September 8, 2023
Insurance Window Closes Soon!
The window for purchasing IPad Insurance closes SEPTEMBER 15, 2022! The cost is $25 for the year which includes protection through next summer. This protects your child’s IPad in case of damage and/or partially covers it if the IPad is lost.
Insurance is payable through RevTrack on your child’s Infinite Campus account (fee is discounted for free and reduced lunch).
Estimated IPAD Fees:
Broken screen $270 (no cost with insurance, first incident)
Broken headphone jack $270 (no cost with insurance, first incident)
Loss of IPAD $550 ($250 with insurance)
Read more about the LTP Student iPad Insurance Program
We Are Hiring
Are you, or someone you know, looking for a little extra income?
We are hiring a crossing guard to assist students and families with safely crossing the street before and after school. For more information or to apply, Click here.
Please help us spread the word!
School Carnival
The carnival is
on the way!
Friday, October 6th
5:00 pm -7:00 pm
*FREE Games and PRIZES
*Silent Auction *Giant Inflatable Slide
*Photo Booth *Face Paint *CAKE WALK
*Pizza $2/slice *PRES Stickers $1
*School T-Shirts $15
We are looking for volunteers
to help monitor games, serve popcorn and pizza, and donate baked goods to the always popular Cake Walk.
Click the link below if you are interested in volunteering and/or donating.
Our goal this year is to ensure that every student attends school regularly, striving for five or fewer absences.
Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day and understand why attendance is so important for success in school and in life.
We realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But, we also know that when students miss too much school--regardless of the reason--it can cause them to fall behind academically. Your child is less likely to succeed if he or she is chronically absent. Research shows:
Children chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade.
By 6th grade, chronic absence is a proven early warning sign for students at risk for dropping out of school.
By 9th grade good attendance can predict graduation rates even better than 8th grade test scores.
Absences can add up quickly. A child is chronically absent if he or she misses just two days every month. Going to school regularly matters!
Board Game Club!
Date: Last Wednesday of every month!
Sep 27th, Oct 25th, Nov 29th, Dec 20th, Jan 31st, Feb 28th, Mar 27th & Apr 24th! Time: 3:40 – 5 PM
Location: Library Grades: 3rd - 5th (30 Student Limit)
Fee: $ 15.00 for all 8 classes
Deadline to Register: Friday, September 22nd
Online Class Registration
Go to the Prairie Ridge Community Schools Website - Scroll Down to “Enrichment”, you will click on the link - Click the Tab “CS ENRICHMENT PROGRAM”
You will lastly select the class or classes you would like to register for!
Can’t wait to have you in the Prairie Ridge Community School Programs!
Foam Fantasy Towers
Please join us to create an amazing piece of ART!
Date: October 18th, 19th, 20th & 23rd
Time: 8 – 8:50 AM
Location: Art Room
Grades: 4th - 5th (15 Student Limit)
Fee: $ 20.00
Deadline to Register: Friday, October 13th
Online Class Registration
Go to the Prairie Ridge Community Schools Website -
Scroll Down to “Enrichment”, you will Click on the link -
You will lastly select the class or classes you would like to register for!
Can’t wait to have you in the Prairie
Ridge Community School Programs!
Check out this EASY way to help our PTO support the school!
Enroll online through or scan the code to the right.
If you already have an online King Soopers account just login, if not create one using your SooperCard number located on your physical card. Look for Prairie Ridge PTO, or enter our organization number, IG672. Every time you shop for groceries and swipe your SooperCard (or enter Alt ID), you're helping earn $ for our school just by shopping as you usually do!
Superintendent Town Hall Meetings
St. Vrain Valley Schools invites parents, teachers, staff, and community members to join Superintendent, Dr. Don Haddad, for one of our upcoming Superintendent Town Hall meetings. These annual open forums in each of our geographic areas provide an opportunity for Dr. Haddad and other district leaders to listen to our community’s questions and suggestions, share our many successes, and discuss our bold vision for continuing to build new schools as our student enrollment continues to climb.
Dates and Locations:
Monday, September 25, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Frederick High School
Monday, October 2, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Skyline High School
Tuesday, October 3, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Erie High School
Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Mead High School
Monday, October 9, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Silver Creek High School
Los servicios de interpretación al español estarán disponibles en cada event
Save the date
For the 23-24 School Year Prairie Ridge Elementary will be participating with Milk Caps for Mooola. How does the program work?
- Drink Longmont Dairy Milk (All caps from Longmont Dairy products in our glass bottles are eligible)
- Save the bottle caps. Save as many as you can—from your bottles, or collect them from your family and neighbors.
- Bring your milk caps to school and put them into the collection
Gifted and Talented Referrals
Each year, schools in St. Vrain Valley School District complete a process to identify students who demonstrate exceptional ability or performance in one or more academic areas and may, therefore, qualify for Gifted/Talented educational services. These students usually perform at least two years above grade level in their strength area(s), and they require additional academic challenges in order to support their continued educational growth and progress. In addition, they usually demonstrate characteristics of unique creativity and high motivation in their strength areas.
Referrals are open through the month of September and will close on the last day of the month. Referrals after that date will be addressed on a case by case basis. Completing a referral guarantees a review of the student profile to determine if testing is recommended for the student. The process for identification requires a body of evidence and often takes place throughout the school year.
The process takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.
Representative name and email
Link to the Referral Form:
Referencia para Servicios de Dotados y Talentosos
Cada año, las escuelas del Distrito Escolar de St. Vrain Valley llevan a cabo un proceso para identificar a los estudiantes quienes demuestran capacidad excepcional o desempeño en una o más áreas académicas y que llenen los requisitos para recibir servicios para estudiantes Dotados/Talentosos. Estos estudiantes regularmente demuestran un desempeño de por lo menos dos años sobre su nivel de grado en las áreas de fortaleza y requieren un grado de dificultad académico superior para apoyar su crecimiento y progreso educativo. Además, estos estudiantes demuestran características de creatividad única y alta motivación en sus áreas de fortaleza.
El periodo para recibir referencias estará abierto durante el mes de septiembre. La fecha límite para referir a sus estudiantes es el último día del mes de septiembre. Las referencias recibidas después de la fecha límite serán consideradas conforme sean recibidas. Al remitir una referencia, se le garantiza un repaso del perfil del estudiante para determinar si es recomendable hacer pruebas adicionales. El proceso de identificación exige un conjunto de pruebas y con frecuencia se lleva a cabo a lo largo del año escolar.
El proceso toma aproximadamente 5 a 10 minutos para completar.
Representative name and email
Enlace a la Forma de Referencia: 2023-2024 Forma de Referencia o utilice el código QR