Coyote Tales
August 29, 2024
Corron Mission Statement
From the Principal
Our 2024-2025 school year is off to a great start! Students seem excited to be back at Corron with their teachers and friends. They have transitioned right back into the swing of things, following our Corron Expectations of “Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, and Be You!”. They are practicing the routines of their learning in their new classrooms as well. We’ve had some curriculum changes happen over the past two years, and we are seeing a positive impact in regards to student learning. Our teachers look forward to partnering with our families on this journey. Weekly newsletters are one way teachers share the work students engage in throughout the year. Our Curriculum Night on September 10th is another opportunity to learn about grade level standards and expectations as well as get to know your child’s teacher. Please plan on joining us that evening. Teachers will be providing two sessions to attend. Parents can choose the session that works best for them. We will also be providing child care for our K-5 students (no younger siblings, unfortunately) in the LRC with some fun activities for them to engage in while parents are in classrooms.
Chris Balaskovits
Upcoming Dates
Friday, August 30th
Monday, September 2nd
Labor Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, September 3rd (date change)
PTO Meeting in the LRC - 6:30pm
Tuesday, September 10
Corron Curriculum Night (see info below)
Wednesday, September 11
Corron Picture Day (see info below)
Corron Picture Day
Corron Curriculum Night
This year, D303 Elementary Schools are transitioning from the informal open house format of the past few years to a more structured Curriculum Night. Moving to formal teacher presentations will allow our parents to stay informed regarding our curriculum as well to learn about what a typical elementary day looks like. It will also give parents and teachers an opportunity to connect and discuss any questions regarding our curriculum and expectations. (Note: This will not be an evening where parents will be able to talk to the teacher regarding their individual child. Conferences will be held on October 10th and 11th.) Each grade level will present the same presentation twice. This will allow parents to choose a session to attend as well as give them the ability to attend multiple grade levels if they have more than one child at Corron.
This is an event for parents only. We recognize that childcare may be a challenge for some families. Our Corron staff will be providing supervision and activities for any students attending Corron (K-5) for that evening. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide care for children that do not attend Corron as a student.
We hope to see you all there!!
Tuesday, September 10th 6:00 - 7:35
Kindergarten -2nd Grade Sessions
6:00 - 6:25
6:35 - 7:00
3rd - 5th Grade Sessions
6:35 - 7:00
7:10 - 7:35
Arrival Time
While students are able to enter the building through Doors 1 and 8 prior to 9:05, please be sure to drop them off at Door 1 if it is after 9:05. We do not have a buzzer at Door 8 and our assigned staff members stop supervising Door 8 at 9:05.
Corron Homework Expectations
Coyote Howl - PTO News
D303 - Who to Contact
Community Care & Support Partnerships
In D303, we value the opportunity to provide a community of care and support to our families, especially those faced with financial hardship. If your family is currently experiencing a significant financial need, our community partnerships have several supports available for families, including school clothes/shoes, winter coats/accessories, school supplies, toiletries, holiday meals, and/or holiday gifts. If you would like to be considered for any of these supports, please complete the Family Resource Form by September 13, 2024.
En D303, valoramos la oportunidad de proveer una comunidad de cuidado y apoyo a nuestras familias, especialmente a aquellas que enfrentan dificultades financieras. Si su familia está experimentando actualmente una necesidad financiera significativa, nuestras asociaciones comunitarias tienen varios apoyos disponibles para las familias, incluyendo: ropa/calzado para la escuela, abrigos/accesorios de invierno, materiales escolares, artículos de aseo personal, comidas para los días festivos, y/o regalos para navidad. Si desea que se le tenga en cuenta para cualquiera de estas ayudas, por favor, rellene este formulario. Para ser considerado, es fundamental que complete esta encuesta a más tardar el viernes 13 de septiembre.
2024-2025 District Calendar
About us:
Website: http://corron.d303.org
Location: 455 Thornwood Way, South Elgin, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-6900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Corron-Elementary-1421025901489291/
Twitter: @CorronD303