Take Flight 🦅
West Leyden Student Activities

🦅 January 9, 2024
"KISS" 2023 Goodbye with a Sweet TREAT from the Student Activities Office
Stop by the Student Activities Office during your lunch period this Friday, January 12th, to "Kiss 2023 Goodbye"!
"Kiss 2023 Goodbye" by:
- Filling out a card with your 2024 New Year's resolution. In return you will receive a Hershey's Kiss! Your resolution will be posted on the window of the Student Activities Office.
- Guessing how many Hershey's Kisses are in the jar displayed in front of the Student Activities Office. The student with the closest guess (without going over) will win the ENTIRE jar of Hershey's Kisses!
January 12th is National "Stick to Your New Year's Resolution" Day!
Making New Year's resolutions dates back to around 2000 B.C.!
The Babylonians kicked off their new year with a 12-day festival called "Akitu". During the festival, they would pledge to pay their debts and return any borrowed farming tools. Eventually the Romans adopted the Babylonian tradition of making resolutions and the rest is history!
Tell us about YOUR New Year's resolutions!
What type(s) of resolutions did YOU make this year?
Do you follow through on your New Year's resolutions?
Words To Live By 2023
Spotlight: Fitness Club, Psychology Club, Track Team, and Mr. Dempsey's classes
Student Activities Webpage
Want to see what clubs West Leyden has, who the club sponsors are, and when the clubs meet? Check out the Student Activities webpage! You can get there from the Leyden website > Activities and Arts > Clubs - West. You can search clubs alphabetically by name or categorically by type. Get involved!
Excellence Award
We Are... Awards
We Are... Awards nominees can qualify to receive Javaccino (students) / Gold and Bold Café (staff members) gift cards. In addition, students may be recognized at Student of the Month breakfasts and staff members may be recognized at staff meetings.
To nominate a student or staff member, you need to fill out this We Are... Awards Google Form.