Back To School News!
Lincoln Elementary. Home of the Positive Polecats.
Daily Schedule
- Playground is CLOSED before school.
- 8:00 a.m. teachers will pick up students at their designated door. Students arriving late will need to enter through the main entrance by ringing the doorbell.
-8:10 a.m. classes begin.
- If your child is staying home sick for the day be sure to call the office @ 231-348-2120 to report the absence. Please leave a detailed message, including symptoms; the office gets a little busy in the mornings.
- 3:05 p.m. marks the end of the school day. Students are to be picked up outside at the same location as morning drop off. Parents please be prompt about picking students up.
-If your child plans to ride the bus this year please call the bus garage @ 231-487-9666.
- If the need should arise that you need to pick up your child early please ring the bell. Mrs. Russell will walk your child out to you.
- Item drop off. We respectfully ask that these visits are limited to essential items only, (i.e. forgotten lunch). Please ring the bell, provide Mrs. Russell with the child name and teacher name. In an effort to minimize classroom disruption, Mrs. Russell will deliver the item to your child.
- Kindergarten parents: if your child rides the bus please be sure to have their bus tag pinned onto their backpack each day. (these will be given at Open House)
Kindergarten/1st Grade- Doors across from Johan's Bakery.
2nd/3rd Grade- Main Doors.
4th/5th Grade- Doors next to the playground gate.
1st Day of school- Tuesday September 3rd! Get some rest and get excited for a great year!
Picture Day- Friday, September 6th! Picture day schedule starts right away, please help your student to arrive on time.
PTO Mum sale- Order forms will be coming home soon. This is a sale of convenience, not a fundraiser.
Save-the-date for the upcoming Daddy Daughter Dance.
Tuesday, October 1st. 6-8pm. More info to come!
Ms. Jody Johnson, Special Education
Mr. Jared Webb, Physical Education
Megan Kleiber Long Term Sub Sp.Ed.
Ms. Tessa Shepard, Student Teacher (Frey)
Victoria Kavanaugh, Food Service
Alexa Moser, Student Teacher (Tippett)
New Secretary at the Helm!
We are happy to welcome Mrs. Jenn Russell to the Lincoln "staff" Family. She has always been an amazing Positive Polecat family member but now she takes over as secretary of Lincoln. She comes from the middle school where she was working as the secretary.
We will miss you, Mrs. Strong!
Mrs. Strong will still be a call away if we need help. She will be working at the high school for the tech team as a secretary. We all will miss you but one thing is for sure... I will have fewer photos on my phone because I left it lying around.