Colton Hills School Bulletin
29 January 2025

High Performance Learning School
Introduction by Mr M Winward, Deputy Headteacher
Happy Chinese New Year!
With Spring Term underway and the nights begin to look like they are drawing out, we can see light in sight and new beginnings for the Year of 2025.
We continue in earnest post Year 11 mocks to support students in preparation for the exploration and management of next steps whether that be with us here at CHCS Sixth Form or further afield in the place of work, college, or apprenticeships. With this in mind you will read about our most recent Careers Event, deemed our best yet by Carol Codner from Black Country Careers Hub. As part of preparation for adulthood we see the active voice of a young person from CHCS at the local Youth Council which leads nicely onto the wealth of activities coming online whether that be Duke of Edinburgh to CCF or physical education offer as part of enrichment.
The realisation of a new year brings with it a real sense of urgency to put right or do even better in the future. Many of our young people demonstrate the PRIDE values we instill here at CHCS. The numerous assemblies this term have focused on Integrity and Excellence. We know it is important to work in partnership with our young people & parents/carers to share knowledge and understand the strengths and needs of individuals and we do this by working hard to reach all of our families in most meaningful way possible.
We know the most successful partnerships are those where each partner is valued in the same way and there is an equal balance of power. Good, honest and open communication is the key to the development of positive working relationships and so we ask that you continue to reach out to us should you have a question, need support or wish to share ways of working that you may feel beneficial to us here at CHCS.
Sixth Form Success Story
Revision Session by Enlighten Think
On Tuesday, 21 January, we welcomed Karim from Enlighten Think to run sessions and share study strategies with our Year 11 students. The sessions and activities will help students revise wisely & effectively using imagery, connections and innovative smart memory skills. Karim was very entertaining and engaging, proving that revision can be as easy as ABC if we know how! We hope our Year 11s enjoyed the interesting workshops.
The ‘Unsung Hero’ Award honours our everyday heroes and celebrates the amazing staff working in schools and colleges across the UK. This award is open to anyone working in a school – from stand-out teachers, friendly caretakers, playground helpers to brilliant office receptionists, this award is only open to nominations from parents/carers and pupils. Click on the logo or the link below to nominate:
PE Extra-Curricular Clubs
Colton Hills student joins City of Wolverhampton Youth Council
Congratulations to Princess from Year 11, who is representing Colton Hills as part of City of Wolverhampton's Youth Council. The group is made up of local young people between 11 and 18 (and up to 25 for those with a disability). They represent young people’s views and work to improve the lives of young people in the city.
Princess said:" I'm thrilled to be part of the Youth Council, where I can amplify the voices of my peers and work towards creating positive change in our community." We wish her all the best in her new role!
Careers Fair at Colton Hills
Spring 1 Homework Topics
Our new Spring 1 Homework Topics have now been uploaded to the school website. Parents and carers will be able to view the topics and home work allocated to their child. Please click on the respective year groups for your child.
The Local Authority is offering free supportive workshops for parents and carers to attend for support around SEND and behavioral regulation. Click on the links below for more information or to book your place.
Important dates for the diary
Wolverhampton Children’s Safeguarding Contact Details
If you suspect or believe a child is suffering or is likely to suffer Significant Harm, including any form of mistreatment or abuse, you should report your concerns on the following numbers:
Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm,
Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm on 01902 555392
Outside of the above hours for emergencies on 01902 552999
If the child or young person is at immediate risk of serious harm dial 999