The Jim Plain Insider
News, updates, and upcoming events for Jim Plain Elementary!
Week of October 21
Jim Plain Vision
We aspire to be a safe and loving community that empowers students to be lifelong learners who positively contribute to the world.
Hello JPE Pride!
Report cards from the first nine weeks are now available in Home Access Center. They can be confusing to read in the digital format, so to see a better view of the report card follow these steps:
1. Log into Home Access Center
2. Click on the 'A+' icon for grades
3. Click on the 'print' button
Not all standards are assessed each nine weeks, so if you see a blank please do not worry! Some skills take longer for students to master too. If you have questions about your child(s) progress, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher.
Have a great weekend!
🧡Mrs. Ulatoski
Important Dates to Remember
November is American Indian Heritage Month
October 21
- Plain Pride Day - wear your JPE gear!
- National School Bus Safety & Crossing Guard week - our transportation team ROCKS!
October 24
- PTA Trunk or Treat (see info below)
October 25
- Future Friday! Wear your LMS, DMS, GHS, college, or career shirt!
October 28
- Healthy Choices Week: Wear your JPE shirt
- Storybook Pumpkin drop off (see info below)
October 29
- Healthy Choices Week: Wear silly socks & shoes
October 30
- Healthy Choices Week: Wear Red
October 31
- Healthy Choices Week: Dress up for Book Character Day
November 1
- Healthy Choices Week: PJ Day
November 3
- Daylight Saving Time ends
November 4 & 5
- Professional Learning Days - No school for students
- Maintenance Appreciation Week & School Psychologist Week
November 9
- JPE's First Turkey Trot!
November 11
- Veteran's Day Assembly @ 9:45 - Veterans and 3rd Grade parents are invited to attend
November 19
- Thanksgiving Lunch
🎃 Join Us for the Library Pumpkin Patch! 🎃
Get ready for a spooktacular time at our JPE Storybook Pumpkin Patch! This year, students can showcase their creativity by bringing a basketball-sized pumpkin or smaller disguised as their favorite storybook character. Decorate your pumpkin with paint, fabric, marker, glue, etc. If it is a real pumpkin, please DO NOT cut, carve, or poke into it.
Pumpkin Drop-off in the library: Monday, October 28 7:00
Pumpkin Pick-up: Thursday, October 31 by the end of the school day
Don’t miss out on this fun opportunity to celebrate reading and the fall season! Decorate your pumpkin, show off your favorite stories, and let your imagination shine! Happy decorating!
Afterschool Enrichment Now Open!
Registration for Afterschool Enrichment Session 2 is now open! Sessions at Plain include Art Exploration and Improve & Comedy! Check out the registration information if you are interested.
Thank you Volunteers!
At the beginning of the school year, our district Language Arts Curriculum Department purchased three grade level sets of books for our teachers to use for guided reading, and thanks to our amazing volunteers our books are now ready to use! Shout out to each of you who helped unpack, stamp, bag, carry, and organize our new reading materials. We are so thankful for each of YOU!
Veteran's Day Assembly
Plain Elementary is excited to welcome all Veterans and 3rd Grade Families for our Veteran's Day Celebration on November 11th at 9:45. Due to space in the MPR, we are only allowing Veterans and 3rd grade families to attend so we can honor our Veteran's and allow third grade families to see their child(ren) perform.. Thank you for understanding! RSVP here for each person attending.
October is Dyslexia Awareness Month
Interested in learning more about Dyslexia? Check out facts & resources about dyslexia from our dyslexia specialist, Ms. Huling!
Pride Paw Store Needs Your Help!
At JPE, students can earn Pride Paws for showing our campus-wide PAWS expectations, and then they can spend their Pride PAWS at the Pride Paw store. We are asking for donations to refill our store so students can start spending their Pride PAWS. Here's the list for our Amazon Wish List. Thank you in advance!!
Nurse Alli's Newsletter
Get your 24-25 Yearbook!
Yearbooks are already on sale! Click on the link to order yours now! Yearbooks are $18 from now until November 15th. Prices increase to $20 on November 16th. Payment plans are available too!
New this year - 5th grade parents can create a student ad to shout out their fifth grader. Click here to create your ad for the yearbook!
Jim Plain PTA
We love our JPE PTA! They work together to create incredible experiences for our students, staff, and families. Interested in joining or learning more? Find out more about out JPE PTA here and be on the lookout for the PTA table at school events!
Mental Health Minute
Counselor's Corner
Hello there Families,
The month of October our optional lessons in the Child Protection Unit ( part of our Second Step Curriculum) will be taught by the school counselor, Ms. Hodge. Please review this parent letter regarding the optional Second Step Lesson for K-5th grade students taking place on Tuesday October 22nd - Thursday October 24th. Tentative Lesson schedule is below:
October 22nd - 5th and 1st
October 23rd- K and 2nd
October 24th- 3rd and 4th
Child Protect Unit Family Letter
Lección de la Unidad de Protección de Menores
If you would like your student to participate please complete the opt-in form for EACH of your students by Friday October 18th
If you do not wish for your student to participate, you do not need to do anything.
Any questions on the lesson can be sent to Ms.Hodge at caitlin.hodge@leanderisd.org
Nominate a JPE Teacher for the PEC Teacher Spotlight Award!
Pedernales Electric Cooperative invests in an array of educational programs to help brighten classrooms and communities across the Texas Hill Country. For a second school year, PEC will host a Teacher Spotlight Award to recognize the incredible work teachers do in their classrooms and communities. PEC is accepting nominations for the Teacher Spotlight Award through October 25 and encourages members to fill out the form online.
From the nominations received, PEC will select teachers from across the co-op’s service territory to receive awards. This round’s winners will be announced in November and PEC will visit the teachers at their schools to present them with a thank-you basket of resources and materials to support classroom learning.
Members can learn more details and nominate a teacher by visiting pec.coop/youth-programs.
Glenn Cheer Clinic
PTA Trunk or Treat
Join us for Trunk or Treat fun on October 24th! To register your spot, fill out the form here!