The Scoop
February 29, 2024
Lockdown Drill March 6
With the assistance of local law enforcement agencies, Rox El will conduct an
ALICE drill, also known as a “lockdown drill,” in our building on Wednesday, March 6. ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. These drills, which are required by law, allow the district to practice security plans, enhance safety, and offer increased options in the event of an emergency.
We encourage you to speak with your children about this drill and the importance of following the instructions during an actual emergency. Our staff will also be speaking to the students about the drill to prepare them. Students should understand that drills are conducted, with and without notice, so that they can simulate an actual event and allow students and staff to practice responding in different areas of the buildings at different times of the day. This drill will be a level 3 lockdown drill. Ms. Pulling will get on the PA and tell staff and students that we are having a level 3 lockdown drill. The students will then follow the drill instructions which are to move to a location in the room to keep them safe and away from the door. Staff will also help students understand that they will also "counter" in the event that it is needed and this is when they gather materials to throw.
In the event of an actual emergency, the district will communicate with families through text messages, email, and/or the robocall system. Because the first priority of the district is to ensure the safety of your child, these messages will be sent as quickly as possible and after it is determined that all students are out of harm’s way. Please do not attempt to call the building during an emergency. All staff members will be assisting our students during that time and will be communicating with emergency personnel.
We thank you for your ongoing support of our emergency planning. If you have questions, please feel free to contact our school and Ms. Pulling or another member of our staff will be glad to help you.
Shelley Pulling
Multicultural Night Information
Tour - Cultures Around the World- Table Hosts (Main Hallway): 6PM-8PM
Skipp Trio’s (Auditorium): 6PM-6:45PM tentative time
Meditation (Guidane Room)): 6:20-6:40PM, 6:50-7:10PM & 7:20-7:40PMFace Painting (Library): 6PM-7PM
Storytelling (Library Nook): 6:30PM-7:30PM
MetroHealth Clinic at Roxboro Elementary School on Monday, March 18, 2024
The next MetroHealth School Health Program clinic scheduled for Roxboro Elementary School is on Monday, 3/18/24.
Also, families can reach out to the school nurse to request an appointment or email the School Health Program at shpschedule@metrohealth.org or call 216-957-1303 to schedule an appointment.
Services that can be provided include:
-Annual Physicals
-Sports Physicals
-Injury/Illness Care
-Routine lab tests
-Prescription Medications
-Mental/Behavioral Health
-Teen Services
-Care for Chronic Conditions including asthma, allergies, diabetes, and seizure disorders (Completion of Action Plans/Medication Administration Orders for School Nurse)
Kindergarten Information Night
Roxboro Elementary School will have our annual Kindergarten Information Night this Wednesday, March 6 from 6:00-7:00P. If you know of any upcoming Kindergarten families, please let them know.
The District has adopted a plan for communications with persons with disabilities, which is available at the following link: Communication Plan. The plan establishes procedures to ensure that the District's communications with persons with disabilities, including applicants, participants, members of the public, and companions with disabilities, are as effective as its communications with others.
Black History Month Wax Museum
Thank you so much to our volunteers who came to share their stories during our Black History Month Wax Museum yesterday. Our students enjoyed hearing from the following people:
Juanita Brent, Ohio House of Representatives working to introduce legislation that prioritizes justice and equity
J.R. Bremer, Head Coach of Heights High boys varsity basketball team and former professional NBA and Bosnian league player
Carlos Jones, legendary musician and leader of Carlos Jones and the PLUS Band
Dr. Felisha Gould, Assistant Superintendent at Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District
Sarah Johnson, Chief Communications Officer for the City of Cleveland and Heights High graduate
Julian Rogers, lifelong Cleveland Heights resident currently working as Assistant Vice President, Local Government and Community Relations at CWRU and a former member of Cuyahoga County Council
Anna Gregory, Roxboro Middle School teacher and author of 2 children’s books
Tristyn Matthews, Guidance Counselor at Roxboro Elementary School
The students were able to hear a short presentation and ask questions. They learned about life skills such as reeslience and persistence and what it takes to do your best. Our Roxboro Elementary staff and students send their deepest appreciation for your time with us!
FREE TUTORING from Case Western Reserve Students
Learn to Be is a national nonprofit organization that has been providing free online 1-on-1 tutoring to students in underserved communities since 2008. Our tutors work with K-12 students on a wide range of material. Students are matched with a tutor who best meets their needs and will work with them as long as needed - from 6 months to 6 years! If you are interested, please click this link (Free Online Tutoring for Kids | Learn To Be) to learn more about our program.
If you would like to enroll a student, please apply to the national student bank (Free Online Tutoring - Learn To Be) or use the CWRU Chapter bank (https://www.learntobe.org/enroll/b72e).
Upcoming Events
March 6 - Multicultural Night 6:00-7:30P, K Information Night 6:00-7:00P
March 14 - PTA Meeting 6:30-7:45P
March 21 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 1:00-7:00P, No School for students
March 22 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:30-11:45A, Professional Development 1:00-3:45P, No School for students
March 25- April 1 - No School - Spring Break
April 8 - No School, Solar Eclipse
Roxboro Elementary School
Roxboro Elementary School’s IB Mission
Our mission at Roxboro Elementary, in partnership with our families and the community, is to encourage our students to become respectful, positive, and compassionate lifelong learners.
We challenge our students to become involved in our world and engage in rigorous, inquiry-based curriculum. We will provide diverse forms of assessment and participate in reflective learning.
Our students will find their passions, have confidence in their decisions, and develop the leadership skills to act for the good of all
Email: s_pulling@chuh.org
Website: CHUH.org
Location: Roxboro Elementary School, Roxboro Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA
Phone: (216)371-7115
Twitter: @CHUHRoxEl