Legacy Point Thursday Folder
March 7, 2024
Phone: 303-387-8725
Attendance Phone: 303-387-8727
Happy Thursday LPE Families!
Raise Craze
Thank you all for your generous support of our Raise Craze fundraiser. So far, we’ve raised $4685 as well as a very generous $500 sponsorship from Live Looking Glass, and we have completed 109 Acts of Kindness! How amazing is that?! We hope to finish strong, so please continue logging your completed Acts of Kindness in the software. We can't meet our goal without YOU!
We have a few awesome opportunities to log Acts of Kindness coming up!
- Collecting canned goods in Anthology as a group on Saturday, March 9 from 11am-1pm. Families/neighbors can also drop canned goods at the school (outside) during those times as well!
- Delivering hand made Thank You notes to our neighbors on Tuesday, March 12 after school
- Cleaning up our LPE grounds on Saturday, March 16 from 9am-11am
Please use the Sign Up Genius below to sign your family up for these great events!
Not registered for Raise Craze? Get started at my.raisecraze.com/AMN8PBM
P.S. For the latest class results, check the Leaderboard at my.raisecraze.com/leaderboard/for/AMN8PBM.
Questions? Contact Sara Mendenhall at ptib.legacypoint@gmail.com
Have a great weekend!
Beth and Suzanne
Raise Craze Fundraiser Information
Register at my.raisecraze.com/AMN8PBM
Raise Craze Food Drive
Raise Craze Corporate Sponsorship Program
March Beacon
Please click above to read this month's Beacon written by our own Student Lighthouse Council!
Remember This Year Forever! Buy a Yearbook!
If you would like your student's Baby photo in the yearbook please email it to skiprincess2@yahoo.com by April 1st!!
Crazy 8s Math Club
Click this link to be considered for membership!
Questions? Contact Mrs. Conn - sjconn@dcsdk12.org
Leader In Me Family Night - March 28th
Please RSVP using the form below!
24-25 Kindergarten Registration
If you have a student that will be attending kindergarten at Legacy Point Elementary in the fall, please use the following link to register.
DCSD Kindergarten Registration
We will be hosting a LPE Kindie Night on March 7, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Come meet the kindergarten teachers, tour the school, and learn more about LPE!
Preschool Registration Now Open
Mark your calendars! We are pleased to announce that registration for the DCSD preschool program will officially open on Thursday, February 29. This is a fantastic opportunity for families to enroll their little ones in a nurturing and stimulating early childhood educational environment. Some exciting changes are coming to the Universal Preschool Program at DCSD such as additional hours for our four-year-old learners. More information can be found on the DCSD Preschool Enrollment page of our website.
Important Information
CMAS Testing Information
CMAS Testing will be April 2 - April 4 for grades 3-5 English Language Arts and Math and April 9-10 for 5th grade Science. Participation in CMAS is important because results help students, parents, schools and districts understand whether students have mastered the content they need to know by the end of the school year. Schools and districts use CMAS results to help improve instruction and to better support students who need more help mastering the standards. Parents can use CMAS scores to see how their students and schools are doing compared to other students and schools across the district, the state and the nation.
The testing schedule for each grade level is posted on our website. We will be testing ELA in the morning and Math in the afternoon on April 2 - 4. 5th Grade Science will be tested in the morning and afternoon of April 9 and the morning of April 10. Please refrain from scheduling appointments, vacations, or other events during testing days. We appreciate your help and understanding.
Weekly Calendar
Please make sure to follow LPE on Facebook and add our Google Calendar so you can have all the up-to-date information on happenings at our school!
School, District, and Community Offerings
Strategic Chess Club: 4/4 - 5/16
Strategic Lego Club: 4/4 - 5/16
Strategic Cartooning Club: 4/4 - 5/16
Girls Flag Rugby
Girls Flag Rugby (Spanish)
Flag Football League
Flag Football League (Spanish)
Parent Teacher Involvement Board
Interested in Running for PTIB Positions?
PTIB Teacher Snack Bar
Celebration Blox!
Please read above to reserve your block for your next celebration! The cost is $10. Please call the front office to make a reservation.