Falcon Ridge Elementary
October 2024

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🏫 Principal's Message
From Mrs. McEachern
Happy fall and welcome to November! Falcon Ridge has so many things to be grateful for this school year. Our FRE students and staff are amazing and we are so grateful for each and every one of them. We are also thankful for our parents and community support we receive from our PTO and parent volunteers. Thank you for the time that you spend giving back to our students, staff, and campus.
Falcon Ridge Elementary School will be honoring veterans during our two Veterans Day programs led by our student council, dance club, and 5th grade music class on Monday, November 11th at 9:00 AM and again at 10:00 AM. We would love for any veterans and community members to join us for our programs. Upon arrival at Falcon Ridge, we ask that you sign into the front office with your drivers license to obtain a visitor pass.
Attendance is an integral part of education. We know our students perform better academically when they attend school daily. As a part of our attendance incentives, we have weekly perfect attendance drawings for prizes. We also have nine week perfect attendance drawings. Students who have not missed a day of school during the nine weeks and have no unexcused tardies or early checkouts have the opportunity to win a larger prize. If you have questions about attendance laws or absences you can reach out to Jennifer Bradford, our attendance clerk or your child's assistant principal.
As we enter fall and the winter months, please remember to label coats, jackets, and water bottles as well as have your children check the lost and found. Students tend to lose items during transition or recess times. Please feel free to come by campus if you would like to look for some lost items!
In closing, I am thankful for such a caring community, and specifically for you giving us your children to be part of our school. I hope to see many of you at our Friendsgiving Family Feast on Tuesday, November 19th and/or Wednesday, November 20th. Falcon Ridge Elementary School is a great place to learn and I am so excited that your children are part of it!
Paige McEachern
📆 Upcoming Events 📆
- November 1 - No school for students/ Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 3 - Last Day to Purchase Thanksgiving Feast Tickets!!!
- November 7 - Class Picture Day/Individual Retakes
- November 8 - Wear Red/White/Blue and cheer on the Falcons against Bridge City!
- November 11 - 15 - Anti-bully "Be the Change" Week:
- Monday, November 11- Say or do something to make someone smile!
- Tuesday, November 12- Play with someone NEW at recess!
- Wednesday, November 13- Compliment at least 5 people!
- Thursday, November 14- Random Acts of Kindness Day!
- Friday, November 15- Write a kind note for someone!
- November 11 - Veterans Day Program (Wear Red, White, & Blue)- community invited!
- November 19 - Thanksgiving Feasts for Green, Orange, and Purple Houses
- November 20 - Thanksgiving Feasts for Red, Yellow, Blue, and Teal Houses
- November 22 - CCMR Day
- November 25 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break (No School)
Coming Up:
- December 4 - No Late Start for Secondary
- December 5 - 6 - Santa Shop Set Up (Volunteers Needed!)/Community Room CLOSED
- December 9 - 13 - Community Room CLOSED for Santa Shop
Class Pictures November 7th
This is also retakes for individual yearbook photos.
Veterans Day Program November 11th
Two performance times: 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.
ALL are welcome!
PTO Information
Next Meeting: November 6th, 9 a.m. in the Community Room
Nurse Notes 👩⚕️
Nurse Thomasson
**New Policy**
Over the counter meds (Benadryl, Tylenol, etc.) can NOT be given without doctor's orders.
💕Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Foster
November 11-15 is "Anti-Bully/Be the Change" Week!
As a parent, you can empower your children to recognize and stop bullying.
Visit StopBullying.Gov for more information and resources.
Angel Tree will go up on November 11th for any families interested in adopting a Falcon Ridge family. Please visit the tree after our Veteran's Day program!
(If you or someone you know needs assistance with Thanksgiving or Christmas, please reach out to Mrs. Foster at the information below.)
Character Trait of the Month: Cooperation
Backpack Buddy (food assistance) Form (If you need a paper form, please reach out to Mrs. Foster)
For bullying reports or requests for your child to see the counselor, please use this form.
Bullying SB 179 ("David's Law")
House Spotlight of the Month📸
Green House
Second Grade: Angela Hendry
First Grade: Kelsey Dyer
Kindergarten: Angie Soileau
First Grade: Aubree Werner
Kindergarten: Kayla Bronstein
Second Grade/House Leader: Taylor Jordan
- School information is sent weekly in Tuesday Folders or through Parent Square.
- Students are counted tardy at 8:25 when instruction begins. If a student arrives after this time, you must walk your child to the front office to be checked in. For safety reasons, do not allow your child to cross the parking lot on their own.
- To contact the front office call: (281) 324-7100 between the hours of 8am-4:30pm.
- Latest news and additional information may be found on our school website, Facebook page, and through the Parent Square App.
Students MUST have backpacks with dismissal lanyards attached in order for us to dismiss your child correctly and safely.
Water bottles may only contain water.
Label all jackets, lunch boxes, and water bottles with student's first and last names.
UIL Information:
UIL Teams still searching for students:
- 5th graders for Maps, Graphs, Charts
- 5th graders for Listening Skills
- 4th/5th graders for Spelling
Interested in volunteering?
Reach out to a house leader for volunteer opportunities. We offer a variety of ways to volunteer from working with students, making copies, assisting with special projects, helping with the chicken coop, etc.
Red House: Amanda Zientek
Yellow House: Corona Nason
Blue House: Nikki Latta
Purple House: Vanessa Jaspe
Green House: Taylor Jordan
Orange House: Kim Padgett
Teal House: Jennifer Underwood
Pink House: Pam Phelan
*NEW Parent Hub*
Our Parent Information can all be found in this Google Drive folder. It is also linked in Parent Square under "Links".
This is the information found in the first day packets.