Langston's Letters
March 25 - March 29
A Note from the Principal
A Few Reminders
Dear Langston Hughes Family,
Allergy season is upon us. Students (and I) are experiencing itchy and watery eyes, stuffy noses, and general allergy misery. Please remember, school staff are not allowed to administer medication to the students, not even allergy medication. We will support students by allowing for frequent hand-washing and distributing masks per student request. We also suggest you send students with extra tissues. We will tough it our together.
In addition, as the weather warms, there will be more opportunities for students to run and play outside. Crocs, while comfortable, do not provide students with the support needed for rigorous play. Children running in Crocs, and other sandals, are at increased risks for falls and sprained ankles. Please help keep your children safe by sending them to school in sneakers or shoes that will allow them to run and play safely.
Have a wonderful week!
Denean Stephens-Spellman
Home-School Connection
It is School Survey time! If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to complete the NYC School Survey. We are working hard to increase the number of surveys that are submitted this year. Ms. Tanisha sent the green and white envelopes home a few weeks ago. You can also complete them online. The students are currently competing in the School Survey House Challenge. The House that has the highest percentage of surveys submitted will be the winner. The class that has 100% of their surveys submitted will also earn a prize. If you submit your survey online, don't forget to send the screenshot to Ms. Tanisha (via text at 516-519-3812) or your child's teacher (using Class Dojo).
Summer Rising Applications
Registration for the Summer Rising program closes tomorrow, March 25. The program is free and will run from July 2-August 16, Monday through Friday from 8am-6pm for students in grades K-5. Summer Rising will include academics led by NYCPS staff and enrichment activities led by community-based organizations. Summer Rising will not be in our building. Our students will attend Summer Rising at PS/IS 66, as they did last year.
Registration for Summer Rising is online using MySchools, NYCPS's online directory and application
system. To apply, log in or create a MySchools account at using your email address, your child’s 9-digit student ID number and a MySchools account creation code, which you can get by
contacting Ms. Tanisha. The OSIS number is a nine-digit identification number and it can be found on your child's report card or on the NYC Schools Account. Offers will be released in mid-April. Log back in to MySchools to view your results. If you need any support with completing the online application do not hesitate to contact Ms. Tanisha, the Parent Coordinator. She can be reached Monday-Friday from 7:30am-3:30pm at (516) 519-3812.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration has begun. Kindergarten registration is not automatic. If you were awarded a seat in our kindergarten program and your child currently attends our pre-kindergarten program, you are still required to register for kindergarten. If you have questions or need support, please feel free to reach out to your Parent Coordinator, Tanisha Allen. Ms. Tanisha can be reached at (516) 519-3812 Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7:30am and 3:30pm.
Upcoming Field Trips
Learning on the Go!
- 4/19/24 - One World Observatory - grades 2-5
- 5/16/24 - Barnes & Noble - Grade 3 and 2/3-201
- 6/5/24 - Queensborough College Performing Arts Center - All fourth and fifth grade classes
Calendar of Events
Dates to Remember
March 25: SLT meeting 5:00pm
March 27: Grade 1 Art Gallery opening 9:30am-12:30pm
March 29: Good Friday--schools closed
April 1: Easter recess--schools closed
April 2-9: Smile NY dentist exams will take place
April 8: SLT meeting 5:00pm
April 10: Eid al-fitr--schools closed
April11-12: New York State English Language Arts Examination for grades 3-5
April 17: Virtual PTA meeting 6:30pm-7:30pm
April 22-30: Spring recess--schools closed
May 7-8: New York State Mathematics Examination for grades 3-5
May 13: SLT meeting 5:00pm
May 15: New York State Science Examination for grade 5
May 15: Virtual PTA meeting 6:30pm-7:30pm
May 20-24: Langston Hughes School Science Fair
May 23: Parent-Teacher Conferences and Parent Night at the Science Fair
May 27: Memorial Day--schools closed
May 28: Scholastic Book Fair begins
June 3: Scholastic Book Fair ends
June 6 & 7: Schools closed for students only
June 10: Fifth Grade Awards Ceremony
June 11: Langston Hughes School Pageant
June 11: Juneteenth's Ancestral Eats
June 12: Grades 2-4 Awards Ceremony
June 12: Juneteenth Community Spirit Awards at the PTA Meeting 6:30pm
June 13: Juneteenth Film Festival and Red Carpet Reception
June 14: Juneteenth Parade
June 17: Eid al-Adha--schools closed
June 18: Juneteenth Film Festival and student screening
June 19: Juneteenth observed--schools closed
June 20: Fifth grade promotional exercise and prom (morning)
June 20: Kindergarten promotional exercise (afternoon)
June 21: Fifth grade senior trip
June 24: Senior Yearbook Day
June 25: 3K/PK Stepping Up Ceremonies
June 26: Last day of school
July 2: Summer Rising begins