Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
September 11, 2024
Message from the Director of Operations
Dear Peak Prep Students and Families,
As we reflect on today, September 11th, we honor and remember the lives lost, the bravery shown, and the unity displayed on this day 23 years ago. The events of 9/11 shaped our country and our world in profound ways, reminding us of the strength, resilience, and compassion that define us as a nation.
At Peak Prep, we believe in the importance of learning from history, not only in textbooks but through reflection and understanding. Today, let’s take a moment to remember those who were affected by the tragedy, to honor the first responders who risked their lives, and to recognize the power of coming together as a community during difficult times.
This day serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we are stronger when we stand united, support one another, and show kindness. As we go about our day, let’s carry these values with us and continue to build a future grounded in empathy and compassion.
Thank you for being part of our Peak Prep family.
With respect and remembrance,
Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Sabrina Ciolino
Director of Operations
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Mobile: 415-320-1401
Email: sabrina.ciolino@peak-prep.org
Website: peak-prep.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Address: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
TK-5 Clubs are Starting Soon for students enrolled in the Academies at Peak!
Student Spotlight! Art by J. Gin!
i-Ready Parent Night Recording & PPT
iReady Family Night Recording
Student Expectations:
✓ 1. Attend school daily (M-F)
✓ 2. Log in daily prior to 11 am.
✓ 3. Submit work daily (as well as on time).
✓ 2. Attend each synchronous lesson on time.
✓ 3. Abide by the terms of the master agreement.
✓ 4. Report to the teacher, counselor, or administrator as directed
✓ 5. Attend each intervention/testing session with the teacher on timePARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) EXPECTATIONS:
✓1. Maintain an awareness of their legal obligations to see that their child
- (a) attends school DAILY
- (b) logs in and submits work daily prior to 11 am
- (c) spends 4-6 hours per day engaged in educational activities provided by the school.
✓ 2. Attend all meetings and conferences concerning their child.
✓ 3. Contact appropriate school personnel to discuss academic concerns.
✓ 4. Contact school regarding absences.
✓ 5. Ensure all work is submitted correctly through the LMS and on time.
✓ 6. Sign all learning logs each Friday afternoon.
Need Help? We are here to support you!
Homeroom Teacher
Each student at Peak Prep has been assigned a homeroom teacher. Your homeroom teacher will be your primary point of communication for support.
Important Reminder for Parents: Your First Point of Contact
At Peak Prep, our dedicated homeroom teachers are here to support your child's growth in every way possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please start by discussing them with your child's homeroom teacher. They know your child best and are always eager to assist.
If Needed, Reach Out to Instructional Administrators:
If an issue persists or requires further attention, please don't hesitate to contact our Instructional Administrators.
TK-5th grade Parents:
- Please contact Allison Cordero at allison.cordero@peak-prep.org or 415-320-6202.
6th-12th Grade Parents:
- Parents of students with last names A-K: Irene Hsieh at irene.hsieh@peak-prep.org or 562-294-1885
- Parents of students with last names L-Z: Laura Dinanno at laura.dinanno@peak-prep.org or 619-438-0594
Homeschool Families
- Please contact Esther Lee at esther.lee@peak-prep.org or 805-387-3766
We believe that open communication and collaboration are key to a successful education. By working together, we can ensure that your child's experience at Peak Prep is enriching, supportive, and tailored to their unique needs.
Dates to Keep In Mind
9/2-Labor Day (No School)
11/22- Last Day of S1 for Track A (Summer start)
11/25-11/29- Thanksgiving Break (No School)
12/19-Last Day of S1 for Track B
12/20-1/5 Winter Break
🍎 2024-2025 Track B Calendar (August Start) 🍎
Messages from Other Departments 🍏
K-5 Academies Families
A Message From Mrs. Cordero
District I-Ready testing for our Virtual K-5 students is scheduled from August 26th to September 13th for both Reading and Math. This testing is mandatory, and homeroom teachers will schedule testing sessions during Small Group times.
It's important that students complete their I-Ready tests independently, without any assistance. This will ensure we get accurate results that reflect each student's true abilities. The data from these tests is crucial as it allows teachers to create small groups tailored to each student's current academic level, providing targeted instruction where it's needed most.
After completing the Diagnostic 1 assessment, students will have daily access to "My Path Personalized Instruction," a supplemental program within I-Ready. I-Ready Personalized Instruction uses insights from the Diagnostic to create a customized learning path with engaging online lessons. This ensures that students receive focused instruction and practice in the areas where they need the most support, helping them grow and succeed in their academic journey.
Please watch this video introducing I-Ready to families:
6th-12th Grade Virtual Prep & Academies Students
Drop In Support & Live Lessons
Our 6th-12th grade students now have access to flexible Drop-In Support and Live Lessons, designed to target key areas for growth in Math and English. Our dedicated teachers are focusing on priority standards where students often need the most help, ensuring that each session is tailored to address these specific learning needs. Whether you’re looking for targeted instruction or just need a bit of extra support, these sessions are here to help you succeed.
Edgenuity On demand Tutoring
Expert tutors provide real-time individualized support using a secure online platform. Equitable access to one-on-one support gives students the guidance they need to move on to more complex concepts with confidence.
Students click on the “Tutoring Help” button directly within their lesson to contact an on-demand tutor. And, students can reference former chat sessions if they want to review what they’ve learned at a later time.
CA Education Code 48205 states that a student shall be excused from school when the absence is:
Due to their illness.
Due to quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer.
For the purpose of having medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic services rendered.
For the purpose of attending the funeral services of a member of their immediate family, so long as the absence is not more than one day if the service is conducted in California and not more than three days if the service is conducted outside California.
For the purpose of jury duty in the manner provided for by law. Due to the illness or medical appointment during school hours of a child of whom the student is the custodial parent.
For justifiable personal reasons, including, but not limited to, an appearance in court, attendance at a funeral service, observance of a holiday or ceremony of their religion, attendance at religious retreats, attendance at an employment conference, attendance at an educational conference on the legislative or judicial process offered by a nonprofit organization, or a visit to a college or university, when the student’s absence has been requested in writing by the parent or guardian and approved in advance by the principal or a designated representative pursuant to uniform standards established by the governing board.
For the purpose of serving as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to Section 12302 of the Elections Code.
To spend time with an immediate family member who is an active duty member of the uniformed services, as defined in CA Education Code 49701, and has been called to duty for deployment to a combat zone or a combat support position or is on leave from or has immediately returned from such deployment.
To attend their naturalization ceremony to become a United States citizen.
To participate in religious exercises or to receive moral and religious instruction, subject to the following conditions: the student has parent/guardian written consent for the absence; is in grades 4-12; shall attend at least the minimum school day; and shall be excused from school for this purpose on no more than four days per school month, and no more than 60 minutes on a single day once a week, during the last hour of the school day.
Please note: In our effort to promote satisfactory attendance, parents may receive calls after every absence and can expect calls or written notification if “excused” absences become in excess of 10% of the school days. If excused absences exceed 10% of school days, the administrator may request medical verification of the need for absence.
Definition of Unexcused Absence: Missing a full day of school without a valid excuse.
Unexcused Absences Include:
Missing school without an excused or approved reason, whether the absence is student or parent/guardian/caregiver-initiated (e.g., for childcare, vacation, or household shopping).
Absences for which advance approval is necessary and was not obtained before the absence.
Teacher Availability
Please be aware that all communications generally receive a reply from school staff within 24 hours (not including holidays or weekends). Although the online system is typically available 24/7, our staff members are available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday 8am-3pm.
Every day a student is absent is a lost opportunity for learning. Too many absences not only can affect achievement for the absent student but also can disrupt learning.
If your student will be absent for any reason please let your Homeroom teacher know ASAP!
Family Handbook
Setting up Your School GMAIL
To access your courses, you will first need to log into your Peak Prep Student Gmail account that we have created for you.
If you have already completed the setup of your peak student Gmail account, you are all set.
If you are new to Peak or have not yet logged into your Peak Gmail account, please follow the directions emailed to you by your homeroom teacher, and let them know if you run into any issues.
If you need assistance, please email Maria.Gomez@peak-prep.org
Academic Integrity, Plagiarism, and Cheating
Academic Integrity, Plagiarism, and Cheating
All work submitted is to be completed ONLY by students. Students are responsible for observing the standards on plagiarism, cheating, and properly crediting all sources used during the composition of work. Failure to abide by these standards is reported to the appropriate administrative authorities. It may result in a conference with the parent, loss of credit for high school courses, revoked access to course(s), and suspension or expulsion from the school.
Plagiarism is defined as the act(s) of copying another writer's words, ideas, images, sounds, signs/symbols, and thoughts and presenting them as your own.
Cheating involves the act(s) of using, accepting, or distributing test answers, answer keys, or presenting another person's work as your own. Any student found cheating is in violation of the school's Academic Integrity policy.
The First Offense:
The student receives no credit for the assignment
The teacher fills out a "Notice of Cheating Offense" form, makes three copies, and keeps the original for their file. The teacher distributes the copies to:
Parent/Guardian (by mail)
If the teacher deems the assignment to be a major assignment and the offense requires premeditation (e.g., submitting a major paper that has been plagiarized), the student forfeits double the value of the assignment.
At the teacher's option, the student is given an additional assignment such as writing a statement about the incident, which the teacher keeps on file.
If the teacher, counselor, or principal deems the offense to be a major offense (e.g., stealing test or quiz materials, changing a grade in a teacher's record), the student may be suspended on the first offense.
Second Offense
- The consequences listed above in the "First Offense" shall be applied.
- Student, teacher, and parent meet with the student's counselor and/or principal to discuss causes and appropriate consequences.
- Since AP and Honors courses are more rigorous, if the student's second offense occurred in an AP or Honors course, the student may be removed from the course and placed in a regular college prep course.
- Commit to working on your courses daily (M-F)
- Work in your courses for 4-6 hours per day.
- Attend live lessons & office hours
- Schedule specific times M-F as “school work” time
- Use the Assignment Calendar and Progress Reports as your measure of course completion
- Make frequent contact with your instructor when you need help progressing through your course
- Attend all meetings with your homeroom teacher
We want your student to be successful, and we are here to help. If your student is struggling, please let us know so that we can put the proper support in place.
Help...is my student Track A or Track B?
- Track A will be for select 9th-12th Grade students who participated in Summer Session!
- Track B will be used for students with a traditional August 9th Start Date!
Now Accepting New Students for the 2024-2025 School Year
New Enrollments:
Do you know of anyone that is looking for a new school for their student next year?
Peak Prep is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year in TK-10th grade (11th and 12th are currently at capacity).
Please direct applicants to apply using this link: tinyurl.com/EnrollatPeak
ParentSquare-Activate your account today!
Peak Prep has your email and/or phone number in our records, and we have initiated the setup process with you. You should have received an invitation email and/or text with a link to activate your ParentSquare account.
You can use ParentSquare on any device. You can download the free mobile app for iOS or
Android or use the desktop version at www.parentsquare.com.
Our goal is for every family to join ParentSquare and engage with our school community.
Please feel free to ask me any questions.
Thank you so much!
- Activate Your Account- Click the link in your activation email/text, or sign up on parentsquare.com or via the ParentSquare app.
- Download App-It’s easy to stay in the loop with the ParentSquare app. Download it now for iOS or Android devices.
- Set Preferences-Click your name in the top right to set your notification and language preferences.
- Get Photos & Files- Click ‘Photos & Files’ in the sidebar to access pictures, forms, and documents that have been shared with you.
- Appreciate Posts-Click ‘Appreciate’ in your email/app or website to thank a teacher or staff member for a post.
- Comment or Reply-Click ‘Comment’ in-app or website to privately ask a question about the post that your teacher or school sent.
- Participate-Click ‘Sign Ups & RSVPs’ in the sidebar to see available opportunities. Click the bell on top to check your commitments.
- Join a Group- Click ‘Groups’ in the sidebar to join a group or committee at your school to participate or to stay up-to-date.
- Find People- Click ‘Directory’ in the sidebar to find contact information for school staff.
- Get in Touch-Click ‘Messages’ in the sidebar to privately get in touch with staff.
iOS App - Apple Store
iOS App - Apple Store
Download the ParentSquare App
Android App - Google Play Store
Peak Prep Spirit Wear!
Questions? We can help! Meet Our Faculty!
Administrative Team
Dr. Bishop
Executive Director
Mrs. Ciolino
Sabrina Ciolino
Director of Operations
(415) 320-1401
Mr. Valdivia
Mrs. Hsieh
Irene Hsieh
Instructional Administrator
6th-12th Grade Last Names A-K
(562) 294-1885
Mrs. Dinanno
Laura Dinanno
Instructional Administrator
6th-12th Grade Last Names L-Z
(619) 438-0594
Mrs. Cordero
Allison Cordero
K-5 Instructional Administrator & Assessment Coordinator
(415) 320-6202
Mrs. Lee
Kyle McKoy
Program Specialist-Special Education
(530) 683-5357
Mrs. Weymouth
Main Office
Ms. Arevalo
Ms. Buckley
Jennifer Buckley
Business/Finance Technician
Mobile: 805-323-6070
Ms. Hanson
Ms. Zablan
Mrs. Gomez
Ms. Ruiz
Counseling Department
Mrs. Audish
Mrs. Valdivia
Special Education Department
Mr. McKoy
Kyle McKoy
Program Specialist
(530) 683-5357
Dr. Boe
Mrs. Bollinger
Mrs. Delaney
Randee Delaney
Educational Specialist
(830) 433- 7278
Ms. Newman
Educational Specialist
(805) 836-2477
Ms. Davison
Ms. Whitson
Academies at Peak Prep
Ms. Cordero
Mrs. Weymouth
Mrs. Mills
Mrs. Cromwell
Mrs. Rohe
Ms. Hyman
Mrs. Benter
Ms. Booth
Mrs. Linehan
Karin Linehan
5th Grade Teacher
(562) 380-1249
Ms. Altman
Amy Altman
Physical Education & Health
(619) 376-3786
Mrs. Bradley
Ms. Eller
Ms. Lora
Mr. Nguy
Qui Nguy
CTE & Technology Teacher
Mrs. VanHorn
Lara VanHorn
Art Teacher & CTE Teacher
(323) 487-0880
Homeschool Academy
Ms. Lee
Esther Lee
Homeschool Coordinator
(805) 387-3766
Ms. Filbrun
Leah Filbrun
Homeschool Teacher
Ms Hanson
Ms. Kang
Mrs. Nuckles
Rebecca Nuckles
Homeschool Teacher
(626) 765-7878
Mr. Taylor
Jesse Taylor
Homeschool Teacher
(714) 576-6781
Mr. Walker
James Walker
Homeschool Teacher
Ms. Webb
Olivia Webb
Homeschool Teacher
(858) 754-9772
Mrs. White
Jennifer White
Homeschool Teacher
Virtual Prep Academy
Mrs. Dinanno
Ms. Hsieh
Irene Hsieh
Instructional Admin
(562) 294-1885
Mrs. Bos
Mr. Gomez
Victor Gomez
Science & Spanish Teacher
(714) 752-0028
Mr. Hartley
Mrs. Hartley
Mr. Hivale
Mrs. Kenzie
Sara Kenzie
Social Studies Teacher
Mr. Nguy
Qui Nguy
CTE & Technology Teacher
Ms. Sinness
Mr. Taylor
Jesse Taylor
English Teacher
(714) 576-6781
Mr. Tinkler
Mrs. VanHorn
Ms. Altman
Amy Altman
Physical Education & Health
(619) 376-3786
Tech Support issues?
Stride Customer Support!
Need Stride/K12 Tech Support? Call 1-866-512-2273
Peak Prep Pleasant Valley
Email: info@peak-prep.org
Website: www.peak-prep.org
Location: 2150 Pickwick Drive #304 Camarillo, CA 93010
Phone: 855-900-7325
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peakprep/
Twitter: @peakpreppv