Notes from Dr. Irvin
Your WGHS Weekly eNews for January 19
Hello WGHS Families,
Disruption has always been a part of the human experience, and we have seen much in the last few years. In schools alone, COVID, ChatGPT, and the churn of personnel across the economy has loomed large for us. While much is out of our direct control, we can engage in those circumstances to find a most workable solution forward.
We are entering into an important phase in our year when we are charged to replace teachers that are retiring, moving, or otherwise not joining us for the next year. Adding Zoom to our process lets us remove some barriers to the initial phase of our process. We have the candidates teach mini-lessons in a class with our students in the content they are studying, as has been the practice for many years here at Webster. After the lesson, I debrief the students on what resonated and what they might need further clarity on to better understand the topic that was shared. The students have proven very insightful in their observations and questions as they have seen many formats of instruction in their time at WGHS. They are consistently great ambassadors and increase the desire for our candidates to work at Webster Groves High School. I am excited for where we are and where we are headed.
Matt Irvin
Next Week's Schedule: Late-Start A, A, B, C, Assembly Schedule
A Peek at the Week Ahead
- 1/21: WGHS Statesbots FTC Robotics Meet, 7am - 2pm, Roberts Gym
- 1/23: Late-Start A Day; School starts at 9:40am, and doors open at 9:25.
- 1/25 - 1/27: Winter Play (Dracula), 7pm, Auditorium
- 1/28: WGHS Blizzard Ball, 7-9pm, Roberts Gym
Parents of Seniors: Graduation Prep Checklist
Last fall, we shared this graduation checklist with all seniors and families. Although some deadlines have passed, there's still time to take care of senior obligations! Visit here to ensure you're on track for graduation!
Tickets will be on sale starting Monday, January 16 through Thursday January 26. Tickets WILL NOT be available at the door.
Link for purchasing tickets: (MUST USE STUDENT LOGIN)
COST: $10
In order to attend this event, students must not have an outstanding school fine. If you do, your lunch PIN will not work. Students can stop by the Athletic Office, or parents/guardians can pay online through the parent portal. You must let the Athletic Office know you have paid online, in order for them to release your code.
Any outside guest must have a completed guest form on file, before being allowed to purchase a ticket. These forms can be found attached or in the Athletic Office. Please return completed forms to Kim Edwards in the Athletic Office as soon as possible.
Once approved, a code will be distributed to the student. All outside guests must be accompanied by a WG student.
Our normal school dress code is enforced for dances. The Winter Dance is a semi-formal event and you are expected to wear semi formal attire. Examples of semi-formal attire may include a dress, dress pants, suitcoat, a tie or bow tie, and a collared shirt. Dresses may be strapless (if they fit properly) or include spaghetti straps. Head coverings must be appropriate for the occasion. Inappropriate attire would include jeans of any color, shorts of any type, t-shirts or baseball caps. If a student or guest is not within the dress code they will be asked to change before being admitted to the dance.
Lastly, All students & guests must show an ID or student ID and ticket for admittance.
Last Chance to Order a Yearbook
The deadline to order a 2022-23 Yearbook is Friday, January 27. This is the LAST DAY to guarantee your child will get a yearbook. Quantities after this date are not guaranteed. Go to to place your order today. Not sure if you've already bought? Go to the website above and click "Find Existing Order."
Did You Know?
Parents of Seniors: Local Scholarships Now Available!
Friendly reminder that local scholarships are currently available on the Counseling Center's web page under the Local Scholarships tab ( These are scholarships provided by locally affiliated groups/organizations specifically for WGHS students. Don't miss this great opportunity for additional funding for college! Applications are to be submitted to Mrs. Adams in the Main Office by Friday, February 21, 2023.
Counseling News
Spring Dual Credit Registration
While most dual credit registration occurs in the fall, there are some classes that have spring registration, too.
List of Second Semester Courses Available for Dual Credit (if a year-long class isn't listed, no spring registration required)
Registration Links and Windows:
MO State: (January 9-February 10)
UMSL: (January 3-February 3)
SLU: (January 12-February 13)
Scholarship Opportunities and Searches:
Local Scholarships
Most applications for the 2022-2023 Webster Groves local scholarships are now available and are due in February. We will post the rest as soon as they are available.
St. Louis Area Scholarship Search
St. Louis Graduates Scholarship Central (Note: Many of these applications have not opened up yet so keep checking back.) This is also where you can apply for Interest Free Student Loans from Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis.
Where can you find other scholarships? There are a number of national scholarship databases out there. While it can seem a little overwhelming, it can be rewarding if you put some time into it.
National Scholarship Searches
College Board’s Big Future
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
It's not too late to signup for free and reduced lunch. You can do so here and return it to:
Webster Groves High School
100 Selma Avenue
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Attention: Food Service Office
Inclement Weather Procedures
'Tis the season for inclement weather to impact school. Please refer to the information below for delayed start and school closing information due to inclement weather.
Should bad weather or other adverse conditions prompt us to consider closing schools, the District will make a decision as early as possible. Information will be available through the following outlets:
- Phone calls to all families through School Messenger
- Local media: KMOV TV (Channel 4), KSDK TV (Channel 5), KTVI (Channel 2) and KMOX radio (AM 1120)
- District website
- Facebook - Twitter @WebsterGrovesSD
Late Start due to Inclement Weather
The Webster Groves School District will consider opening schools with a “late start” on inclement days when roads are expected to be cleared within a few hours. This option would keep children, families and staff off the roads during the busy morning rush hour. A late start would mean that all schools would open one hour and thirty minutes later than their usual start times. A quick breakfast would be available for students. Transportation provided by First Student, the Voluntary Interdistrict Choice Corporation, and ZipCare will be scheduled to pick up students one hour and thirty minutes later than their regular pick up times.
All schools and Adventure Club would close at their regular times.
WGHS Start Time: 9:40 a.m.
Staff Arrival Time: 9:10 a.m.
Student Arrival Time: 9:25 a.m.
Early Dismissal: 12:30 p.m.
All other schools can be found here.
** Late starts will be announced through the same communication outlets listed above **
Late Start Bus Times
With a late start, bus schedules will run one hour and 15 minutes later than the regularly scheduled time.
2022-23 Late-Start Days
Shop the Parents' Club Spirit Store!
The Spirit Store is open! Hours are 8-9:15 a.m. daily.
The online store is open 24 hours a day at
Every time you shop at the Spirit Store, you are supporting student scholarships and teacher grants!
WGHS Attendance Contacts
Webster Groves High School
Location: 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA
Phone: (314) 963-6400
Twitter: @WebsterGrovesHS