Colleyville Middle School
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Colleyville Middle School! We’re thrilled to welcome back our returning Colts and we can't wait to meet all the new members of our school community. It's going to be a great year at CMS!
School-Wide Communication: For general updates and information about school-wide events, please refer to the weekly principal newsletters. The Colt Corner will be your primary source of information throughout the year.
Upcoming Events: Check out the flyers below for information on upcoming school events.
Dr. Bryan Calvert
We will see you at Colt Camp on August 9th in the North Gym for school supplies pick up, complete your Back to School Checklist, Check Out our Spirit Wear for Pre-Order, All the things! If you’d like to help out at Colt Camp, we’d love to have you! Sign Up Here!
GCISD Dress Code 2024-2025
It's almost time for back-to-school shopping! Before you start, review GCISD's dress code for the 2024-2025 school year and check out this dress code graphic for secondary students. Let's start the school year off right:
Boys Athletics
Welcome back to CMS for the 2024-2025 academic year! We are looking forward to a great year on the boys' athletic side. Please make sure that you have filled out the RankOne Forms prior to the first day of school.
Equipment/Locker handouts will be on Friday, August 9th from 1:00-2:30 for 8th graders and 2:15-4:00 pm for 7th graders. As a reminder, NO athlete will be able to receive equipment without the RankOne Forms being completed.
Lastly please join our 2024-2025 SportsYou team (you will need to download the app SportsYou) and use the code FCB7-2CKG
Any questions, please contact Coach Landau at
7th Grade Volleyball Tryouts: Aug 14-16 6:30 am (doors open at 6:15)
8th Grade Volleyball Tryouts: Aug 14-16 after school until 4:30.
All athletes must be "green" (cleared) in RankOne before participating. Please see the attached "How To"
Please try to have this completed by Colt Camp so we can check you off and you won't feel the pressure the night before school starts!
Join your correct SportsYou group for ALL information throughout the 2024-2025 school year. Be sure to customize your notifications after you join! This will replace Remind as our #1 form of communication for athletics and teams for BOTH parents and athletes. It is a change, but the feedback has been really good. Find schedules, contact coaches, ask questions, view forms, see information.
If you weren't in the Summer Connection SportsYou group, please join that and see how we used it over the summer to communicate. As the school year approaches and begins, the grade-level groups will replace the summer group. For now, the summer group contains all the info you need to get started.
Our Fall Parent Athletics and Booster Club Meeting will be the evening of Aug 14, the first day of school. The booster club portion is first and then the parent meeting. This is aimed toward 7th grade parents and those new to CMS. 8th grade parents are also welcome to attend. Athletes may come. Please see the attached flyer.
Athletic Wear is available online. Orders placed earlier this summer will be available at Colt Camp. Orders placed in the current "open window" will be handed out as they arrive. For those waiting on orders to arrive, please wear appropriate athletic wear in the meantime. The Athletics Dress Code is as follows:
All items may either be a CMS athletics item or a plain-color item.
Girls: Royal Blue shorts, grey shirt, athletic shoes
Boys: Black shorts, grey shirt, athletic shoes
All: sweats may be any CMS item or any plain royal blue, black, white, or grey item.
Welcome to Colleyville Middle School PTA! We are so excited to start a new school year! Our goal is to connect with our school community by hosting fun events such as Back to School Social, Spirit Nights and so much more. We partner 100% with our wonderful school to make it the very best! Your PTA memberships and donations fund various school improvement projects, school programs, and continuing education for our teachers.We can’t wait to partner with you!
BACK TO SCHOOL CHECKLIST {Forms will go live on August 1st}
Let’s get this year started!
You will want to complete the following all at: CMS PTA WEBSITE
START HERE: Update your Family Information, especially Grade + Colt Time Teacher
Join PTA - Parents, Grandparents, Students (no commitment to volunteer!)
Donate to Cash for Colts
Order Student Grams
Order Birthday ShoutOut
Order Back to School Social Wristband
Pre-Order Spirit Wear
PTA Volunteer Interest Form
Join Dads’ Club
Become a Community Partner
Subscribe to the CMS PTA Calendar
Forgot to order school supplies? Order Online!
Sign up to play and/or sponsor the CMS Colt Classic Golf Tournament
A printed version of this checklist will be available to all parents at Colt Camp!!
The Colt Classic Golf Tournament is less than 2 months away! Sign up to play and/or sponsor NOW!! All proceeds go to supporting our students and staff. We can't wait to see you on the course!
Click Here for more information!
Please reach out to Dana White, VP of Fundraising at or 817-368-9216 for any questions.
CMS PTA NEWS (Continued)
Back to school wish list! Sign up today!! These items will help us decorate our themed Welcome Back Breakfast, provide snacks throughout the staff's first week back, as well as fill our first day of school treat bag! DUE August 5th! WISH LIST CLICK HERE!
Send your student a special message + treat at school - it's a sweet way to connect in middle school! This year, we will have a pack of 5 Student Grams for purchase that will be given out to students throughout the year: Smartie Grams, Boo Grams, Candy Candy Cane Grams, Egg-cellent Grams and Sweet Summer Grams. Grams can be purchased as a 5 pack for $25 or individually for $5/each. Please note that orders do close several days before the delivery dates so get your orders in early!!
Last Day to order Smartie Grams will be Friday, August 16th, Smartie Grams will be delivered on August 22nd during lunch.
We will see you at Colt Camp on August 9th in the North Gym for school supplies pick up, complete your Back to School Checklist, Check Out our Spirit Wear for Pre-Order, All the things! If you’d like to help out at Colt Camp, we’d love to have you! Sign Up Here!
We will have many volunteer opportunities to volunteer this year! If you would like to volunteer in any capacity at school, you must have a completed background check on file. It’s quick and easy! Background Check
Thu/Aug 1 CMS PTA Back to School Forms Go Live
Fri/Aug 9 Colt Camp - 6th Grade + Incoming/New Students 9:00 - 12:00 p.m.
Fri/Aug 9 Colt Camp - 7th/8th Grade 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Wed/Aug 14 First Day of School
Wed/Aug 14 Spirit Night at Chipotle 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Fri/Aug 16 Last Day to Order Smartie Grams
Tue/Aug 20 Coffee Talk with Dr. Calvert 8:45 a.m. (Learning Commons)
Tue/Aug 20 General PTA Meeting 5:30 p.m. (Cafeteria)
Tue/Aug 20 Mini School Night (formerly Curriculum Night) 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Thu/Aug 22 Smartie Grams Delivered – During A, B and C Lunches
Fri/Aug 23 Back-to-School Social 3:30 - 5:30 p.m
Fri/Aug 30 Spirit Night at Snuffer’s 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Mon/Sept 2 Labor Day Holiday - No School
Wed/Sept 11 Spirit Night at Daddy’s Chicken 10:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Fri/Sept 13 1st Annual Colt Classic Golf Tournament, Bear Creek Golf Club
Mon/Sept 23 Professional Development Day - No SchoolFri/Sept 27 Healthy Lifestyles/Dads’ Club Grill Out for Staff
Please feel free to reach out to our PTA President, Tamaron Hunt at or 214-226-6993
Subscribe to our CMS PTA CALENDAR HERE
Follow us
Facebook: Colleyville Middle School PTA
Instagram: @cmscoltsptaTwitter: @cmscoltspta