Nixon Elementary Weekly Update
April 15, 2024
Monday Updates
PTA Meeting Tonight!
Tonight is our next Nixon PTA meeting. We meet from 6:30-7:30 in the Nixon Library. Can't make it in person? Join us online by clicking on this link: meet.google.com/rvy-fmrj-wdk
Field Trip Season is Here!
As the temperature starts to increase, so does our number of school related field trips! In the upcoming weeks you'll receive more information from your child's homeroom teacher(s) about upcoming trips. Please be sure you have completed your Parent Permissions in Infinite Campus so your child can join us for the fun we have planned. If you aren't sure you've completed your permissions, please reach out to Ms. Tracy in the office to find out (319) 558-2188.
Important Dates:
We have several important days coming up, so be sure to mark these on your calendar:
- April 22-26: Volunteer Appreciation Week
- April 22: No School
- April 23: Expectation Celebration # 5
- May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
- May 16: Nixon Carnival (5:00-6:30 pm)
- May 20: Kennedy Senior Walk at Nixon
- June 6: Last day of school (2:20 Dismissal)
It's a great day to be a Bobcat!
Jeni Goebel, Principal
Nixon Elementary
A Note from our Personalized Teachers
Please check your child's backpack and be aware of what they're bringing to school. We have been having a HUGE candy and gum problem. Five different teachers have found gum stuck to their floors and carpets this week alone. We are finding wrappers everywhere. We are noticing kids are asking to go to the bathroom, but then they are sneaking over and grabbing candy out of their backpack instead. We are putting a complete BAN on candy and gum of ANY KIND. Teachers may still use gum or candy as a reward to students who earn it, but the expectation is that they will consume it in the room of whoever gave it to them. Otherwise, do not bring anything from home.
Warmer Weather Brings Summer Clothing
As we are seeing an increase in temperatures, I want to remind families about some of the basic expectations for student clothing at Nixon. We will work to remind learners about these expectations, but ask you to simply take a peek at your children before they head to school. We want everyone at school to feel comfortable, but also want to be sure we are dressed in school-appropriate attire.
For more information about this please check out our Nixon Handbook for the Board Policy around clothing (Board Policy 603.1). The portion I would like to highlight from the policy is: The standards will be those generally acceptable to the community as appropriate in a school setting.
I'm also including a few visuals below with more details about the type of clothing we would like you to save for home and summertime.Thank you for your support as we make our way towards summer!
No Crop Tops
No Short Shorts
No Hats or Hoods
April & Early May Field Trips
End of May & June Field Trips
Last Day of School Updated!
On Friday, all families received communication from the Cedar Rapids Community School District with notification about a change to the end of the school year. Our last day of school will now be Thursday, June 6. This day will be an early dismissal at 2:20 pm.
Nixon Handbook
Nixon Elementary School
Email: jgoebel@crschools.us
Website: https://nixon.crschools.us
Location: 200 Nixon Drive, Hiawatha, IA, USA
Phone: (319) 558-2188
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CRNixon