Maple Minutes
Back to School Information
August 2nd, 2024
Dear Maple Families,
Welcome to the start of the 2024-2025 school year!
We are excited to begin an amazing year of growth with your Maple WARRIORS! Back-to-School night is Thursday, August 15, from 4:30-6:30. We will have a special early opening at 4:00 for families of Quest and Essential Skills students who may need to make their way to multiple buildings. More information will be sent to those families soon. The first day of school is Tuesday, August 20th.
Now is the time to complete returning student registration. This information must be updated annually. Bus routes are based on completed registrations. If your child is not registered, they may not be assigned to a bus route. Complete your student registration today! Click here to get started. If you need assistance call Maple Elementary at 816-532-0589 or stop by Maple Elementary on Thursday, August 8th, or Monday, August 12th, between 9 AM and 3 PM for assistance.
Students have been placed in their classes for the 24-25 school year. You can view your child's teacher on PowerSchool. If you need assistance or have a question, call Maple Elementary at 816-532-0589.
If you need to access grade level supply lists, you can find them on our website here.
We look forward to seeing your child soon!
Dr. Taylor Jahn, Principal, jahnt@smithville.k12.mo.us
Mrs. Abbey Meyer, Assistant Principal, meyera@smithville.k12.mo.us
Maple School Store-Get your School Spirit Wear here!
Maple Elementary Store 2024. Fall online ordering for Maple Elementary ends on Monday, September 9th (11:59 PM CDT).
2024-2025 Maple Elementary Staff
Principal: Dr. Taylor Jahn
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Abbey Meyer
Administrative Assistants: Mrs. Alison Camacho and Mrs. Heather Waters
Nurse/Health Room: Mrs. Annie Frazier
Counselor, Room 122: Mrs. Christina Hough
Part Time Counselor: Ms. Emily Johnson
Behavior Interventionist, Room 119: Mrs. Ashli Ellis
EC, Room 101: Mrs. Genna Cornelisse
Warrior Preschool, Room 106: Mrs. Heidi Uptegrove
Warrior Preschool, Room 102: Mrs. Jeanie Martin
Kindergarten, Room 113: Ms. Syndey Goss
Kindergarten, Room 115: Mrs. Sarah Claytor
Kindergarten, Room 114: Mrs. Sarah Madden
1st Grade, Room 139: Mrs. Rhonda Henshaw
1st Grade, Room 141: Mr. Aaron Bowlin
1st Grade, Room 140: Ms. Mackenzie Kelly
2nd Grade, Room 136: Ms. Autumn Marriott
2nd Grade, Room 138: Ms. Jenna Spence
3rd Grade, Room 135: Mrs. Emily Callahan
3rd Grade, Room 134: Mrs: Amber Medley
3rd Grade, Room 133: Mrs. Abrielle Bartley
4th Grade, Room 129: Mrs. Cortney Saxton
4th Grade, Room 131: Mrs. Jennifer Stone
5th Grade ELA, Room 147: Mrs. Loren Ray
5th Grade Science and Social Studies, Room 149: Mrs. Hannah Hensley
5th Grade Math, Room 151: Mrs. Sheri Greenfield
6th Grade ELA, Room 146: Ms. Taylor Broleman
6th Grade Science and Social Studies, Room 148: Mrs. Amy Elliott
6th Grade Math, Room 150: Ms. Amanda Bradberry
Art, Room 125: Mrs. Jenny Haddock
Music, Room 117: Mrs. Reba McNair
PE, Gym: Mr. Zack Anderson
Library: Mrs. Brea Sissom
SLP, Room 105: Mrs. Heather Peterson & Stephanie Simon
SPED, Room 126: Mr. Greg Chastain, Mrs. Jina Arellano
Essential Skills, Room 130-Jessi Smith
Process Coordinator: Mrs. Amanda McClusky and Mrs. Kristen Gromacki
OT/PT, Room 104: Mrs. Susan Holden & Mrs. Natalie Lloyd
Quest, Room 103: Mrs. Paige Scheibe (Grades 5-6)
Quest, Room 128: Mrs. Kassie Reade (Grades 1-4)
Technology and Innovation, Room 116: Mrs. Sara Freeman
Title I Reading, Room 120 & 124: Mrs. Lesa Quinn & Kim Roske
Custodians: Sarah Parks, Jack Green, Willie Kerley
Instructional Assistants-Essential Skills Classrooms: Mrs. Kathy Evans, Mrs. Courtney Matthews, Mrs. Randa Blakeslee, Mrs. McKenzie Simmons, Mrs. Shawnah Bardot, Mr. Lance Helton
Instructional Assistants-Resource Classrooms: Mrs. Kim Miller
Instructional Assistants Early Childhood: Corrie Cox, Dannel Blackwell, Sara Woolery
Instructional Assistant-Reading, Room 124: Mrs. Josie Benedict
Recess/Cafeteria Aides: Ms. Carolyn Steenrod, Mrs. Jessica Chetto, Mrs. Sheri Williams, Mrs. Ashleigh Dunlap
Kitchen Staff: Ms. Anna Curtis (manager), Ms. Marisol Morena, Ms. Desiree Renz
2024-2025 Student Handbook and Technology Agreement
The 2024-2025 Student Handbook and Technology Agreement form have been uploaded in PowerSchool and can be found under forms and enrollment . Please take a moment to review and acknowledge the 2024-2025 Student Handbook and Technology Agreement form with your child(ren).
Chrome Book Insurance
3rd-6th grade students will be in a take-home 1:1 program which means they will each be assigned a specific Chromebook. Devices will be handed out at back-to-school night. Students will only be permitted to take their device home if they have purchased insurance.
Insurance is offered to families as a part of student enrollment and fees. It is $15 per student to register. This fee is waived for students who qualify for the free or reduced meal plan. If a device is broken, there is only a $25 deductible. If insurance has been purchased, you will be charged no more than $25 to fix the device unless the damage was intentional. Chromebook insurance sign up is now a part of your enrollment and fees when you register your student in PowerSchool. Insurance from the 23-24 school year expires on September 20th, 2024.
Innovation Learning Before and After School Childcare
Innovation Learning, Smithville School District’s before and after school childcare provider, would like to invite you to enroll in our school year programs by going to www.innovationlearning.com. They provide a program designed to inspire kids to be the innovators of tomorrow through science, technology, engineering, arts, math, and physical fitness activities designed to teach them communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity skills. The program operates from 6:00 am to the start of the school day and after school to 6:00 pm on regular school days. Programming is available on days when school is closed, early release days, and inclement weather days. For more information, call Jason Gilbertson, Area Director, at (816) 825-6166 or our Customer Service line at (866) 239-3661. *Programming is now also available for Warrior Preschool Program students who attend the full day class at Maple Elementary School.
Important Upcoming Dates
August 15th-Back to School Night. 4:00-4:30(Quest and Essential Skills), 4:30-6:30 entire building
August 20th-First day of school
August 21st-Board Meeting-7PM
August 26th-Quest Begins
September 2nd-Labor Day, No school
September 7th-Fight Like a Princess Day-Wear Pink to School
September 20th-Homecoming-Early Dismissal at 1:15
September 23rd-No School-Staff professional development day
September 24th-Fall Picture Day