Warrior Weekly

Online Lunch & Learn for Parents/Guardians
Teens & Habits for Good Mental Health
Date: Friday, May 24 from 11:00-11:30 AM
For: Parents/Guardians at Middle and High School Levels
Program Description: This online Lunch & Learn will offer participants the opportunity to learn important habits that support good mental health in teens. Habits include managing stress, getting quality sleep, staying active, and getting connected. Both middle and high school parents are welcome to attend!
Location: Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84633032590
Facilitator: Nisa Giaquinto-Student Wellness Facilitator at the High School
RSVP Contact: ngiaquinto@ccmadison.org
**Nisa Giaquinto works as the Student Wellness Facilitator on Fridays at the high school. Previously, she was a school counselor for secondary students and has spent over 20 years working with middle and high school students.
Seniors Must Clear Library Records
Congratulations on the upcoming high school graduation of your child! The LMTC team has enjoyed the opportunity to support your young adult over the course of their high school years and we wish them well in their future endeavors. With graduation coming up, we want to remind seniors to please return or pay for all library materials and textbooks that they cannot find as library records must be clear for seniors to participate in graduation ceremonies.
Students can view their library record online. They need to visit the Destiny page, choose "high school" and select the "login" option at the top right. Login requires students to enter their regular student ID and password. The "My Info" tab will show what is checked out in their name.
Thank You for your help in these matters and again congratulations! If there are any questions, please have your student stop into the LMTC to discuss or email Mr. Schiemann at christopherschiemann@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Mr. Schiemann and the WCHS Library Media & Technology Center Team
Library Media & Technology Center (LMTC)
Counseling Office Connection
This is your last chance to complete the mandatory graduation survey in Naviance! Please see the email sent to you on May 6th if you are unsure of how to access this survey. In addition to collecting necessary information from seniors, the survey requests seniors indicate where they want their final transcript sent for those students attending a post secondary institution. Final transcripts will be sent to colleges/universities in mid to late June based on survey answers. Please complete this survey now so that a member of the Counseling Office does not need to track you down. If you have questions, please stop in the Counseling Office. Thank you and best of luck to all of you in your future endeavors!
Seniors! Are you registered for Project Graduation?
The deadline to register is May 31st. Don't miss out on an exciting celebration with the Class of 2024!
Volunteers Needed
The Project Graduation Committee needs VOLUNTEERS to fill open shifts for Project Graduation. This FREE event for seniors is being held on June 2 from 6PM-1AM. Parents, Guardians, and Underclassmen are encouraged to SIGN UP.
May 2024 Monthly Update
Online Auction and Surplus School Sale
With the move of Heritage Elementary School, the Waunakee Community School District is planning two events, open to the public, for items not being moved to the new building, and not being reused at other school buildings.
Online Public Auction - Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction
*Please visit our district website for upcoming dates of the online sale! Questions: Contact Teri Reible, District Office, via email terireible@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
Surplus School Sale - Monday, June 17 from 12:00-6:00 PM. Heritage Elementary School (501 South Street, Waunakee), Enter at door #1. Notes: Cash only, items sold as-is, and all sales final. Questions: Contact John Cramer, District Office, via email at johncramer@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
WCSD 4K-12 Family Satisfaction and Engagement Survey
Our school district wants to hear from you!
Please complete the 2024 Family Satisfaction and Engagement Survey by Wednesday, May 29, 2024. To access the survey, please click HERE.
Our family engagement survey is designed to help us understand the areas our district needs to improve on and where we excel while also making it easy for families to give feedback with clear and concise questions. Please be aware that the survey can only be taken once per Student ID number.
Thank you in advance for your time!
Boys' Club Volleyball
Open Gym Nights Continue
Attention boys interested in trying club volleyball at the high school. Join us at the Intermediate School for open gym nights. Attendance is FREE!
Please contact Sean Gehrke @ 608-658-3720 or seankylene@gmail.com with any questions.
Summer School Transportation
The Waunakee Community School District works in partnership with Lamers Bus Company to provide transportation to and from school for our families. All K-12 students registered for summer school that live within the transportation boundaries are automatically enrolled for transportation to and from their home address. Service will be available on the first day of summer school, Monday, June 24, 2024 and continue until August 1, 2024. There is no cost for this service for our families.
School Transportation Boundaries: Review communication sent to families May 14. The transportation boundaries have been approved by the Board of Education, and changes will be made for the summer school programming as well as the 2024-2025 school year. The Board approved Heritage Elementary changes to begin with the 2024 summer school programming.
You can view the map of the transportation plan on page 17, Exhibit 3 of the report.
The hazardous transportation plan for the new Heritage Elementary School and the Waunakee Intermediate School identify Highway Q and Highway 19 as hazards.
Students to the east of Highway Q and North of Highway 19 will be transported.
Students to the west of Highway Q/South of Highway 19/North of Woodland Drive will not receive district transportation.
If you have questions regarding the boundary changes and transportation updates, please contact Steve Summers, Executive Director of Operations, via email.
Transportation Opt-Out: We are asking for your partnership regarding transportation this summer. You can help alleviate the pressure on our bus system and allow us to not allocate resources for scheduling routes for families not choosing to use this service. You can assist us by opting-out of transportation for summer school programming. If you would like to opt-out of regular transportation for summer school, please complete this form as soon as possible for us. Opt-out forms filled out for the school year do not apply to summer school.
Alternate Transportation Requests: Alternate Transportation is transportation to or from any location other than your home address. Alternate transportation requests for Summer School Sessions 1 and 2 are open now to May 31st. There are fees associated with this service. After the alternate transportation registration deadline of May 31st, there will be no additional extensions or changes available for summer school. We appreciate your prompt attention to this request. Register for alternate transportation in the Infinite Campus School Store. Alternate transportation requests for the school year do not apply to summer school.
Transportation Exclusions: There is no busing provided during the middle of the Summer School day. There is no busing provided for music lessons that end outside of the normal Summer School hours. There is no summer school transportation for swimming lessons, strength and conditioning, August Training Camp, Camp Invention, or any of the music camps.
Deadlines: There will be no exceptions this year with late deadlines or not registering for alternate transportation. This is transportation to a location other than your home address.
Your transportation routes/times will be mailed to your home address as soon as the summer school routes have been finalized by Lamer’s. Routes will be mailed on June 12, 2024.
Important Dates
May 31, 2024 - Alternate Transportation Registration closes
June 12, 2024 - Bus routes mailed for Session 1
June 24, 2024 - Summer School Session 1 begins
July 1, 2024 - Bus routes mailed for Session 2
July 15, 2024 - Summer School Session 2 begins
With questions regarding transportation, you can view the Summer School district website or contact the WCSD Business Office via email at wcsd_transportation@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
WCSD Summer School Office
June 2024 Lifeguard Training Class
American Red Cross Blended Learning Lifeguard Training Classes will be offered at the Waunakee High School.
Please open the attachment for complete information on this opportunity.
Community Education Summer Programs
Check out the Community Education page to explore classes designed for students ranging from preschool age through grade 10. Class sizes are limited. Register today!
Drama Classes for Grades 8-10
Calling all aspiring actors in grades 8-10! Let your talent take center stage this summer with Community Ed’s exciting drama class, The Shadow of Peter Pan. During the week, students will work as a team while rehearsing scenes and sharing ideas, all culminating into a performance at the end of the session.
Class details along with registration information can be found here.
Summer Camps 2024
Waunakee Community School District offers many amazing athletic opportunities for our youth in grades K-12. A complete schedule of the camp offerings for the summer of 2024 can be found on our district website. Registration for all programs will be through GoFan.
Course Offerings I Click Here
Course Offerings/Spanish I Click Here
Register Via GoFan I Click Here
Summer Camps Website I Click Here
Student Financial Assistance I Click Here
Thank you for supporting our student-athletes, coaches, and programs at Waunakee Community High School!
Yearbook Storage Closest Pre-Sale
As the Tech Ed department prepares for a remodel this summer the Print Pub staff would like to invite you to a yearbook storage closet pre-sale. We will be selling our overstock books for a one time only low price of $10.00 per book for any yearbook in our storage room. You can see a live list of books available HERE. This would be a wonderful time to either start, build on or fill in gaps to your collection. Having a yearbook is a wonderful way to look back on the years spent here at WHS. Books can be purchased with either Cash or Check made out to WCSD.
Please have your student stop in room 1405 and talk to Mr. Willauer to purchase a book. We plan on going live with this sale to the community in the next few weeks. Please help us give these books a home so we don't have to move them for our remodel.
Rotary Exchange Host Families Needed
The Waunakee Rotary Club will be hosting a high school girl from Spain for the 2024-2025 school year. They are seeking families who would be willing to host this student for next school year. Rotary would like three families to share this responsibility so the student receives three different experiences during their stay, and it keeps the stay at any one home to about four months. If you are interested in being a host family, or want to discuss this opportunity and learn more, please contact Carol Bleifield from Waunakee Rotary at dfbleifield@yahoo.com. Thanks for considering.
WCSD Transportation Study Planning
Neighborhood Town Hall Meeting
New Heritage Elementary
The Waunakee Community School District continues to work with our referendum partners to design and construct the facilities approved by the voters in 2022. Projects include a new Heritage Elementary School (opening Fall 2024) and Waunakee Community Middle School (opening Fall 2026).
Join us for a Neighborhood Town Hall Meeting on May 29th from 6-7 PM to learn about the school district's construction projects in the neighborhood along South Street.
View invitation here. Visit our website for more information.
Class of 2024 Graduation
Commencement is set for June 2, 2024
Here are some important details about graduation for you to note:
- When: Sunday, June 2, 2024 at 3:00 PM
- Where: Waunakee High School - Field House
- Field House doors will open at 1:30 PM.
- Seating is based on a first come-first serve basis. Reserving seats with blankets, signs, etc., is prohibited and the items will be removed.
- The number of guests each graduate may invite has not been set due to the large seating capacity in the Field House. However, please be considerate in the number of guests you invite.
- Stadium seats (seat cushions with backs) are acceptable and may be used for your seating pleasure.
- Honor Cord/s: Students who achieve academic honors may wear the acceptable honor cord(s) of purple, silver, white or gold. All other cords are not permitted and may not be worn in commencement services. Seniors who earn honor cords will be notified May.
- Handicap seating is available upon request. Please call 608-849-2100, ext. 2046 to make arrangements.
- Link for the Live Stream will be made available prior to the event.
- Empire Photography will again photograph commencement ceremonies. Each graduate is photographed as they receive their diploma and a solo portrait is taken after they exit the stage. Proofs will be sent to graduates and their families within 48-hours of the ceremony.
- Diplomas will be distributed in the High School main office immediately after the ceremony for graduates to pick up. Diplomas will not be mailed.
Final Exam Schedule
May / June Calendar
May 27: No School/Memorial Day
May 28-29: Senior Final Exams
May 29: Neighborhood Town Hall Meeting
May 30: Seniors, please note the following:
- 8:30-9:15 AM: Senior Walk-thru at Elementary Schools (Transportation provided by Lamers)
- 9:15-10:30 AM: Graduation Rehearsal in WHS Field House
- 10:30 AM: Senior Brunch in the Commons (free for all Seniors!)
June 2: Class of '24 Commencement, 3PM, HS Field House
June 3-6: Final Exams for Underclassmen
June 7: Community Open House: Randy Guttenberg Retirement
June 24: Summer School Begins (by teacher recommendation only)
2024-2025 Calendar
- August 5: Lifetouch Student Photos - 7:30 am-3:30 pm
- August 26: Lifetouch Student Photos - 7:30 am-3:30 pm
- August 23: Release Student Schedules IC
- August 28: HS Open House/Drop-in - 4-6pm
- September 23: Lifetouch Re-take Photos - 7:30am-2:30 pm
- September 28: Homecoming Dance
Lunch Menus
Contact Information
Waunakee Community High School
301 Community Drive
Waunakee, WI 53597
Phone: (608) 849-2100
Website: whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us