Pikesville Middle School - May 2021
From The Principals Desk:
I cannot believe we are about one-month away from the end of the 2020-2021 school year. We are excited to welcome additional students to our in-person learning during the month of May. To our resilient and joyful students, you have successfully completed the first three quarters of the 2020-2021 school year, I am SO proud of you! I am thankful to our parents, grandparents and guardians for the patience and grace that they have shown to me, our school leadership, and teachers this school year. You have been understanding when we overcame hurdles associated with the virtual platforms, the ransomware attack and connectivity. And, most importantly, you have joined with us in a commitment to continue educating our children amid the coronavirus pandemic. While I am sure we will still have hurdles to overcome, we will do so as a Pikesville Middle School community. Our goal is to work together to support our students, families, and staff during these challenging times.
To our 8th grade students and families, as your time at Pikesville Middle School is winding down, we want to celebrate you and your accomplishments. Although our 8th grade closing will be virtual, we will hold a drive through celebration parade on Thursday, June 17 from 4:00-6:30 pm. We encourage families to decorate their vehicles!!!
We are excited to announce that we are re-starting our PTA. Please join us on May 25, 2021 from 7:00-8:00 pm to have our first PTA meeting of the year. Please see the flyer for the goggle meet link for this meeting. Our PTA dues will be $5.00. Please join us to jump start this great partnership!
Please continue to provide ongoing feedback to teachers, counselors and school administrators about your child’s experience and needs throughout the second quarter. Please remember that we are always here to support our students and families, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you or your child needs support:
- Mrs. Miller-Principal (kmiller2@bcps.org)
- Ms. Luechtefeld – 6th Grade (sluechtefeld@bcps.org)
- Mrs. Hammel – 7th Grade (ahammel@bcps.org)
- Mr. Sullivan – 8th grade (msullivan2@bcps.org)
Important Dates:
6th Grade News Flash by Ms. Luechtefeld
Happy May 6th Grade Families!
Spring time is a time of rejuvenation and growth. All year long, during the announcements we have encouraged you to set goals for yourself and plan on specific ways that you will reach those goals. With only 6 weeks left in your 6th grade year, we want you to focus on finishing this year strong! The end of the school year can be exhausting and tiring, but remember that the Pikesville Middle School staff is here to support you. So here are some specific ways in which you can help yourself and finish the year strong! Consider partnering up with a friend or a trusted adult so you can keep each other on the right track.
- Write a positive affirmation about yourself & recite it every morning in the mirror. An example is, “I am strong and I work hard.”
- Keep an agenda or list of assignments that need to be done, so you can check off what you get accomplished.
- Ask for help! Sometimes this can be scary, but it is also empowering. Admitting that you need help on something, whether it is an assignment, staying organized, or setting goals will only support your growth.
As always, I am proud of you and the growth you have shown as 6th graders. The sense of community that you have built with one another is astonishing! Remember to consistently check your grades, communicate with your teachers, counselor, and administrator. Lastly, don’t forget to thank a teacher! The month of May includes Teacher Appreciation Week – and our teachers deserve all of the thanks they can get after this year.
6th Grade Administrator: Ms. Luechtefeld: sluechtefeld@bcps.org
6th Grade Counselor: Mrs. Banks: vbanks2@bcps.org
7th Grade Scoop by Mrs. Hammel
Hello again, from the 7th Grade Team. As we move into the month of May, 4th Quarter is in full swing. Although the end of the year is approaching, it is important to persevere and work to maintain strong 4th Quarter grades. Students should consistently monitor their Schoology courses to ensure there are no missing assignments that negatively impact their overall grade. Additionally, coming to class, in-person or virtual, is extremely important. Students should arrive to class on time, prepared with class materials. Furthermore, communication is key. Students should communicate with teachers if they are struggling and/or need support with classwork. Together we can ensure the success of all 7th grade students at Pikesville Middle School.
Lastly, we would like to share a message from our 7th grade counselor, Mr. Hess. Here is what he has to say about committing to a final charge!
We know this has a been a challenging year for many students and their families, but the 7th grade journey is not over yet! Since we cannot go backwards, move forward by going to class, participating, and completing your work so that you can finish the year on the highest note possible! Believe in yourself because we believe in you!! And remember, learning means making mistakes, so do not be afraid to ask for help if you need it!
Until next time, remember TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK, and always show your #PythonPride!
8th Grade Updates from Dr. Sullivan
Can you believe it 8th graders?! You are now in the last marking period of your middle school careers! What an accomplishment to make it this far, but the work is not done yet. With high school right around the corner, it is important that you set yourself up for success by finishing on a high note! Stay focused and determined, communicate with your teachers, and keep trying your best. Not only do you have high school to look forward to, but you can also look forward to this year's 8th Grade Farewell Promotion! Even though our promotion or closing assembly will be virtual this year, your 8th grade teachers, counselors, team leaders and administrators are working extremely hard to make this a fun and memorable experience for all! Information about this year's 8th grade promotion activities can be found on our school website.
May Social Emotional Learning
For the month of May, the students will be exploring the following concepts:
· Fairness/Justice
· Courage
· Perseverance
· Unit
Students will be making connections and relating the concepts to daily decisions and long-term goal setting.
Pikesville Middle PTA
Happy May Pikesville Family!
Our 6th, 7th and 8th grade students continue to work hard in their science and engineering classes. In 6th grade, students are continuing their chemistry unit. Students will continue to explore matter, atoms, and the periodic table of elements. In 7th grade students are working on the Chemical Magic Unit, which covers topics such as chemical and physical changes, atoms, molecules, and the law of conservation of mass. Our 8th graders are finishing up the weather unit by using their newly developed weather skills to analyze data to make a prediction about the intensity of future hurricanes. In 8th grade engineering, students are continuing the Design and Modeling unit, while 7th grade students are continuing the Energy and Environment unit.
Please continue to encourage your student(s) to attend coach class sessions when needed, we are here and would love to offer the support. Also, please remind students to complete any missing assignments, and regularly communicate with their teacher about any areas of confusion they may be experiencing.
Hybrid students should continue to submit their Science Safety Contacts as teachers are eager to incorporate hands-on lab experiments and live demonstrations.
Thank you for your support as we continue to move into 4th quarter. Please feel free to email your students teacher if you have any questions or concerns.
The fourth quarter has started, please make sure you are checking Schoology frequently to check for missing work and to look at grades. Math 6 is working on Equivalent Expressions and Equations, next will be Equations and Inequalities; Math 6 GT is working on Patterns Leading to Addition and Subtraction, next will be Multiplication in Geometry; Pre-Algebra 7 is working on Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities, next will be Statistics and Probability; Yearlong Pre-Algebra is working on Systems of Equations, next is The Coordinate Plane; Math 8 is working on Linear Functions; Algebra 1 is working on Polynomials and Quadratic Functions, next is Exponential Functions; Geometry is working on Quadrilaterals, next is Similarity and Right Triangle Trigonometry, Spatial Reasoning, and Circles. Remember the textbook is online and can be found on their course page in Schoology.
Students are in the early weeks of Unit 3 in language arts. Listed below is each language arts class and their focus for Unit 3:
6th grade – literary elements and realistic fiction, Ghost
6 GT - Shakespearean performances
7th grade - research and the Harlem Renaissance, reading Harlem Summer
7 GT - narrative techniques and allegory, reading Animal Farm
8th grade – exploring history through fiction and informational text, reading Refugee
8 GT - elements of comedy and Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream
AVID and College and Career students continue to explore techniques to support their executive functioning and contribute to their personal success. A new group of students just began theater classes with the new quarter! They are beginning to learn theater vocabulary, and learning to use their voice, face, and body to express action and emotion. Students in reading are just took their mid-year assessment and are setting their goals for the second half of reading classes.
Now is the time of year when the weather encourages us to spend time outdoors. Why not relax in the sunshine with a novel, graphic novel, or audiobook? Ask teachers for recommendations for great reads, ideas for your younger readers, and how to access school and public library e-books!
Social Studies
Happy May PMS Families!
We are entering the final stretch of the 2020-2021 school year! 4th quarter is here, and students get these final weeks to show what they are made of! Social studies this year has helped students to improve their reading, writing, speaking, and analytical skills. They have read quotes from famous people in history, looked at maps of places all around the world, and investigated different time periods. Students are encouraged to finish strong by posting a discussion post to every "Think About It", taking notes and annotating every "Learn About It", trying every "Try It" and ultimately completing AND submitting every "Show What You Know". The Social Studies teachers are here to support you every step of the way! YOU CAN DO IT!
Upcoming Topics:
Ancient World History 6 - Continuing Unit 3: Ancient Greece and then Unit 4: Ancient Rome
Essential Question: How did geographic, social, political, and economic factors contribute to the rise of influential empires in regions like Greece?
Medieval World History 7 - Continuing Unit 2: Medieval Europe
Essential Question: How did social, political, and economic institutions provide stability in Medieval Europe?
American History 8 - Unit 2: Early Nation Test then starting Unit 3: Nationalism and Sectionalism.
Essential Question: How did geographic and economic growth, political shifts, and changing social structures lead to divisions within the United States?
Foreign Language
Bonjour et Buenos Dias! I can’t believe it is already the 4th quarter. We have been learning so much in World Language classes. Please welcome Ms. Gee to our team. She will be teaching Spanish B classes and helping Ms. Scott with French A classes while Ms. Whiten is on leave. Please reach out to teachers if you have any questions.
Now that we are back to hybrid learning, make sure students are charging devices each night so they are ready as needed in class. Also, please make sure that students are actively participating from home and asking questions. Make sure check Schoology regularly.
In Novice A classes, students are finishing up discussing what they eat and drink daily. In Novice B classes, students have finished healthy habits and are now learning how to discuss what they do to stay active. Intermediate classes are finishing up learning about animals and why some of them are endangered, and students will soon be exploring how they express their creativity in their daily lives. Each theme in World Language aligns with the AP themes, so students will be prepared for high school courses.
It’s a great idea to have a notebook for World Language class, especially when we are virtual. Taking notes on paper, making flashcards, and writing vocabulary by hand can really help retention. For extra practice, your student can also use https://quizlet.com/ to review vocabulary and then make old fashioned flash cards on index cards! We also like https://www.duolingo.com/ to track progress and https://conjuguemos.com/ for extra practice with tricky grammar rules.
We are so happy to see many of you in person. It’s great to see so many students back in the building!
Related Arts
Welcome to the Pikesville Middle School Related Arts Department! Related Arts are your “Specials” classes. At Pikesville Middle School they consist of Physical Education, Health Education, Art Education, Chorus, Band, Orchestra, World Music, American Music, and Dance Education. We have so many exciting opportunities for our students outside of the core four classes here at Pikesville Middle School.
Physical Education and Health Education are taught in a combined setting. You will have PE class for 1 marking periods (Quarter 4) and Health for 1 marking period (Quarter 3). Both classes will be taught by the same teacher.
Physical Education is a class that students are required to take. It encourages psychomotor learning in a play, or movement explorations setting to promote overall wellness. Hybrid Students need to wear athletic/ loose fitting clothes and sneaker/ tennis shoes when they come into school. It is also strongly encouraging for you to wear layers because we will be outside as much as possible and to bring a water bottle for class activities.
At Home Fitness Activities:
Home Fitness - Towel Activities Link (Video) - https://www.wevideo.com/view/1614597216
Home Fitness - Balloon Challenge Link (Video) - https://www.wevideo.com/view/1614427122
Home Fitness - Tabata Link (Video) - https://www.wevideo.com/view/1614233931
At Home Daily Activities - https://www.shapeamerica.org/uploads/pdfs/2020/resources/activity-ideas-calendar_english.pdf
SuperDeck - Fitness Workout - https://www.shapeamerica.org/uploads/pdfs/2020/resources/SuperDeck-Color-Your-Own.pdf
Wheelchair workout - https://youtu.be/TogQwHLCIgw
At Home Workout Workbook -https://na3.documents.adobe.com/public/fs?aid=CBFCIBAA3AAABLblqZhCIvmSHqIv4_wbu3Pwn18449L7T9U1F0FuFECOF7BV8Y7YDpZqctxruGsK80nLUnTU%2A
May Health and Fitness Calendar
English Mind & Body Calendar: file:///C:/Users/mbritt2/Downloads/May-2021-Secondary-Mind-Body-Calendar-English%20(1).pdf
Spanish Mind & Body Calendar: file:///C:/Users/mbritt2/Downloads/May-2021-Secondary-Mind-Body-Calendar-Spanish%20(1).pdf
Fine Arts is a collection of classes such as Visual Art Education, Music Education and Dance Education.
Visual Arts is an area of learning that is based upon only the kind of art that one can see, visual arts- drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and designing jewelry, pottery, weaving, fabrics and design applied to other fields such as commercial graphics and home furnishings.
Announcement: 6th, 7th and 8th grade Students - Art supplies can be picked up at Pikesville Middle School, your Art teacher gives you a date and time to pick up your supplies.
Music Education incorporates music training and education in multiple areas of music because involvement in music is considered a fundamental component of human culture and behavior. At PMS it is made up of many different courses, chorus, band, orchestra, world music and American music.
***Attention: Semester 2 Instrumental Music Students: If you will be taking a band or orchestra class during semester 2 please reach out to one of the following instrumental teachers as soon as possible. We need to know what instrument you play, if you have your own instrument or have your BCPS provided instrument from the previous year or if you do not have an instrument at home and need the information to rent. Please email the following teachers for information.
Subject – Teacher – Email address
All Orchestra Students Email Mr. Lavallee – llavallee@bcps.org
6th Grade Band Students Email Ms. Leggiero – lleggiero@bcps.org
7th and 8th Grade Band Students Mr. Rauson – drauson@bcps.org
Instrumental Music (Band and Orchestra) – School owned instruments are still not available for students. Students and Families are encouraged to obtain an instrument on their own by renting or purchasing. Pikesville Middle School’s approved vendor is Menchey Music in Timonium, MD - https://www.mencheymusic.com/stores/timonium-md/
· If your child’s computer is having tech issues such as microphone or Camera, it is expected that parent or caregiver contacts the help desk for them to remedy the issue. Both are needed for performance classes. BCPS Tech Support/ Help Desk Phone Number 443-809-4672
Smart Music: As we look ahead and get into fourth quarter, we will be starting a new virtual platform called Smart Music. It is an inclusive platform that will allow us to expand our offerings into many different genres and allow more interactive playing between our students. We’d like to thank Mrs. Miller for finding the funds to do this.
Instrumental Music Club: Meetings are every Tuesday from 2:45-3:45, Ms. Leggiero and Mr. Lavallee are having an Instrumental Music club. This is open to any grade 6-8 student who plays and instrument (band or strings). We will be doing many different activities in this club and having the first (full orchestra) experience here at Pikesville.
Dance Education:
The dance students at Pikesville Middle School will be exploring Modern Dance technique. Students will have the opportunity to research and perform different techniques based on dancers such as Martha Graham and Alvin Ailey.
Students will be preparing for their movement assessments based on Alvin Ailey’s Revelations. The Honors Dance students will begin preparing a performance for BCPS-TV in collaboration with other dance students in the county from the middle school and high school levels.
It is so wonderful to see the students participating and enjoying every moment of dance at Pikesville Middle School. We dance every day, and this is a great opportunity for the students to release their energy and show their expressive movements.
Counseling Corner
The pandemic has not been easy on our students and families. Perhaps more importantly, students are experiencing a major threat to their general well being. The counseling staff continues to focus on this aspect of the pandemic. After all, our students' productivity as learners and their self-worth as human beings, will always be important to the counseling team.
Amidst a global pandemic, racial tensions, economic hardships, and the everyday risks of family members who are essential workers, our students are aware of the difficulties of our current moment; they may internalize the pressures of the outside world, which may weigh heavily on their hearts.
Many of our students have lost multiple family members to COVID-19. Some students are very concerned about not doing well with their schoolwork. The school counselors are here to support students and families and provide the resources needed to survive this pandemic.
As we enter the 4th quarter, please be reminded that we are here to assist your student in any way possible. Continue to encourage your student to contact their counselor on Schoology, if they have any questions or need support. We can set up group lunch bunches with your student and their friends on Google Meet as well as meet with your student while they attend school hybrid.
Mrs. Banks, 6th Grade School Counselor & School Counseling chair
Mr. Hess, 7th Grade School Counselor
Ms Daeschner 8th Grade School Counselor
Ms. Bobbie Jo Cole, School Counseling Intern
Health Suite
Sixth grade students who are entering 7th grade next year are required to have the MCV4 and Tdap vaccinations. Please check with your pediatrician to make sure that your student’s vaccinations are up to date and in compliance with the Maryland Dept. of Health requirements. Please send a copy of all updated vaccination records to Mrs. Limmer at jlimmer@bcps.org. If you are having difficulty getting an appointment with your pediatrician, please contact Mrs. Limmer at jlimmer@bcps.org or 443-801-5000 for assistance. If there are any changes in your child’s health status, please let Mrs. Limmer know.
If your child is participating in in person learning please remember to check your child daily for symptoms and do not sent them to school if they have any of the following:
· Fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
· Sore throat, congestion or runny nose
· New onset or worsening of cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
· New loss of taste and or smell
· Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
· Muscle pain, chills or extreme tiredness
· New or severe headache
· Have you had close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes) in the last 14 days? If ‘YES’, you must stay home. Consult with your health care provider about testing and contact the School Nurse for more information.
· Are you waiting to get tested or waiting for COVID-19 test results? If ‘YES’ you must stay home until notified of test results regardless of reason for test.
· Have you tested positive for COVID-19? If ‘YES’, you must stay home, notify your school nurse/ supervisor, and consult your healthcare provider
For any questions or concerns please contact the health suite at 443-809-5000 or jlimmer@bcps.org.