Chief Report
Mr. Lester
This has been a very different and unusual opening to the holiday season, as we ALL continue to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. Typically, we are very excited about spending time with family, friends, and loved ones during this festive time. These are the times in which we create those special moments often discussed down throughout each of our phases of life. However, this year many of us opted to spend time with just the immediate family and zoom called other family members during this unprecedented time. Hence, the holiday season opening fell short of the normal excitement but nonetheless quality time spent with family. The important thing is that we all find something to be THANKFUL for during this time of the season. We may be working remotely but GREAT things continue to happen at PHS and in the virtual world. Please read on about the amazing things that are going on.
Strength & Honor
PHS Noteriety Gets Out the Vote!
Our PHS student-run acappella group created a public service announcement jingle to get out the vote! Special thanks to student directors Madeleine Mendoza and Reidyn Wingate and to advisor Hannah Aberin! Awesome!
PHS Visual Arts College Visits
PHS Art Educator Lisa Lentini-Pombrio has set up a series of college visits for her Visual Art Workshop class. Students meet with representatives from art programs and have an opportunity to ask questions and get information about the application process and offerings at each university! Thanks to Ms. Lentini-Pombrio for providing this amazing opportunity for students!
Villains Reformed: An original play from Theatre Production Workshop
Theatre Production Workshop performed an original theatre work: Villains Reformed. Our most advanced PHS theatre course has been exploring the relationship of theatre and empathy and they created this zoom play. Check it out! Thanks Mr. Yoson!
Villains Reformed
Piscataway Students Featured in Contemporary Music Festival
Congratulations to PHS student Cristian Thornton and Arbor student Auronnya Gangopadhyay on their superior ratings in the Contemporary Music Festival! Thanks to Hannah Aberin for supporting these students! Check out their performances below!
PHS Dance Students of the Month
Check out the PHS dance students featured in “Students in the Spotlight!” Thanks to PHS dance educator Jessica Taylor for finding ways to highlight student success and recognize achievements!
PHS Drama Club Announces Officers!
PHS Drama Club Announces Officers!Meet the newest officers for the PHS Drama Club! Thanks to Mike Yoson and Erik Hall!
Share Your Art! | #PwayArtsAtHome
Show us your art! We want to see what you are creating, performing, and collaborating on at home! Students, Teachers, Administrators, Parents, Grandparents, Community Members - Everybody! Share with the hashtag #PwayArtsAtHome. Art
Science National Honor Society
Science National Honor Society began the 2020-2021 school year with a presentation from Officers of the United States Navy. On November 23rd 2020, representatives from the United States Navy provided a Nuclear Presentation, hosted by the PHS Science National Honor Society (SNHS). Students from all four grades were invited to attend the US Navy's presentation on nuclear power and its uses. Officer Valencia and Officer Redelsheimer introduced students to on and off-shore uses for nuclear power in the US Navy, in-service nuclear aircrafts and submarines, as well as nuclear physics and engineering in a real- world context. Students were able to speak with the US Navy officers and ask questions to further their interests in nuclear physics, engineering, and uses.
PHS Signing Day
Kaelonn Wilson signed with the University of Buffalo for Women’s Basketball. The signing took place on November 11th. The photo below Kaelonn is with her family.
Congratulations, Delia Allwood for signing with the University of Mount Olive's Women's Soccer Program.
Congratulations Ms. Jurado-Moran
Congratulations, Ms. Jurado-Moran, The World Language/ESL Supervisor, was welcomed as a mentor in the FLENJ Supervisor Mentoring Fellowship Program. Lets applaud her for taking such a significant step towards developing her practice and mentoring a novice World Language Supervisor.
Messages of Gratitude
Thank you so much to the PHS Rays of Sunshine Committee. The committee includes Amanda Ruppel, Kelly Chilakos, Jill Fraticelli, Jillian Alonso, Binal Patel, Judi Cruz-Walsh, Briana Ruzanski, Natalie Lollin and Jackie Puleio.
This was such a great idea and was very successful and brought everyone so much needed joy. The committee had over 700 responses. I think it speaks volumes for how amazing our staff truly is. Please see below some of the messages from the PHS Rays of Sunshine.
Dear I am thankful for the entire Staff at PHS! I I am thankful for you because….
When interacting with staff members in all the department people are always supportive and kind.Mary Rogers
Dear I am thankful for my students my colleagues, JL and union Rep leaders.
I am thankful for you because….
Students for their efforts under challenging circumstances, colleagues for unifying against oppression, Jason for going to bat for us and senior reps for their guidance.
Barry McCombs
Dear The Entire Building ,
I am thankful for you because….
When my step-dad recently passed away the outreach was just outrageous! The cards, care packages, calls, texts and the condolences were so appreciated! I am so appreciative of the extended family I work with they are just GREAT!
Drew Calvo
Farewell Wishes
Dear Piscataway Family,
It is time to say farewell to Mr. Lester. During his time at the Empire, he will be thought of as a truly caring leader, who was knowledgeable, dedicated and inspirational. Mr. Lester always made himself available to his faculty and students, whenever they needed him.
The hallways will not be the same without his presence. He will be remembered for his Friday announcements, when he would highlight events, special students of the week, and let’s not forget the songs from his playlist!! Piscataway will not be the same.
Mr. Lester has championed the voices of our students, empowered teachers to grow and make decisions and fostered connection between the community and the school. Mr. Lester's work and commitment brings to mind the old adage that, "A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did
it ourselves". —Lao Tzu
With that said, on behalf of the entire staff:
We would like to wish Mr. Lester all the best as he begins the next chapter of his journey!
Our Principal
December Calendar
December 11 Students Half Day
December 14 Students Half Day
December 18 Students Half Day
December 21 Students Half Day
December 23 Students and Teachers Half Day
December 24-31 Winter Break
January 1 New Year's Day