Wixom Howler Newsletter
May 1, 2024

Friday, May 3 - Mr. Peace Assemblies
Monday, May 6 - Friday, May 10 - Staff Appreciation Week
- Our PTA has planned a week full of food and fun for our staff
- Let your teachers know how much you appreciate them!
Tuesday, May 7
- Remember to Vote
- Bagel Orders Due
- PTA Meeting at 6:00 pm - Vote on 2024-25 PTA Board
Thursday, May 9 - Half Day with dismissal starting at 12:20 pm
Friday, May 10 - Bagel Day - with grade level competition on bagel sales
Monday, May 13 - PTSA Installations & Awards at Sarah Banks MS 6:30-9pm
Friday, May 17 -Incoming Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten Visit Day
Sunday, May 19 - Spring Flower Pickup
Wednesday, May 22 - District Art Show at Commerce Library 5-7pm
Thursday, May 23 - High School Senior Clap Out at 3:00 pm
Friday, May 24
- Parent Volunteer Breakfast 8:15 am - 9:00 am
- Field Day 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
- Half Day with dismissal starting at 12:20 pm
Friday, May 31 - Popcorn Day
Tuesday, June 4 - School-wide BBQ lunch and Kona Ice Truck
Thursday, June 6 - 5th Grade Clap Out at 3:15 pm
Friday, June 7
- 5th Grade End of Year Celebration 9:30 am
- Half Day of School with dismissal starting at 12:20 pm
If you would like to tell us something about your child that will aid us in the placement decision, please complete the Student Placement Information Survey by Monday, May 6, 2024. Refrain from naming a specific teacher, as we will NOT honor such requests. Rather use this form to tell us about the type of environment where your child learns best and note your child’s strengths and challenges. We will certainly take your input into consideration when we do placement, but please understand that there are MANY factors we need to consider when creating class lists.
Please be assured that with or without a form completed by a parent, the staff will review each child’s individual needs and learning style and select the classroom situation in which we believe he/she will learn best.
We need your help. This is the time of year when we begin to gather information regarding how may students will be in our school for the upcoming school year. The information we gather assists us in knowing how many sections we will need for each grade level. Please complete this form by Monday, May 6, 2024. IF YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN ARE STAYING AT WIXOM ELEMENTARY NEXT YEAR, THERE IS NO NEED TO COMPLETE THIS FORM.
Our annual Wixom Field Day event is going to be on Friday, May 24 from 9:30 am - 12:00 pm.
We are in need of several parent or other adult volunteers to help make this event happen.
Please Note: We will only be allowing volunteers who sign up to attend our Field Day event this year. We will unfortunately not be allowing additional visitors at school that day for the safety of our all of our students. Please use the link below to sign up to volunteer.
Our last Bagel Sale is this month. All bagel money (exact change) and forms are due by Tuesday, May 7 and bagels will be delivered to classrooms on Friday, May 10. Bagels are $2.50 each. Order some for the whole family! They will be delivered in bags that your child can bring home.
***The grade level who buys the most bagels wins an ice cream party & an extra recess***
Congratulations to Ms. Becky Spagnuolo, one of our amazing recess paras for being selected for a WLCSD Kindness Matters award. Last Friday, we notified her of the award and brought her flowers, balloons, and a gift card while she was outside at recess with the students. She was nominated by one of our staff members and was selected as one of three district recipients of the WLCSD Kindness Matters awards.
Ms. Becky has been a wonderful addition to our staff this year and we appreciate not only the care and kindness that she shows to all of our Wixom Wolves during recess, but also her willingness to help out in any situation at school, whether she is on the clock or not. Ms. Becky will be officially recognized at the next School Board meeting on May 23rd.
Congratulations, Ms. Becky!
Over the past two decades, our partnership with the community has allowed our students and graduates to make a difference across our region and around the world. The district and community have worked together to ensure strong programs in academics, the arts, and athletics. Our facilities have been well maintained, making our community a destination that attracts new families moving into the region.
As we look to the future, the Walled Lake Consolidated Schools’ Board of Education continues to ensure that our facilities and programs reflect excellence. Just as houses and businesses maintain their facilities and update technology, so has our school system.
With that in mind, the Walled Lake Consolidated Schools’ Board of Education approved moving forward with a $250 million bond election May 7, 2024 during their February Board of Education meeting. This proposal will result in a decrease in the millage rate.
Read more about the new proposed Wixom Elementary. See the district website additional information about the 2024 WLCSD Bond
Thank you to ail of our our Wixom Families for your help and support of our Wixom Carnival this year! The students had lots of fun and we were able to raise money for our PTA to be able to put on more family fun events along with supporting our teachers and school.
A big thank you to our entire PTA and especially to our Spring Carnival Committee who worked tirelessly on this event: Dana Marks, Jessica Neal, Anne Hein, Leah Nelson, Dulcie MacQueen, Angela Warsinske, Becky Spagnuolo, Amy Chesney, and Holly Perez. Thanks to all of you!
Our next PTA Meeting is on Tuesday, May 7 at 6:00 pm. During this meeting we will hold our annual Board Election for the 2024-25 school year.
Here is the slate for next year's PTA Board:
- President: Leah Nelson
Treasurer: Laura Kirchgessner
- Secretary: Christina Van Til
- VP Membership: Angela Warsinske and Jessica Neal
- VP Social Media: Amy Chesney
- Legislative Representative: Anne Hein
The May 7th meeting will be in person in the Media Center. Childcare will be available. We will also offer a virtual option through Zoom.
- https://us06web.zoom.us/j/71789513123?pwd=SUJhVmJGaU8zR3A2TVFDOHJVSUNJQT09
- Meeting ID: 717 8951 3123
- Passcode: WixomPTA
Follow our Wixom PTA on Facebook @Wixom Elementary PTA.
The goals of the WatchDOGS are to:
- be positive male role models for our Wixom Elementary students
- lend a hand on projects for our teachers and staff
- help enhance school security
- reduce bullying through our regular presence on campus.
Here is thee link to sign up for our Wixom WatchDOGS.
Follow our Wixom WatchDOGS on Facebook @Wixom Watch DOGS
Principal: Mrs. Cathy Russel (CatherineRussel@wlcsd.org)
Principal Secretary: Mrs. Michele Abele (MicheleAbele@wlcsd.org)
Building Secretary: Mrs. Tamara Baker (TamaraBaker@wlcsd.org)
Office: 248-956-3400
FAX: 248-956-3405
Absence Line: 248-956-3490
Late Bus Hotline: 248-956-5199 - All late buses will be listed on the hotline if the driver is running TEN OR MORE minutes late.
301 North Wixom Road
Wixom, MI 48393