STEM Elementary Newsletter
October 18, 2024
Mark Your Calendars!
TONIGHT! October 18: Fall Dance (see below for details and volunteer sign up)
October 22: Parent Teacher Conferences (by appointment - click here for sign up)
MONDAY October 21: Picture Make Ups 8:15-9:45 AM If your child has not had a picture taken already, it will be taken then. Ordering information will be given out at the time of pictures.
If a picture was already taken, but a retake is needed, please let your teacher know so your child can be sent for pictures. Please return the original picture package to the photographer at the time of pictures. The same package will be ordered with the new image. New packages will not be received unless the original package is returned.
Please contact School and Sport Pics Customer Service with any questions 262-780-2901 or customerservice@schoolandsportpics.com
October 23: EARLY RELEASE (STEM Elementary Dismisses at 12:50 pm)
October 24 & 25: NO SCHOOL
November 12: Culvers Dine to Donate
Click here for the 2024-25 School District of Waukesha Calendar
News & Updates
Lost & Found
Pictured below are items in lost and found that are not labeled. Please remind your student to visit lost and found to claim his/her items if you recognize something. Please also label all items coming to school so that we can return them if found.
STEM Family Volunteers & Social Coordinators
Glow Dance is Almost Here!
Our Glow Dance is this evening! Thanks to all you amazing people who have volunteered to help! If you haven't signed up you can still come on out-- $7 per family at the door.
We could still use a few (4-5) 5th graders to help out with a fundraiser. They will be selling large glow sticks. The proceeds from this fundraiser go straight to their 5th grade celebration in the Spring!
MakerSpace Request
Our MakerSpace could use donations of paint. Donations can be dropped off in the front lobby.
We are pleased to offer our STEMShare program to families who need it. STEMShare provides healthy, kid-friendly foods to participating students at the end of each school week. If your family would benefit from a supplemental food bag each Friday, please click here and complete the request form (this information is kept strictly confidential).
📌 Don’t Miss Out on our Two Facebook communities!
Check out the Waukesha STEM Academy page for the latest events, updates, and fun photos from all grade levels. Stay connected and engaged with the Waukesha STEM Elementary School Families page, your go-to for social connections, and community activities.
Elementary Campus (K-5)
Email: mjohnston@waukesha.k12.wi.us
Website: https://sdw.waukesha.k12.wi.us/o/stemes
Location: 1103 South East Avenue, Waukesha, WI, USA
Phone: 262.970.2305
Facebook: hhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/?category=your_pages&ref=bookmarks
X: @WaukeshaSTEM
Secondary (Saratoga) Campus (6-8)
Saratoga Campus (6-8)
Email: clolson@waukesha.k12.wi.us
Website: https://sdw.waukesha.k12.wi.us/o/saratoga
Location: 130 Walton Avenue, Waukesha, WI, USA
Phone: 262.970.2500