6th Grade Lions Team Newsletter
Announcements & Reminders
- Dec. 16 - 20: Spirit Week
- Dec. 20: End of 2nd Quarter
- Dec. 20: Winter Party! Lions Team times are 9:30-10:15. Please note, only approved volunteers signed up to help with the event are allowed to attend. Please sign up to volunteer at this link. All work must be complete for students to attend this event.
- Dec 23 - Jan. 3: Winter Break, No School
- Jan. 6: Classes Resume
What We're Learning!
- Math: Students wrapped up Unit 3 on Unit Rates and Percentages. The week of Nov. 18th we will practice fractions, decimals, and percent. When we return from Thanksgiving break we will begin Unit 4 on Fractions. Students are also working in Khan Academy towards their Course Mastery Goal.
- ELA: Each week students will have a Bellwork quiz over their practice for the week. We are continuing our novel study over the book, The Bridge Home. We will be practicing reading skills throughout the unit.
- Science/SS: We have wrapped up science for the semester and are currently in our Egypt Unit. Students are studying how Egyptian culture began through the lens of the 5 traits of civilizations. Our unit test over Egypt is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 17th.
STUCO Announcements
Student Council Officers
Congratulations to our newly-elected Student Council officers:
President - Molly Henderson
Vice President - Camden McCormick
Secretary/Treasurer - Grant Sanders
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer - Kelsey Miller
Holiday Movie Party - December 20
We are looking for snack and drink donations for our holiday movie party. Please see the attached flyer for details. We may show a holiday film that is rated PG (Elf, Home Alone, etc.). If you do not want your student to participate in this event, please contact your homeroom teacher.
PRIDE of the Lions Team
Riley Lord and Brooklyn Dygon ran in Cross Country Nationals over Thanksgiving Break in Lexington, Kentucky. Our runners represented Wilson’s Creek so well and we are so Proud of their accomplishments.
- Riley Lord placed 44th with a 2mile time of 12:27.01 which is her personal best.
- Brooklyn Dygon placed18th with a 2mile time of 11:55.57 which is her personal best and broke our school record.
Congratulations to Brooklyn and Riley!
Contact Information
Mrs. Keller (Science/SS): makeller@spsmail.org
Mrs. Stafford (Math): sstafford@spsmail.org
Mrs. Levy (ELA): allevy@spsmail.org