Chester Elementary School
January 13, 2025
CES Happenings
Dear CES Family,
A new calendar year is officially launched! I do hope that things are off to a great start for you. Some of you may have heard recently that the Plumas Unified School District is in the midst of a budget problem that amounts to right at $3,000,000 or just less than 10% of its $40 million budget. This is a structural deficit that has to be remedied immediately or PUSD will face action from the California Department of Education. How will this be resolved and what will the impact be on CES? The answer to the first part of the question is that our interim superintendent is engaging in a deep dive into possible resolutions that keep cuts as far away from the classroom as possible. As for the impact on CES and CJSHS, that remains to be seen. I remain optimistic that, while we will likely experience a measure of reductions on our campus, the excellence that is CES will continue. This excellence lies in staff members that serve our students every day.
The PUSD Governing Board is meeting in Quincy next Wednesday, and if you wish to provide input to our Board on this subject, and they are interested in hearing from our Plumas County communities, you can follow the instructions on the agenda, Item #7 (PCOE-PUSD Agenda Joint Meeting 1/15/25). If you would like to view the meeting here is the link: YouTube Live link. Note: this link will not be live until 1/15/25 at 4 pm.
Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions.
Scott Cory
- 1/15 6th Gr. Snow School
- 1/20 MLK Day - NO SCHOOL
- 1/27-1/31 Parent Conferences (as needed or requested) - MINIMUM DAYS (1:00 dismissal)
- 2/14 Lincoln's Birthday - NO SCHOOL (4-day weekend)
- 2/17 President's Day - NO SCHOOL
Chester Elementary School
Email: scory@pcoe.k12.ca.us
Website: ces.pcoe.k12.ca.us
Location: 158 Aspen Street, Chester, CA, USA
Phone: 530-258-3194
Facebook: facebook.com/ChesterElementary