The Week Ahead
A Preview of the week 1/27-1/31
Important Dates & Events:
All 6th, 7th & 8th Graders are invited to our UTMS "Winter White Out" Dance.
Students are encouraged to wear white attire.
Tickets are $10 which includes a soft pretzel and water. Tickets can be purchased at the door or students can purchase "Fast Pass" tickets in the cafeteria this week.
Snacks, White out Merch, and Photo booth will be available for purchase.
Some accesssories for the dance (glitter paint, snowflake temporary tattoos and more will be available for purchase in the cafeteria this week with the "Fast Pass" tickets.
Mark Your Calendars
House Spirit Day: Thursday, February 6
Register Now for Speak Up
We are extremely excited to partner with the SpeakUp Program again this year on Thursday, February 6. Speak UP is a program for students, parents and school adults to engage in open and honest conversations. Registration is now open for SpeakUP, CLICK HERE to register. Students selected 4 new topics:
* discrimination
* expectations at school and home
* mental health and stress
* status
CLICK HERE for more information and CLICK HERE for our flyer.
8th Grade Families Important Information
Promotional Ceremony Gown Order:
Get the tissues! It’s time to order your child’s Promotional Ceremony Gown. The cost of the gown is $15.00 each and should be ordered based on your child’s height. Gowns are required for the promotional exercise.
If you plan to have your child wear a gown you have purchased for a previous student, please indicate that below. Please note that due to changes in manufactures and dye lots, we cannot guarantee that a previous gown will be a match to this year’s.
Please CLICK HERE to access the order form and return it with payment no later than Friday, February 14, 2025. Paper copies of the form will be sent home with students on Monday.
OCHS Registration & Orientation
The UTMS Yearbook is currently on sale for pre-order. Pre-ordering a yearbook is the only way to purchase a yearbook for the 2024-2025 School Year, due to the rising costs of printing extra books, there will be no yearbooks available for purchase after the deadline to order.
Order your yearbookNOW at the price of $36, the price increases to $40 soon. CLICK HERE to order your yearbook.
8th Grade families if you would like to place a "Recognition Ad" in the yearbook you can order one by CLICKING HERE.
Winter Sports
To access the live Athletics Calendars for all games CLICK HERE.
For information regarding away locations CLICK HERE.
This week's Games:
Tuesday, January 28:
- Boys Basketball vs. Davies
- Girls Basketball at Davies
Thursday, January 30:
- Boys Basketball at Northfield
- Girls Basketball vs. Northfield
Friday, January 31:
- Girls Basketball at Galloway Township