Notes from Onondaga Road
October 18, 2024
Message From Onondaga Road School Principal
Dear Onondaga Road Families,
Wildcat Wow Pep Rally - A Day Full of School Spirit!
Today, our school spirit truly shined at our Wildcat Wow Pep Rally! It was such a fun way to bring everyone together. We took time to review our important school-wide behavior expectations and talked about all the ways students can earn their Wildcat Wows.
Each grade had the opportunity to share some of their goals for this school year, tying into our big theme of Growth Mindset that we've been focusing on. We were also joined by some special guests—members of the High School Student Council! They reminded us that being responsible, respectful, and safe helps us reach great opportunities, like being part of the Student Council one day.
Our fourth graders led us in some fantastic cheers to get everyone excited, especially our younger students. And of course, even our Wildcat mascot made a special appearance to cheer us on!
It was a fun, memorable event for our whole school!
Extracurricular Clubs Are Off to a Great Start!
This week, our two extracurricular clubs kicked off, and it’s been so exciting to see the students involved in these enriching activities.
In the Robotics Club, students began learning about all the cool things their robots will be able to do once they’re built. Meanwhile, the Art/Yearbook Club got creative by designing their very own coasters.
It’s wonderful to see our students so engaged and enthusiastic!
I wanted to let everyone know that we’ll be completing the remaining required drills in the coming days.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable weekend!
Michelle Collier
Around School...
See our Onondaga Road students in action!
Wildcat Wow Pep Rally
Our students had a Wildcat Wow Pep Rally today! We went over the school expectations and talked about how to earn Wildcat Wows. We also talked about the importance of having a Growth Mindset. Each grade level got a chance to share some of the things they are working on this year and the rest of the school cheered them on.
Robotics Club and Art/Yearbook Club
Update from our Counselor, Mrs. Hayes-Penhollow
Mrs. Hayes-Penhollow (Mrs. HP), elementary school counselor, is excited to offer the opportunity for your child to participate in a small counseling group, “Changing Families”. This group was formerly called Banana Splits.
“Changing Families” group is offered to students who have experienced a change in their family structure. This group is a great opportunity for students to meet with other children who also have had a change in their family due to parental separation, divorce, deployment, birth or death so that they can process their feelings in a supportive environment. This group will meet once a week for 8 weeks during their lunchtime or at a time selected by their teacher to not interfere with academics. Together we will:
Provide a safe place to express feelings
Normalize feelings through sharing
Increase self-esteem through mutual help
“Changing Families” allows children with common experiences to learn from one another and to support each other if a challenging situation arises. The group does projects, reads books, plays games, and shares stories in a fun and caring atmosphere.
All students at Onondaga Road receive this form. If you and your child are interested in “Changing Families”, a permission slip will be coming home with your child soon. Simply sign the form and return it with your student to the classroom teacher. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. HP at shayes-penhollow@westgenesee.org or 315-487-4653.
PTA News
The PTA is looking forward to a year of activities! The next PTA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 7 at 6:00 in the Onondaga Road Library. Please consider becoming a PTA member to help support all of the great PTA-sponsored activities. We would love to see you at the next meeting. Here is a list of upcoming PTA events that your membership supports:
- Pumpkin Walk
- Scholastic Book Fairs
- BINGO Night & Ice Cream Social
- Enrichment Day
- Learning Fair
- Family Picnic
Upcoming Events
- October 25 & 28 - Scholastic Book Fair
- October 29 - Pumpkin Walk & Book Fair (6:30 - 8:00)
- October 31 - Halloween Parade (2:00)
- November 1 - School Store
- November 5 - Half-Day for Students - Early Dismissal (11:00)
- November 7 - PTA Meeting (6:00)
- November 8 - Veterans' Day Recognition