Maverick Monthly: November 2024

Welcome from Superintendent Jeremy Williams
As November brings us Thanksgiving break, we at EISD would like to once again thank our parents, families, staff, community members, and local businesses. Without the efforts of each and every one of you, Eastland ISD would not be as successful as we are. It is through your investment in our students - be it time, effort, finances, or acts of kindness - that we are able to ensure that Eastland students are given an exceptional quality education that will open doors for them as they move forward in life.
It is my sincere hope that everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving break. We look forward to seeing you return to school on December 2nd, ready to finish out 2024 strong.
Jeremy Williams
Eastland ISD
September School Board Meeting Recap
The EISD School Board met in regular session on November 18. On-going and future district improvement projects were discussed. Student assessment data was reviewed. EISD students are making good progress towards their academic goals. The district financial audit was presented and
accepted at a Special Called Board Meeting on November 15.
Bryson, Ariel, Presley, and Mattie Lead Pledge at October School Board Meeting!
At the School Board Meeting on October 14th, 4th grade teachers selected Bryson, Ariel, Presley, and Mattie to represent Siebert Elementary and lead the pledge!
The students did a wonderful job. Thank you!
Kalli and Jaxton Lead Pledge at November School Board Meeting!
The students did a wonderful job. Thank you!
Brynlee and Troy were selected as well, but were unable to attend the School Board meeting.
Ethan and Kate: EMS September Students of the Month!
Ethan Newman and Kate Johnson were chosen as Eastland Middle School's September Students of the Month!
Ethan is considered by teachers to be an example of a well-rounded student. He takes care of his academics, and he marches with the HS band. He is also very respectful. Ethan loves his history class and after high school he wants to do something within the medical field.
Kate is noted by her teachers as an outstanding student. She represents the school as a cheerleader and an athlete, and she takes care of business in and out of the classroom. Kate is also very creative and kind. Kate mentioned her favorite school activity is cheerleading. After high school she wants to pursue law school.
Congratulations to both of these outstanding students!
Greg and Laney, EMS October Students of the Month!
Greg Gideon and Laney Scitern were chosen as Eastland Middle School's October Students of the Month!
Greg runs track, Cross Country, and plays Baseball. In his free time, he plays guitar. His favorite class is AG with Mrs. Williams, as she's a good teacher and he feels that he learns a lot in that class. Greg's plans to attend Texas Tech to pursue a career as a doctor or engineer.
Laney plays volleyball and dances. She says that her favorite class is Mrs. Burrus's ELA, as she finds ways to make learning fun. Laney wants to become a vet. While uncertain about which college she would like to attend, she notes that she loves being outside and taking care of animals.
Congratulations to both of these outstanding students!
Yozelyn Ojeda and Brady Bramlett: EHS September Students of the Month!
Yozelyn Ojeda and Brady Bramlett were named as the September Students of the Month for Eastland High School at the School Board Meeting on October 14th!
Yozelyn is an athlete who enjoys both Volleyball and Softball, and is a core part of the team. She is also a member of FCCLA and Beta Club. She is currently deciding between whether to become a Pharmacy Tech or go into Cosmetology after graduation.
Brady is an athlete as well, playing Baseball and Golf. He is also a member of the Fishing team. He enjoys welding, and after graduating is considering attending TSTC or pursuing a career in golfing.
Congratulations to these two amazing students!
Jason Zamora and Lily Bird: EHS October Students of the Month!
Jason Zamora and Lily Bird were named as the October Students of the Month for Eastland High School at the School Board Meeting on November 18th!
Jason is an athlete, playing baseball and running on the Cross Country team. His skills in Ag Mechanics have earned him recognition. Jason is a member of the Beta Club and a Junior Ambassador. He plans to attend TSTC to pursue a career as a diesel mechanic.
Lily is an athlete as well, running Track and Cross Country. During her time running on both of these teams, Lily has broken multiple school records. She is a member of the Beta Club and a Junior Ambassador. She plans to attend Texas State University to become a Teacher or Coach, and plans to do so while also working as a Real Estate Agent.
Congratulations to these two amazing students!
Donna Trammell and Kaylea Carroll, October Employees of the Month!
At the October School Board Meeting, Donna Trammell was recognized as Teacher of the Month, and Kaylea Carroll was recognized as Employee of the Month!
Donna Trammell is known for being straight to the point and having a heart of gold. She been exceptionally helpful for both students and staff who work with her. She is a teacher that epitomizes the concept of "no child left behind," doing her best every day to make sure that each and every student she instructs is given the tools they need to succeed.
Kaylea Carroll is the student health aide for Siebert Elementary. She is an essential part of the functioning of Siebert Elementary, making sure student's health needs are looked after so that they can perform at their best in class. Her care for students is well noted by staff and the students themselves, and she cares deeply about ensuring Siebert students are healthy and happy.
Congratulations to both of these outstanding members of Eastland ISD's staff!
Denise Skinner and Jazmine Reynolds, November Employees of the Month
At the November School Board Meeting, Denise Skinner was recognized as Teacher of the Month, and Jazmine Reynolds was recognized as Employee of the Month!
Denise Skinner teaches 8th Grade Science for Eastland Middle School. She has been a part of EISD staff for 27 years. Dr. Thornton notes that she has been an exceptional help when it comes to implementing new ideas, and she puts great effort into making sure Eastland Middle School students receive an outstanding education.
Jazmine Reynolds is a paraprofessional for EISD who works with students where needed. She also works as the cashier for the cafeteria. Mr. Bramlett notes that if there's something on campus that needs to be done, Jazmine is quick to volunteer and help.
Congratulations to both of these outstanding members of Eastland ISD's staff!
After Donna Trammell was recognized as October Teacher of the Month, Eastland's Blake Fulenwider Dodge Dealership surprised Mrs. Trammell with a special gift basket. Included with the gift basket was the key to a Jeep Grand Cherokee, which she was permitted to use for a week!
Likewise, after being recognized as Teacher of the Month for November, Denise Skinner
was surprised with a gift basket and the keys to a Jeep Compass!
Thank you to Blake Fulenwider for this show of support for Eastland Teachers!
Siebert Students Study the History of Scarecrows in Computer Lab!
Siebert Elementary computer class students from 3rd-5th grade took a journey back in time to learn about ancient scarecrows. It’s fascinating how the concept of scarecrows has evolved over time, and it's great to see students learning about history while collaborating creatively. While on their mission they had to work together in a group setting to ensure their mission was a success. Students also had the opportunity to collaborate and design their perfect scarecrow using ancient techniques from what they learned.
Culinary Classes Learn from Chef Draw!
Chef Draw from Escoffier School of Culinary Arts came to visit and do a demo with all the Culinary classes on October 29th. He demonstrated knife skills with the introduction students and he demonstrated biscuits and gravy with the regular and advanced students. They really enjoyed learning from him!
Eastland High School Cross Country Teams Compete at Regional and State Meets!
At Lubbock on October 22nd, the Boys and Girls Varsity Cross Country teams ran at the Region 1-3A championships! Both teams had excellent showings with every team member posting their personal best time for the Mae Simmons course.
The Varsity Girls team had their highest team finish in 7th place after placing 22nd last season. Girls team members are Lily Bird, Brooklyn Bird, Jayci Majors, Lauryne Hobbs, Scarlet Messenger, Ella Rodgers and Rhyse Rutledge. The team manager is Taylar Fullen.
The Varsity Boys team finished as runners up. This qualified them to compete at the State Competition in Round Rock on November 2nd!
After a send-off from the students, the Varsity Boys made their first trip to the State Cross Country meet a memorable one, finishing 6th out of the last 16 teams to advance. Andrew Hicks and Sammy Herrera, who had run at state individually over the past three seasons, led the team that was picked to finish 8th by the CCCAT poll conducted earlier in the week.
Miguel Hernandez was the third Maverick to cross the finish line followed by Glyn McCleskey, Jayton Wesley, Chase Clark and Paxton Brown. The seniors of the team, Hicks, Herrera, Wesley, and Clark, end their XC careers having helped the team win four consecutive district titles and four consecutive top 10 finishes at the regional meet in Lubbock.
Photos of the State meet can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/K3eCTeMKk3X31BWm8
Photos of the send-off for the State meet can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gkCD4qfiCNkeQ6da9
Congratulations again to all of our Cross Country runners on a successful season!
EMS Band Competes at Regional Competition!
November 9th, 14 students from the Eastland MS Band travelled to Stephenville, TX to compete against 14 different schools for the All-Region Contest. These students have been preparing scales, a fast etude (song), and a slow etude to audition for the Symphonic Band (1st band) and the Concert Band (2nd band). Students that won a spot in a band will go to Tarleton State University on January 18, 2025 for an all-day clinic with a concert that evening at 6:00 pm.
Ethan Newman (8th)-4th chair Trombone, Symphonic Band
Emilio Guillen (8th)-6th chair Trombone, Concert Band
Zaiden Starnes (8th)-4th chair Horn, Concert Band
Carlos Ortiz (8th)-1st chair Trumpet, Concert Band
Kennedy Constancio (6th)-2nd chair Trumpet, Concert Band
Mikki Daliege (8th)-5th chair Trumpet, Concert Band
Rylan Monroe (7th)-10th chair Trumpet, Concert Band
Siebert's 5th Grade Presents: A Tribute to America!
On November 7th, Siebert Elementary's 5th Grade Class presented "A Tribute to America." Students thanked Veterans, Active Military, and First Responders for their service, and performed traditional American songs.
Thank you, Hometown Heroes, for all that you do.
Photos from the event can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/qwgEXfQPSY6HfqEd7
A video of the event can be found on the Siebert Elementary Facebook page, here: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/147E1xPQKV/
High School Theatre Department Prepares for the Fall Show!
Dessert anyone? The Eastland High School Theatre Department invites you to spend a fun afternoon at their murder mystery dessert theatre performance on Sunday, December 8th at 3:00 p.m. Set in New York's Little Italy, this offbeat, hilarious play will keep you laughing. Everyone is suspect. Will you figure out whodunit?
Members of the company include Adelyn Ray, Adrianna Robinson, Jrayden Veloz, Karsyn Dodrill, Brayden Fine, Whitney Anauo, Reed Whittlesey, Kassidy Hutyra, Aaden McNeal, Raven McDivitt, Rylee Nelson, Brandie Hutchinson, Angel Li, and directors Tracy Wells and Kyle Wilhelm.
Performance and dessert will be so sweet! Adults $10, Students $6. Produced by special arrangement with Heuer Publishing, LLC.
More photos from the Theatre Department practicing this play can be found here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2cSh7F2t6gJeym6K8
Sports You Groups for Eastland Athletics!
If you have students involved in Eastland athletics, make sure to join the appropriate sportsYou group! Eastland ISD coaches will use sportsYou to push out updates and information on upcoming events. Downloading the app and signing up for the group your student is a part of will help you keep up with any changes in schedules, practice, meal information, and more.
Check out the documents below for the sign up information for each group! If you have difficulties with the QR code, please use the access code and the steps listed on the page. Note that there are two groups for Football: one specifically labeled as Parents, and another for general updates.
Eastland High School sportsYou Groups:
Eastland Middle School sportsYou Groups
Join code for EMS BOYS BASKETBALL: F628-6ATD
Important Dates on the EISD Calendar!
Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting: December 9th
Thanksgiving Break: November 25th - November 29th
Return from Thanksgiving Break: December 2nd
Early Release: December 19th & December 20th
Christmas Break: December 23rd - January 3rd
Return from Christmas Break: January 6th