Linden Middle School Newsletter
Welcome Back to School
Dear Linden Middle School Parents & Guardians,
It is my pleasure to start the 2021-2022 school year as the Linden Middle School Principal. This is my sixteenth year in the Linden Community School District. My LCS educational leadership experiences include being the curriculum director, elementary principal at Central Elementary for 6 years, and most recently, the elementary principal at Hyatt Elementary for the past 5 years. I am excited to support the students, staff, and families of Linden Middle School.
Please feel free to contact me any time if you have a suggestion, concern, or just a "good story" to share. Please contact me at 810-591-0712 or cthomas@lindenschools.org.
Cheryl Thomas
Meet Kraig Enders, LMS Assistant Principal
LMS Open House: Wednesday, August 18th 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Due to the Covid-19 guidelines face masks are not required however, you are may wear a mask if you choose. Looking forward to meeting you next Wednesday, August 18th at 6 pm.
LMS Website
LMS SOAR Expectations = Success
Offer Kindness
Act Responsibly
Remember Respect
Dates to Remember
8/16-Schedules in ParentVue/StudentVue
8/18-Open House 6-7 pm
8/23-1st Day of School
8/23-Practices Begin
9/3-9/6-No School
9/7-LMS DC Parent Meeting in Cafeteria @ 6pm
9/9-School Pictures
9/24-No School
6th Grade Bell Schedule
2nd Hour-8:33-9:29
3rd Hour-9:33-10:29
4th Hour-10:33-11:29
5th Hour- 11:33-12:29
6th Hour-1:08-2:11
7th Grade Bell Schedule
2nd Hour-8:33-9:29
3rd Hour-9:33-10:29
4th Hour-10:33-11:29
5th Hour-12:08-1:04
6th hour-1:08-2:11
8th Grade Bell Schedule
2nd Hour-8:33-9:29
3rd Hour-9:33-10:29
4th Hour-11:08 - 12:04
5th hour-12:08 - 1:04
6th Hour-1:08-2:11
COVID-19 Update
- Face masks, regardless of vaccination status, are no longer required for students, employees, parents, or visitors.
- Anyone (regardless of vaccination status) when on public transportation, including school buses, pursuant to a federal order from the CDC, will be required to wear a face mask.
- Physical distancing, regardless of vaccination status, is no longer required for students, employees, parents, or visitors.
- COVID-19 positive individuals will need to isolate, per the Genesee County Health Department.
- COVID-19 individuals (unvaccinated) deemed as close contacts will need to quarantine, per the Genesee County Health Department.
- Capacity limits are no longer in place.
- COVID-19 testing for students, staff, or visitors is not required.
- COVID-19 testing for MHSAA participation is no longer required.
- Daily COVID-19 self-screening for employees is no longer required.
- All buildings (classroom, common areas, restrooms, etc.) will be cleaned on a daily basis.
Linden Middles School provides the following Fall athletic options for 6th-8th grade students. Please see the practice start dates. times and coach contacts.
Football (7th and 8th grade only) - August 23 first practice
Practice: 8/23-8/27 - 5:30 - 8:00pm - MS practice field
7th grade - Coach Tyler Keeble - keeblet@yahoo.com
8th grade - Coach Tom Walter - twalter1980@hotmail.com
Girls Basketball -(7th and 8th grade only) August 24 first practice/tryout's
Practice: 8/24- 8/27 - 2:30-4pm - Middle School gymnasium
7th - Coach Brian Durant - bdurant@lindenschools.org
8th - Coach Ted Allessie - tallessi@lindenschools.org
Coed Cross Country (6th, 7th, and 8th grade) August 23 first practice
Practice: 8/23- 8/27 - 2:30-4pm - Meet outside of Middle School Cafeteria
Girls - Coach Jay Kirkey - jkirkey@lindenschools.org
Boys - Coach Rick Kimball - rkimbal@lindenschools.org
Sideline Cheer (7th and 8th only) August 24 first practice
Practice: 8/24 and 8/26 -6-8 pm - Meet at the Linden High School balcony
Coach Emily Carr - Cemily.carr300@gmail.com
See Optional Chromebook Insurance Information on the attached document below.
National School Lunch Program Information
All students enrolled in Linden Community Schools for the 2021-2022 school year will be able to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at NO Charge to your household each day. We still need every family to complete and sign the free and Reduced Meal Application. I have attached a copy below as well as a link to the application available online. Our programs such as Title I and 31a 'At Risk' funding is dependent on families completing this application.
Linden Middle School
Email: cthomas@lindenschools.org
Location: 15425 Lobdell Rd Linden, MI 48451
Phone: (810) 591-0710