when data shows that their children are frequently missing or arriving late to school. The State of Maryland has set attendance standards for students in public school. Satisfactory attendance is 94%, which means a maximum of 9 days of absence for the entire school year.
Communication is key to helping us at school support you and you student! I am aware that legitimate illnesses do occur, and that children may be reluctant to come to school because of anxiety or other emotional concerns. If this is the case and you want or need support from the school, I will gladly make myself available to assist you. I have found that teamwork between home and school is essential in helping students with emotional concerns.
Please remember that in the event of an absence, parents/guardians should alert the school. The attendance email is or you can call 410-751-3610.
We know that better school attendance results in better school performance. Thank you for your willingness to work with us in helping your child arrive to school on time so that they can have a positive school experience!
See you soon,
Ms. Napor
Permission to Photograph, Videotape or Audiotape
Throughout the school year, the Carroll County Public School System frequently covers school activities and may use your child’s photograph, video image, or voice for educational, informational, or public relations purposes, with or without identification by name.
If you do not wish to have your child’s voice reproduced on tape or to have his/her image appear in such things as a video or a photograph, or on the school or school system website or social media, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their children being audiotaped, photographed, videotaped, or having their image placed on a school website or social media by the school system unless such notification is received.
There are also occasions when the media cover certain school events (such as when a government leader visits a school). If you do not wish to have your child’s name or likeness published by the media, you should address your concerns directly to the school involved so that the media is so advised. Please be advised that the school system has no control over the media when they are covering activities such as sporting events and musical programs that are open to the public.
Use of Student Work on Websites or in Publications
There may be times throughout the year when the Carroll County Public School System wishes to display student work on school websites, social media, or in publications. If you do not wish to have your child’s art, poetry, writing, etc. appear on school websites, social media, or in publications, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians consent to their child’s work being displayed on school websites, social media, or in publications unless such notification is received.
The federal "Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)" of 2015 requires all school systems to notify parents of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's classroom teacher and any paraprofessional providing services to the child. If you would like information regarding the certification and/or licensure qualifications of your child's teacher(s), please visit this Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) site . If you are unable to access the link or need information regarding your child's paraprofessional(s), please submit a written request to the individual listed below:
Director of Human Resources
Department of Human Resources
Carroll County Public Schools
125 North Court Street
Westminster, Maryland 21157
The Board of Education of Carroll County does not engage in discrimination that is unlawful or contrary to Maryland State Department of Education guidance on the basis of age, color, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability, ancestry or national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
The Board of Education of Carroll County is firmly committed to creating equal employment and educational opportunities for all persons by providing an environment that supports optimal academic achievement and productive work and is free from any form of unlawful discrimination, including access to school facilities, educational programs, and extracurricular activities.
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of Human Resources, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410)751-3070.
Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or the provision of services, programs or activities. Persons needing auxiliary aids and services for communication should contact the Communications Office at (410)751-3020 or, or write Carroll County Public School, 125 North Courts Street, Westminster, MD 21157. Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may use Relay or 7-1-1. Please contact the school system at least one (1) week in advance of the date the special accommodation is needed.
Information concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act is available from the Director of Facilities Management, (410)751-3177, or the Communications Officer, (410)751-3020, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157.