Dakota County 4-H News
APRIL 2024
Nebraska Extension - Dakota County
Angela Abts—4-H & Youth aabts2@unl.edu
Julie Boyle—Food Nutrition and Health julie.boyle@unl.edu
Tammy Dunn—Office Manager tpeterson3@unl.edu
Brenda Sale—SNAP-ED bsale@unl.edu
Dakota County 4-H
email: dakota-county@unl.edu
Website: https://dakota.unl.edu
Location: 1505 Broadway Street, Dakota City, NE, USA
Phone: 402-987-2140
Facebook: facebook.com/UNLDakotaCounty
Twitter: @NEDakota4HExt
Follow us On Facebook and Instagram!
Instagram: NE Extension Dakota County
Dates & Deadlines
1 - Entries due Virtual Companion Animal Challenge
1 - Extension Board meeting
1 - NIFA Grand Deadline
5 - Big Red Camp - Early bird tuition deadline
10-16 - Virtual Companion Animal Challenge
21-27 - National Volunteer Week
27 - Rocketry Workshop - Haskell Ag Lab
6 - Extension Board meeting
6 - Dakota County 4-H council meeting
27 - Office closed Memorial Day
29 - All horse ID's, District & State Entries DUE
7/13-7/17 - 4-H Horse Expo
7/31 - 8/4 - Dakota County County Fair
8/23 - 9/2 - Nebraska State Fair
St Lukes Lutheran Church in Emerson, NE was the place to be on Saturday, March 9th, 2024. The Dakota and Thurston County 4-H program hosted All Contest Day. All Contest Day consists of Public Speaking, Presentation, Music and Favorite Foods Revue. Youth can participate in 1 or all of the events.
In the Public speaking contest youth write an original speech, and the major focus point needs to be 4-H related.
The Presentation contest is a speech with props, you tell or show the audience how to do something. Youth can do a presentation with multi media or posters.
Youth that participated in speech and Presentation can be selected to move on and compete at the Premier Communications Event held at the University of Nebraska campus on June 17th and 18th.
Music contest lets our youth show off other talents with instrumental solos and duets, vocal selections or even dance. This contest is county based only, there is no further advancement.
In the Favorite Foods Revue 4-H’ers create a themed menu, set the table with one place setting, include a centerpiece and prepare one food item from the menu for the judge to try. This is also a county based contest with no further advancement.
Judges for the day were Diana Spirk and Jessica Sanders.
Junior Speech/PSA Grand Champion: Kate Hansen
Junior Speech/PSA Reserve Champion: Isaac Albrecht
Senior Speech/PSA Grand Champion: Amaryn Bodlak
Senior Speech/PSA Reserve Champion: Payton Hermelbracht
Presentation Junior Grand Champion: Isaac Albrecht
Best of Show Grand Champion: Payton Hermelbracht
Best of Show Reserve Champion:: Audric Cavenee
Favorite Foods Revue
Junior Grand Champion Favorite Foods: Logan Hansen
Junior Reserve Champion Favorite Foods: Isaac Albrecht
Senior Grand Champion Favorite Foods: Payton Hermelbracht
Senior Reserve Champion Favorite Foods: Audric Cavenee
Junior Speech
Red: Benjamin Albrecht
Blue: Isaac Albrecht
Purple: Kate Hansen
Senior Speech
Blue: Payton Hermelbracht, Rylie Hermelbracht
Purple: Amaryn Bodlak
Junior PSA
Blue: Logan Hansen
Junior Presentation
Purple: Isaac Albrecht
Junior Instrumental Solos
Blue: Ty Nielsen
Senior Instrumental Solos
Blue: Brooke Raymer, Rylie Hermelbracht, Audric Cavenee
Purple: Audric Cavenee (2), Payton Hermelbracht
Instrumental Duet
Blue: Ty Nielsen & Drayden Nielsen
Vocal Music
Junior Song Group
Purple: Ben Albrecht, Ty Nielsen, Isaac Albrecht & Drayden Nielsen
Cloverkid Song Group
Particiption Ribbon: Wyatt Nielsen & Evelyn Albrecht
Junior Favorite Foods Revue
Blue: Benjamin Albrecht, Inga Speiser
Purple: Isaac Albrecht, Logan Hansen
Senior Favorite Foods Revue
Purple: Brooke Raymer, Audric Cavenee, Payton Hermelbracht
Cloverkid Favorite Foods Revue
Participation Ribbon: Evelyn Albrecht
Want to see highlights? https://youtu.be/FXv0MJJM0Fw?si=Ek18cKXG2fXMLmAy
We have a few incubators for hatching eggs that are up for grabs. Results not guaranteed. First come first serve. We no longer do the embryology classroom education. Contact Tammy to get one.
Dakota County 4-H Council provides a $250 one time college scholarship to our graduating seniors.
The purpose is to provide assistance to our 4-H'ers that wish to continue their education at a school of higher learning in any course of study.
Applicant must belong to a Dakota County 4-H Club and have actively participated in the 4-H program, including club meetings, workshops, contest, County/State Fair currently and for the 3 years prior (4 years participation total).
The scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $250 to the chosen finalists(s) upon proof of enrolling in an institution of higher learning.
Nebraska 4-H requires all members enrolled in a livestock meat animal project (beef, sheep, swine, goat, poultry, rabbit) to complete annual quality assurance certification through the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals program. The program has recently moved to a new online system available at YQCAProgram.org. Learn more about YQCA requirements and find help documents at 4h.unl.edu/yqca.
YQCA must be completed by July 17th.
2024 Dakota County Special Project
The 2024 Dakota County Special project is......
Do you have a collection of 4-H ribbons that you really don't know what to do with? Well I have some ideas for you. Repurpose them into a wall hanging, a wreath, a decorative quilt.
So many creative and useful ideas can be found on Pinterest.
No need to enroll in the project. Just bring your exhibit to the County fair.
There may be special prizes!
We all know about the 4-H livestock, cooking and sewing projects. But with nearly 50 projects to choose from, there are likely some you aren’t familiar with. These five often-overlooked projects offer real-world skills and unique experiences: https://4h.unl.edu/news/nebraska-4-h-5-underrated-practical-projects
If you would like a packet please let Tammy know.
This project is open to all youth of 4-H age and it will
give them the opportunity to learn about growing,
harvesting, and exhibiting this unique flower.
The Special Gardening Project lets 4-H members try
their hand at growing unusual vegetables, flowers, and
herbs. The project allows experienced 4-H gardeners
to grow something fun, new, and different while letting
those new to gardening get their feet wet in this project
If you would like a packet, please let Tammy know.
The Nebraska Extension Special Agronomy Project gives 4-H members an opportunity to experience a crop that is grown, was grown or has the potential to be grown in Nebraska. Youth participate by receiving seed and resources to grow the crop, research traits of the crop and determine the viability of that crop in the part of the state they live. The project allows 4-H members interested in agronomy to grow something fun, new, and different. This year, we honor a crop grown in the panhandle!
In the fourth year of the special agronomy project, youth will explore sugar beets! Sugar beets are a major contributor to the U.S. sweetener industry and occur in a vast range of different food products. Be eligible to enter an exhibit at both the County and/or State Fair in the agronomy project area.
Enroll for the 2024 Special Agronomy Project through 4-H Online by enrolling in the Agronomy project and contacting your local Nebraska Extension Office to order packets of seeds. The local Extension Office will order and distribute the seeds to members. For project specifications and details, be sure to go to the Nebraska State Fairbook at https://4hfairbook.unl.edu/fairbookview.php/rules.
Families are responsible for tagging their own livestock and turning in ID sheets. Tags are available at the Dakota County Extension Office for $3 each. If you think you may attend Ak-Sar-Ben or the State Fair, pick up some DNA envelopes, they are no charge, you pay the nomination fee online at a later date.
ID sheets are available in our office ar get them from our website at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/dakota/livestock/
As you know, in 2023, Nebraska 4-H lowered the age limit for participation in the Nebraska State Fair for all in-person events to nine years of age. That change increased our participation and provided more youth the opportunity to have an engaging learning experience. We had many positive comments from legacy families as well as new.
This fall, we have had follow-up conversations with many of you as well as the show superintendents and various teams that run these events during State Fair and throughout the year. Based on that feedback and our goal of increasing access, the decision has been made to change the age of eligibility in 2024 to be 8 years of age before January 1 (of the current year) for all in-person State Fair events (livestock, contests, fashion shows, contests) and other state competitions (Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo, PASE, communications contest). Note: there will be some events that will maintain their ages due to specific program rules (shooting sports, FIRST LEGO League Challenge robotics). Please check information on each specific event as it becomes available.
- Age of Eligibility
- The age of eligibility in 2024 is now 8 years of age before January 1 (of the current year) for all in-person events (livestock, contests, fashion shows)
- Showmanship Age Divisions
- Junior Showmanship (ages 8 to 10 before January 1 of the current year)
- Intermediate Showmanship (ages 11 to 13 before January 1 of the current year)
- Senior Showmanship (ages 14 to 18 before January 1 of the current year)
- Awards
- Exhibitors will receive awards for the Division Champions, Reserve Division Champions, Grand Champion Overall, Reserve Grand Champion Overall, and 3rd Overall. Only entries receiving a purple ribbon are eligible to receive champion and reserve awards.
- Entry Limits
- A 4-H member may exhibit up to 5 beef.
- A 4-H member may exhibit up to 4 sheep.
- A 4-H member may exhibit up to 4 goats.
- A 4-H member may exhibit up to 6 hogs.
- A 4-H member may exhibit up to 6 rabbits.
- A 4-H member may exhibit up to 6 live birds.
- Individual Species
- Sheep: New Breed Class-All Hair Breeds
- Goat: Market goats will show in separate classes; Market Wethers and Market Does (until final selection)
- Swine: New Breed Classes-Tamworth and Landrace
- Rabbit: New Breed Classes-Blue Holicer and Czech Frosty
Dog Skillathon Contest: Added a Junior Skillathon Division and rotated breed ID picture topics
Minnesota 4-H Photography is excited to offer a multi-state photo contest to youth in grades K-13. In the "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" 4-H photo contest, youth are encouraged to select their best photo from the current 4-H year and tell the committee why it’s special to them. Submit one (1) image (with no or minimal editing) with up to three sentences on why it’s important to you by 11:59 p.m. (CST) on May 1, 2024. Find more information here: 4-H Hit Me with Your Best Shot Photo Contest | UMN Extension with rules here.
Registration for the Nebraska 4-H Summer Camp program is now open!
The summer 2024 theme is The Power of Being 🍀 Green. Youth will get to explore and interact with their natural world in six different sessions. Youth will learn how they can use their head, heart, hands, and health to make our natural world a better place for all.
The 2024 sessions offer tailored age cohorts, providing sessions for younger campers between the ages of 8-10, and an older cohort for ages 10-14.
Families can find dates, session summaries, and registration information by visiting https://4h.unl.edu/camps-register.
The Nebraska State 4-H Camp is now hiring Program Staff and Assistants for the 2024 Summer Camp season. Work with youth from across Nebraska helping to build community, teach new skills, and foster a love of the outdoors. Apply today at go.unl.edu/campjob
Nebraska 4-H summer camp employees have the opportunity to impact children's lives in many experiential, outdoor settings. Employees are continually challenged to find new ways of teaching, motivating, and playing all summer. Summer camp employees are leaders and are held to high expectations as they will be the best resource camp will ever have in delivering our mission! Summer camp employees are trained to help provide active, hands-on, fun, and cooperative outdoor programming designed to develop respect for self, others, and the environment. We hire a team that will constantly encourage campers to grow up to be the absolute best they can be! We believe our summer camp employees are the heart of summer camp; we give you the tools and the confidence to positively impact anyone you meet or interact with at camp this summer! You will be the key to helping others discover, learn, and grow.
Do you know what it takes to pick the best fruit and vegetables out at the grocery store? Or do you know what judges are looking for when they judge your plants at the county fair? Have you ever wondered, what plant is that!?! We are excited to offer the opportunity to learn these and other important horticulture skills through the Online Horticulture Contest. The contest will be available June 7-21, 2024 at: http://go.unl.edu/online4hhortcontest
The Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program is designed to promote all educational aspects of 4-H livestock projects, including selection, production, leadership, and exhibition, by recognizing youth striving to improve their livestock project knowledge and leadership.
Members of Excellence are recognized within each 4-H livestock project area, including:
- beef
- sheep
- meat goat
- swine
- dairy cattle
- dairy goat
- rabbit
- poultry
The program consists of two levels that require 4-H members to plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate and project-related accomplishments. For each level, the Livestock Achievement Program provides a list of accomplishments from which 4-H members choose their goals. Each accomplishment is worth a specific number of points. Intermediates, ages 10-13, must complete 100 points worth of activities to receive the distinction of Intermediate Member of Excellence. Seniors, ages 14-18, must complete 150 points worth of activities to receive the distinction of Senior Member of Excellence.
The Nebraska 4-H Livestock Information Series is a resource for 4-H members, leaders, and parents to gain knowledge in various livestock-related topic areas. Each session, a new topic is covered with experts joining to share their experience and expertise. Extended learning opportunities and supporting documents are also available for each topic.
Please join us for our annual Nebraska 4-H Horse Judging School on April 20, 2024 at the Animal Science Complex on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's East Campus in Lincoln, NE. This event is for horse show judges, aspiring judges, judging team coaches, and youth! We will have classroom demonstrations to judge. The main topics we will cover are Hunter Under Saddle, Horsemanship, Reining, and 4-H Horse show rules and guidelines
- Kathy Anderson - Nebraska Horse Specialist
- Kelsey Ebke - Horse Trainer and Judge
- Brooke Parrish - Judge
- Lena Luck - Nebraska Youth Equine Specialist
It's back! The 2024 Hippology Academy kicks off on February 17. Topics for this year include toxic plants of the northeast, horse evaluation, feeding myths, soil testing and usage, identifying feeds, and fencing. Content for each topic includes practice tests, slides, and digital learning stations in addition to twice weekly lectures.
There are three enrollment levels to choose from:
1. Bronze: All content listed above, accessible until August 31, 2024.
2. Sliver: Everything included in Bronze, plus can ask teacher questions, participate in discussion board, and have access to course material until November 31, 2024.
3. Gold: Everything included in Silver, plus opportunity to participate in live virtual office hours with instructor (Thursday evenings) and access to course material until December 31, 2024.
Learn more and register here: https://catalog.extension.org/?category=6&keyword=hippology&cond=advand&search=Search
It's highly probable that if you know a group of high school-aged youth who enjoy statistics, distributions, likelihood or inferences, they will have a blast at Data Driven! Check out this full-day, dynamic event that will engage youth in a world of endless possibilities in data science and literacy. And, $500 scholarships will be awarded! Register today at 4h.unl.edu/data-driven.
What you do makes a difference! We are excited to share that our state will be participating in the 4-H Volunteer Impact Study of volunteers in the North Central Region.
This survey is being conducted as a part of 12 state effort to document the impact of volunteering.
It will focus on three areas:
· the personal benefits of your volunteer experience;
· the impact you have on the organization by volunteering; and
· how your volunteer efforts contribute to your community in which you live and work.
A random sample of volunteers of 1000 volunteers from each state will be surveyed. This study will be conducted through an electronic survey. If you are selected you will receive an email to let you know you have been selected to participate.
You may be picked!!! If you are, please respond. We want to hear from you and learn from your volunteer experiences.
Your comments will be used to quantify the personal, organizational and public impacts of volunteers involved with 4-H Youth Development Programs in our twelve-state region.
The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) is currently accepting applications to attend one of the biggest ag youth outreach events in the state. The Nebraska Agricultural Youth Institute (NAYI) brings together hundreds of high school juniors and seniors for a week to learn more about agriculture, Nebraska’s number one industry.
NAYI will be held July 8-12, 2024, at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s East Campus. Students selected to attend NAYI do so free of charge due to generous donations from numerous agricultural businesses, commodity groups and industry organizations. Current high school juniors and seniors interested in attending have until April 15, 2024, to apply. Applications for NAYI are available at https://nda.nebraska.gov/nayi and must be submitted online. This year’s theme is “Leading Your Legacy.”
“From the beginning, NAYI has shared the importance of agriculture with thousands of Nebraska high school students,” said Nebraska Agricultural Youth Council Advisor Christin Kamm. “Students participating in NAYI continue the legacy of exceptional ag leaders in Nebraska by developing their leadership skills and by increasing their knowledge and passion for agriculture. If you know high school juniors or seniors interested in ag, encourage them to apply to NAYI before the April 15th deadline.”
NAYI is in its 53rd year, making it the longest running agricultural youth program of its kind in the nation. Over 250 students attended NAYI last year. NAYI features motivational speakers, discussions on agricultural issues, career development, networking opportunities, leadership activities, a farm management game, a formal banquet and awards presentation, and a dance. NDA selects students to attend NAYI based on their leadership skills, interests, and involvement in agriculture.
NAYI is coordinated by the Nebraska Agricultural Youth Council, which is comprised of 21 college-aged students selected by NDA for their passion and interest in the ag industry. The Council’s purpose is to provide young Nebraskans with a better understanding of agriculture, including agricultural opportunities available to today’s youth.
programs for youth ages 5 years old and up. True to the ‘Cali-braska’ name, this initiative brings specialized arts offerings from the California industries to Nebraska communities where access is limited to technology, cultural or arts institutions, professional mentorship and resources to the creative industries. The fun begins June 3 - July 26, 2024!
Each class, camp, or workshop is taught by experienced teaching artists and professionals from the West Coast ‘scene’. This includes zooming them in or bringing them out to teach in person on the Calibraska ‘tour’ stopping:
- June 3rd-14th at The Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts in Lincoln
- June 17th-21st at Northeast Elementary in Kearney - June 24th-28th at Scottsbluff High School in Scottsbluff
- July 8th-19th at the Mid Plains Community College in North Platte
- July 22th-26th at our new stop at Wayne State College
This year the program is offering an introduction course to 3D modeling with Maya, Storyboarding
classes, Music Video Camps, multi-generational offerings in Animation, and free virtual workshops with Nickelodeon Animation Studio!
Calibraska has a “No One’s Turned Away Policy” to make sure students who may be facing financial
insecurity can still participate in these special opportunities. Scholarships and discounts of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% are available for all prospective students as well as options to pay in installments.
Calibraska Arts Initiative founding director, Erica Larsen-Dockray grew up north of Scottsbluff, NE. After moving to Los Angeles to receive her Masters of Fine Arts in Experimental Animation and Integrated
Media she has returned each summer to Nebraska to teach animation, media, and arts to locals for the
past decade.
Calibraska is an initiative operating under the 501c(3) non-profit, Arts with Others, allowing donations to
be tax deductible. Any businesses or individuals interested in sponsoring students in need can visit:
For more information on the classes, registration, or to donate, visit http://www.calibraska.org or contact
Calibraska at info@calibraska.org or call (ne) 308.631.5704, (ca) 661.670.8663.
Mark Thursday, June 13, 2024 on your calendar to spend the day in Hastings, NE exploring Heavy Equipment. This opportunity is open to students entering 8th – 12th grade in fall of 2024. Cost is $30 per individual. The registration link will open May 1, 2024 and close Friday, May 31st by 5 pm CT. You will find the registration link at https://go.unl.edu/heavyequipment.
Sessions will include:
* Navigate and drive virtual heavy equipment simulators
* Behind the wheel experience with a variety of Heavy Equipment pieces
* Learn about the Hastings CCC Heavy Equipment Program
* Career Panel
* Optional campus tours
For more information contact Beth Janning, 4-H Youth Development Extension Educator at ejanning2@unl.edu.
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/heavyequipment
As we find out about events across the state they are posted on our website, Facebook & Instagram.