I-29 Moo University
A newsletter for dairy producers - June 2016
Reduce Heat Stress Even in Your Baby Calves!
Most often, as the temperature climbs we run straight to the barn making sure the fans and sprinklers are all set and ready to go. We know heat stress has dramatic
effects on milk production, which affects us immediately in cow health and in the pocketbook.
How often during times of heat stress are you running over to the calf barn or hutches to see what’s going on with your calves? Continue...
Email: jbentley@iastate.edu
Website: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/dairyteam/home/dairyteam
Location: Decorah, IA, United States
Phone: (563) 382-2949
Facebook: Facebook.com/ISUDairyTeam
Twitter: @ISUDairyTeam
Beat the Heat - Having Your Cows Ready to Avoid the Hot Summer Temperatures
By: Ryan Breuer, DVM, Dairy Specialist, ISU Extension and Outreach
The summer season is upon us and for the average lactating dairy cow that means longer and warmer days,with the potential of heat stress, which is a serious concern for your dairy. In preparation for these hot temperatures, ask yourself these critical questions while monitoring your cows for heat stress:
1.Are the cows comfortable?
2. Do the cows need more ventilation?
3.Is there enough available water being used appropriately to keep cows cool?
4. What can I do to help?
Email: rmbreuer@iastate.edu
Website: www.extension.iastate.edu/dairyteam
Location: Orange City, IA, United States
Phone: (712) 737-4230
Facebook: Facebook.com/ISUDairyTeam
Twitter: @ISUDairyTeam
Choosing Alternative Feedstuffs in a Fickle Marketplace
By J.W. Schroeder, Dairy Specialist (retired/recycled), NDSU
Despite lower feed costs in, declining farm-gate prices for milk will have dairy farm managers sharpening their feed-planning pencils in search of cost-effective rations.
Well-balanced rations are critical to the health and well-being of the cow and the dairy enterprise.
The cost of feed can represent anywhere from 55 to 70 percent of the cost of producing milk in most milking herds. To continue providing milk (and meat) efficiently for a growing world population, making sure the family farm remains healthy financially is critical. Continue...
Email: jw.schroeder@ndsu.edu
Phone: (701) 231-7663
Calendar of Events
18 - Dairy Farm Open House Tours; Royalwood Farms (Ode Dairy), Brandon, SD
6 - Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am - Administering medications via remote delivery.
3 - Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am
7 - Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am
13 - Cover Crop webinar; Dr. Mary Drewnoski, University of Nebraska- cover crops and soils & Jim Paulson, University of Minnesota - incorporating cover crops in dairy rations; Connect.unl.edu/DairyTuesday
5- Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am
2 - Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am
9 - Rearing Calves and Heifers for Optimal Performance in Dairies and Feedlots; Beatrice, NE. Registration details coming soon.
10 - Rearing Calves and Heifers for Optimal Performance in Dairies and Feedlots; Norfolk, NE. Registration details coming soon.
7 - Animal Care Wednesday webinar, 10:30 am
13 - Cold Stress on Animals webinar, 10:00 am
About Us
Website: iGrow.org/Livestock/Dairy
Location: I29 Corridor
Facebook: Facebook.com/I29DairyOutreachConsortium
University of Minnesota Extenstion
Jim Salfer (Extension): salfe001@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6093
Jim Paulson (Extension): jcp@umn.edu; phone: 507.251.4694
Betty Berning (Extension): bberning@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6104
Keela Fick (Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region): Keela.Fick@co.pipestone.mn.us; phone: 507.290.0576
South Dakota State University Extension
Tracey Erickson (Extension): Tracey.Erickson@sdstate.edu phone: 605.882.5140
Maristela Rovai (Extension): Maristela.Rovai@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.5488
Heidi Carroll (Extension): Heidi.Carroll@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.6623
Roger Scheibe (SDDP): SDDairyProducers@gmail.com;
phone: 605.692.1775
Nebraska Extension
Kim Clark (Extension): KimClark@unl.edu; phone: 402.472.6065
Robert Tigner (Extension): Robert.Tigner@unl.edu; phone: 308.345.3390
Paul Kononoff (Extension): PKononoff2@unl.edu;
phone: 402.472.6442
Rod Johnson (NSDA): Rod@NebraskaMilk.org;
phone: 402.261.5482
North Dakota State University Dairy Extension
JW Schroeder (Extension-Emeriti): jw.schroeder@ndsu.edu; phone: 701.231.7663
Amber Boeshans (ND Department of Agriculture): aboeshans@nd.gov; phone: 701.328.1495
Iowa State University Dairy Extension
Ryan Breuer (Extension): rmbreuer@iastate.edu;
phone: 712.737.4230
Leo Timms (Extension): ltimms@iastate.edu;
phone: 515.294.4522
Hugo Ramirez-Ramirez; hramirez@iastate.edu;
phone: 515.294.2160
Sue Ann Claudon (ISDA): sueannc@iowadairy.org;
phone: 515.965.4626
Allied Partners
Midwest Dairy Association: MidwestDairy.com
Minnesota Milk Producers Association: MNMilk.org
Nebraska State Dairy Association: NebraskaMilk.org
North Dakota Department of Agriculture: https://www.nd.gov/ndda/
South Dakota Dairy Producers: SDDairyProducers.org
Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region