News from Winfield Elementary: September 6, 2024
From the Principals, Mrs. Alonzo & Mrs. Hall
Parent: What did you learn today at school?
Student: Nothing.
Does this exchange sound familiar? Has your student come home from school unable (or too tired!) to give you a play-by-play of what they are studying in school? Over the next few newsletters, I will share some information about our core curriculum. My goal is to empower caregivers to understand more about what their student is learning in class. Along with knowledge comes power--the more we collectively understand, the more we can work together, and better student outcomes will be the end result! Today we will begin with our English/Language Arts curriculum: CKLA. You may hear your child describe it simply as "Skills" or "Knowledge". Our K-2 students use the "Skills" (learning to read) portion and "Knowledge" (building content knowledge) component. Students in 3-5 combine the two strand together as "Knowledge."
Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a language arts program for Grades K–5 that combines a multi-sensory approach to phonics with rich texts carefully sequenced to build content knowledge—so that students learn to read and read to learn at the same time.
Every day in Grades K–2, students complete one full lesson that builds foundational reading skills, as well as one full lesson that builds background knowledge. In Grades 3–5, students start to master the skills of reading, further opening up their worlds.
Students interact with "student readers" regularly as a primary source of text (replacement the thick hardbound reading books we had in grade school). Student Readers are uniquely designed to provide students with intensive practice while reading simple but authentic stories.
In grades K-2, these readers are chapter books that allow students to practice just-learned sound-spellings within an authentic reading experience that incorporates compelling plots and interesting characters. With diverse characters, settings, and illustrations, K–2 readers aptly showcase CKLA content! In Grades 3–5, readers develop close reading and other literacy skills through a selection of diverse, content-rich literary and informational texts.
One of the most exciting parts of CKLA is the broad range of topics that students are learning about. Take a look at the domains of study for grades K-5. They are learning about history, geography, science, literature, the writing process--and so much more. Part of the beauty of CKLA is with the broad range of topics--there is something to appeal (and kickstart the LOVE of learning) for all students.
Teachers wrap up each domain of study with something we call a "culminating activity". The activities wrap-up the unit's learning and create lasting memories for students in an authentic, fun, and engaging way. The video linked below is an example of a culminating activity from first grade and their study of astronomy. We are looking forward to many memorable culminating activities this year!
From the School Counselor, Mrs. Williams
Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse Prevention Education for Students
Indiana legislature has adopted legal requirements that each Indiana public school, including charter schools and accredited nonpublic schools, shall provide age-appropriate and research and evidence-based instruction on child abuse and child sexual abuse to students in kindergarten through grade 12. Note that this expands the previous requirement from providing education in grades 2-5 to grades K-12.
In order to meet the requirements, Crown Point school counselors will be providing age-appropriate, research-informed body safety lessons from September 2024 through December 2024. At the elementary level, students will learn the Protect Yourself Rules with their counselor in a classroom session of approximately 30 minutes. Parents can view the Protect Yourself Rules and related materials at the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Foundation website: fightchildabuse.org.
Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact Jamie Williams, Winfield School Counselor with questions or concerns by phone or email listed below:
Phone: 219-663-2287
Email: jwilliams@cps.k12.in.us
IREAD and ILEARN Changes
If you have a student in grades 2-8, there are upcoming changes to state standardized testing.
- Second grade students will now take IREAD-3. Please read more about this change at this link.
- Students in grades 3-8 will now participate in ILEARN Checkpoints rather than NWEA. You can read more at this link.
Employability Skills Survey
Dear Crown Point Community School Corporation Families,
We thank you for being valued partners as we work together to educate our students.
While many people often think of student success in relation to grades or test scores, it is also important to consider the social and emotional growth of our students. During the weeks of September 23 or 30, we will ask students in grades 3-5 for their feedback via a 10-15 minute online survey completed at school.
The survey will ask students to reflect on their self-efficacy, emotional regulation, social awareness, and supportive relationships. The results from the survey support our ability to address individual and school-identified needs.
We have administered a similar survey in years past as part of our Ready To Learn student services work. The data was used to implement positive behavior supports and improve school culture and climate. We look forward to using new data from this school year to identify and align services for students.
If you have any questions about the survey or do not want your child to participate, please contact your school’s main office before September 20. Students who opt out of the survey will still be able to participate in programs or services created as a result of the data.
CPCSC Office of Curriculum and Instruction
Important Dates
9/11- September PTO Meeting @ 4:45 pm (Media Center)
9/18- E-Learning Day
9/25- All School PTO Fun Run
10/1- Celebration Lunch (special menu)
10/14-10/18- Fall Break; No School
10/24- E-Learning Day (Elementary Only); Parent Teacher Conferences
10/28- Picture Retake Day
11/5- E-Learning Day (All Schools)
News from the Cafeteria, Ms. Polly
Student Lunch: $2.45 Student Breakfast: $1.60
Additional Options Available:
- Students in grades 2-5 can purchase chips ($0.75-$1.00) or a Rice Krispie treat ($0.75) every day.
- Students in grades 2-5 can purchase ice cream ($1.00) on the following days:
- Mon.- grade 2, Tues.- grade 3, Wed.- grade 4, Thurs.- grade 5
Birthday Ice Cream:
Students can purchase ice cream for their classmates to be served on their birthday during lunch. Tickets are $1.00 per student, and the order must be received one-week prior to the date to be served.
*Please note, to ensure safety with food allergies and to protect instructional time, we do not permit edible birthday treats from home to be brought in to the classroom.
Bulldog Buddies Preschool
Monthly tuition fees are loaded on the 15th of the previous month and due by the 1st of every month. Please check your child's PowerSchool account for balances due. Payment can be made online or at the school office. Failure to pay by the 10th of the current month will result in your child not being able to attend preschool until the balance is paid in full. The first preschool tuition payment will be due by September 1st. We ask that you pay the supply fee during the month of August.
Supply Fee - $65 yearly fee for all students in preschool
Monthly Tuition - $180/3 days per week, $300/5 days per week
The Free & Reduced Application can be found here: https://www.cps.k12.in.us/district-departments/food-services. If you have any questions, please contact the preschool office at (219) 663-4330.
Bulldog Buddies Newsletters:
Other Preschool News:
Winfield Elementary PTO
The next PTO meeting will be held on September 11th at 4:45 pm in the Winfield Elementary media center. All families are encouraged to get involved and see how our PTO supports our students and staff. New faces are always welcome to help hear about upcoming initiatives and to share ideas. More hands make for lighter work!
Winfield Fun Run is September 25th
The day is here! You can now sign up for our Wildcat Fun Run! Our goal is to raise $15,000 for courtyard improvements. Signing up is easy and free!
⭐️ Sign Up Now On MYBOOSTER.COM ⭐️
Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!
Follow our social pages for updates on our fundraiser.
Key Dates to Remember:
💻 Sign up online OPEN at MyBooster.com – Start TODAY!
🎉 Fundraiser Kickoff in school – 09/16/2024
👟 Event Day – 09/25/2024
*Need help signing up? Video instructions HERE.