Newsletter No. 05
ONEWHERO AREA SCHOOL - 25th March 2022
Newsletter proudly sponsored by
Principals Message:
Kia ora Whaanau,
Congratulations to Brunton and Jack who raced at Maddi Cup last week. They represented our school exceptionally well and can be very proud of their efforts.
This week many students have been working on speeches in preparation for next term's speech competition. Speeches are a great way to develop students' confidence in public speaking, whether they present to a small group or the whole school. You can support your child by having them practice in front of you and other family members to help build their confidence. I am looking forward to hearing all the speeches next term.
Unfortunately we say goodbye to some staff this term. Fergus Lang is leaving to focus on his family business, Bronwyn Rogers-Thorne is leaving to work with junior students at Pukekawa School, and Joseph Anderson is side stepping into an itinerant music teacher role. We wish them all the best with their future plans and will sorely miss them. OAS thanks each one for their contribution to our school over their time here.
Marisa Sands finished up with us last week. We would like to thank Marisa for stepping in to help us out in the Mathematics department. Her time in our school has been greatly appreciated.
We welcome four new staff next term; Lisa McLeod is joining the Arts department as the music teacher and comes to us from Wellington High School. Leanne McDonald is joining us as a teacher aide for this year working with Year 9 and Year 8 students. Maymond Hill-Bovill is joining the Year 7/8 team as the teacher in Room 13. Chris Williams is joining the Mathematics department and comes to us from Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu. We are looking forward to having you all onboard our waka.
Next week is the last week of school for the term, with the last day being Thursday. We are hoping next term we will be able to operate more normally. We hope that you all enjoy the Easter break and will see you all next term.
Ngaa mihi,
Rebecca Bills
Onewhero Area School
Message From The Board Of Trustees:
Firstly I would like to thank the OAS staff for the flexibility, dedication to our students and genuine hard work put in this term. With COVID in our community it has been incredibly challenging to keep the school open amongst the number of unwell teachers and students - however Rebecca and the team have achieved this. During my weekly discussions with Rebecca it has been inspiring to hear how the SLT have also taken on additional teaching loads and Rebecca was teaching in the new entrant class last week which I know was enjoyed greatly by the students!
The OAS BOT have a recent vacancy, which we have decided to fill via selection and are seeking expressions of interest for. We are seeking a person who believes they have a skillset that will benefit the school and work towards achieving the School Vision and Charter through effective Governance.
What do Trustees do?
Often we are asked what is the role of the BOT, and what does an average month look like? First and foremost a board is accountable for student progress and achievement to its parents, community and the Crown. School boards are responsible for the school performance and ensuring that all legal requirements are met.
Some of the areas of focus we have are:
- Setting the strategic direction and long-term plans for OAS in consultation with the SLT and community.
- Monitoring the board’s progress against the charter goals and targets.
- Monitoring and evaluating student progress and achievement.
- Overseeing the management of staff, property, finances, curriculum and administration.
- Ensuring that government priorities are met and fulfilling the intent of the Treaty of Waitangi by valuing and reflecting New Zealand’s dual cultural heritage.
- Involvement in the recruitment of new staff to OAS.
- Appointment and support of the principal.
- Involvement in student disciplinary hearings as required.
While not an exhaustive list, the following document talks further around the role of the BOT, the skillset required and what parents can expect from a board.
A-parents-guide-to-the-role-of-the-board-of-trustees.compressed.pdf (nzsta.org.nz)
If becoming a trustee is of interest to you and you would like to be considered please complete an ‘Application for consideration for selection to a casual vacancy’ form. Please contact the Board Secretary, Stacey Ingram to request a copy of the form, email: s.ingram@onewhero.school.nz Once completed email this back with a supporting statement advising why you think you would suit this position. Please note the remainder term on the Board for this particular casual vacancy is through to November 2023.
Applications for the casual vacancy close at 10am, 22nd April 2022.
As always feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments and have a safe and enjoyable holiday.
Owein Greaves
OAS – BOT Chairperson
E: o.greaves@onewhero.school.nzREMINDER : FRIDAY 8th APRIL 2022 NON UNIFORM DAY - Student Leader Camp Fundraiser
Next Term the School will be running Drama activities after school for students with an interest in the Dramatic Arts. The group will meet once a week, after school, and take part in activities that encourage the students to develop their Drama skills, and to explore ideas using Drama as a form of expression. The group will be supported by a selection of teachers and student mentors. Together the group will create a series of short plays that will be performed (depending on the easing of Covid restrictions) as part of the school’s Arts and Culture Evening, in the School Hall in Term 3.
After School Drama is open to all students from throughout the school aged from Eight years and above.
The group will meet in the Learning Hub on Monday afternoons from 3pm to 4.30pm.
Our first sessions will take place in week two, Term Two, on Monday 9th of May.
Students wishing to take part can collect a form to register, from the school’s office, these need to be filled out and returned to the office no later than Friday 6th of May.
If you have any further enquiries please contact Mr Jordan at the school (ph) 2328866 c.jordan@onewhero.school.nz
Matariki Maaori Achievement Awards 2022
Save the date:
When: Tuesday June 28, 2022
Time: 6pm to 8pm
Where: Te Kotahitanga Marae
85 Te Kumi Road, Te Kohanga
Further details to follow ~ Nau Mai Haere Mai ~ All Welcome
Please return your Matariki trophies to the office, in time for June Awards night!
We are selling trailer loads of firewood (gum wood) if you would like to pre order.
1 trailer load (1m cubed) is $180 + $10 for delivery.
If you are interested in pre ordering please contact Kyra Hewitt on 0272367800.
Dates will be confirmed when orders are pre sold.
Looking for some gifts for Mother’s Day?
Why not help out our Student Leaders at the same time!
The OAS Student Leaders are selling Village Press Oil Packs until the 22nd April to help fundraise for their camp.
Each pack is $25
If you are interested in a pack (or more!) please get in contact with one of our Student Leaders or email your order to Mrs Cochrane at j.cochrane@onewhero.school.nz.
Junior shorts – size 4 x 1 only $22.90
Junior culottes – sizes : 4/8/10/12/14 $26.60
Junior polar fleece vests – sizes : 8/10 $15.00
Skirts (can be worn from year 7) – sizes : 52/57/92/97 $39.20
Senior shorts (have button/zip) sizes : 10/12/14/76/96/100/104/108 $22.90
Senior trousers (have button/zip) sizes : 76/80 $30.70
Senior blue polo size medium x 2 only $25.90
Senior white boys shirt size 12 x 3 only $33.90
We also have the PE tops available in every house colour.
Sizing : 5-6/7-8/9-10/11-12/13-14/Small/Medium/Large $36.00
Please feel free to send your child up to the office to try anything on for sizing if you are unsure. Payment can be made online or at the office.
Please name every item of clothing so if it ends up in our lost property the office staff can return it to your child.
We also have a second hand uniform department which is run by Brenda McLean. If you would like to know what is available please email her on : b.mclean@onewhero.school.nz
Tooth Group Dental - Years 9-13, Term 2 - 16th May 2022
Kia Ora!
As we move forward into 2022, our team would like to thank you for allowing the opportunity to provide quality on-site mobile dentistry to your child.
The Ministry of Health and DHB have an obligation to ensure all students under the age of 18 have access to FREE dental care. Our team of clinical experts take pride as we play our part, providing oral health services, helping to empower and improve the smiles and wellbeing of the adolescents of Onewhero Area School.
What is your child entitled to?
All students up until their 18th birthday (who are eligible and meet the criteria) can access FREE basic dental care. The dental care is provided on-site at Onewhero Area School so your child's experience is as seamless and convenient as possible.
These services include:
Radiographs (if required)
Preventative treatment such as fluoride application and fissure sealants
Scale and Polish
Restorative treatment (white fillings)
Non orthodontic extractions
Root canal treatment
Increased awareness of good oral health practices including a FREE Oral Health Kit
How Do I Enrol the service available to my child?
Enrolling or declining the service is simple! Simply click the link here
How Do I Decline the service available to my child?
Already have your own dentist? Simply click the link here
Already enrolled your child to our service?
Great! We look forward to providing quality dentalcare to your child.
Community Notices:
April Holiday Programme
Ready for excitement & entertainment these holidays?
KAS has it all this April with Circus In A Flash, a sporty Top Team Competition & Love Our Planet for Earth day. Dress up for our Fluro 80’s Party & KAS Red Carpet Movie!
We have a variety of childcare options available from 7am-6pm.
Get in quick! Check out all that’s on offer & make your bookings at:
Any questions please contact our office on 09 236 4078
MSD Social Sector Level 3 Accreditation
WINZ Subsidies available for eligible families
Dandelions and Dragonflies
The Childcare and Early Learning Centre on the school grounds has now been fully renovated. We’ve extended the operating hours and are now open Mon-Fri from 7:30am-5:30pm. We’ve also been through all the licencing requirements to now be able to provide spaces for babies for the first time, so we can cater from 3 month olds through to 5 year olds. We’ve also installed a Commercial Kitchen and hired a Qualified Chef to provide nutritious meals to children for the first time.
To find out more or to arrange a Centre Visit, please contact:
Dandelions and Dragonflies
Centre Manager, Jade Lane
www.facebook.com/DandelionsAndDragonfliesOnewheroAuckland Regional Dental Service:
Kia ora
For information about the Children’s Community Dental Service (Auckland Regional Dental Service) during COVID-19, please refer to our website: https://www.waitematadhb.govt.nz/home/ards/.
Our website will always contain the most up-to-date information for our service at each Alert Level.
Due on site at OAS Term 4.
Kind regards
The Children Community’s Dental Service
Computer & Network Engineer:
J & D Computer Services - Jane Young
Phone: 09 2328 007 Mobile: 021 067 1195
Email: support@jdcomputers.co.nz Web: www.jdcomputers.co.nz
We offer a wide range of services to help you get the most out out your computers...
- computer repair & upgrading
- virus removal
- business documents
- sales - new & used
- data recovery
- internet security
- networks
- tuition
See new Term 1 2022 menu below:
Download The Onewhero Area School App
Click here to download the app
Once installed, you can access the app from your phone's homescreen...
"Being The Best We Can - No Limits!"
Email: office@onewhero.school.nz
Website: www.onewhero.school.nz
Location: 29 Hall Road, Onewhero, RD2, Tuakau
Phone: 09 232 8866
Facebook: facebook.com/Onewheroareaschool