Parent Newsletter
George Hall Elementary 24-25 Parent Information
Contact Information
George Hall Elementary School
1108 Antwerp Street
Mobile, AL 36605
Dr. Tiffany Friday, Principal
Email: tfriday@mcpss.com
Ms. Irma Jackson, Registrar
Email: ijackson@mcpss.com
Mrs. Alexis Greer, School Counselor
Email: agreer@mcpss.com
Welcome Letter 2024-2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope each of you enjoyed a wonderful summer break with your families. I want to take this opportunity to welcome back our returning Hall families and extend a warm welcome to those who are joining our George Hall family for the first time.
I am thrilled to have been named the Principal for Hall Elementary. This is my 25th year with MCPSS and my 20th year at George Hall. Many of you may know me as "Ms. Miller"; so if you see my new name (Dr. Friday)just know, it's still me.
I appreciate your patience with the opening of school arrival and dismissal procedures. Our number one priority is the safety of the students and staff at George Hall. If you follow all procedures and directives, we can ensure a safe and speedy drop-off and dismissal. Maps are posted on our school website and Facebook, and went home with all students.
We are all learning together, and I can't wait to see our collective successes throughout this upcoming year.
Our dedicated team of teachers and staff have engaged in various professional learning opportunities throughout the summer, as well as worked diligently to prepare their classrooms to welcome their new group of students. We are committed to providing a high-quality education that meets the diverse needs of every child. Our focus will continue to be on academic growth, social-emotional development, and fostering a love for learning.
Communication between home and school is vital for the success of our students. I encourage you to stay updated with school news and events through our school Facebook page, school website, daily conduct folders, weekly classroom newsletters, Class Dojo, and monthly newsletters Principal newsletters. Please be sure to have an updated contact number, email address, and create and/or update your parent Schoology account. We will be hosting various events throughout the school year, along with parent/teacher conferences to keep you informed about your child's progress.
Lastly, I want to remind you that my door is always open, and I welcome your conversation, collaboration, and input throughout the school year. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions. I value your input and believe that together, we can make this school year a memorable and successful one!
Thank you once again for your continued support, and I look forward to partnering with you this school year.
With gratitude,
Dr. Tiffany Friday, Principal
QR Codes
QR Codes
Please scan the QR codes below to follow us on Facebook and connect to our school website.
1. Complete online registration.
2. Complete required paperwork in the office.
3. Bring in required documentation (please call 251-221-1345) for a complete list of necessary documentation.
School Wide Behavior Management
Class Dojo will be used school wide to monitor behavior and connect with parents.
Uniform Policy
Uniform Policy
- Navy pants, shorts, skorts or jumper (shorts, skorts, and jumper must come to the knee)
- Girls should wear shorts under skirts.
- Solid red "polo" collared shirt - see picture below.
- Solid black, brown, or navy belts.
- Navy pants or shorts (shorts must come to the knee).
- Solid red "polo" collared shirt - see picture below.
- Solid black, brown or navy belts.
All students:
- Tennis shoes (Not allowed: Mary Janes, boots, wheels on athletic shoes, light up shoes, rain boots, slippers, mules, glittery shoes, or flip flops.)
- White or black socks; solid red, blue, black or white tights. (Not allowed: socks/tights with patterns or other colors than listed above.
- Outerwear: SOLID red or navy sweater, cardigan or sweatshirt. Solid black sweaters or sweatshirts are not allowed. No hoodies allowed. Outerwear may not have any writing or logos. Student monogram/initials are acceptable.
- During cold weather students may wear jackets, hats, and gloves/mittens. They will not be allowed to be worn in the building.
- Purses: Purses are not allowed in grades PreK-2nd. If girls in upper grades need to bring feminine products in a purse, she will need to let the teacher know that she will need access to her purse during the school day.
- (From MCPSS Code of Conduct (p.37) #5. Searches of personal belongings will be conducted when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the personal belongings conceal any item(s) that it is a crime and/or a violation of the Student Code of Conduct to possess. The search of personal belongings may occur on school property, at school-sponsored activities, or in transit to and from school-sponsored activities.)
- Jewelry: Students may wear stud earrings only. Hoops, large dangle earrings and other earrings are not allowed. Necklaces must be kept under student's shirt. 1 small bracelet is allowed. Smart Watches are not allowed. If a student has a watch that does not make any noise, and is not a distraction to the learning environment, they may wear their watch to school.
- Artificial Nails/Long Nails: Artificial nails are not allowed. Long nails and artificial nails can be a safety concern at P.E. and a distraction to the learning environment.
- Lip gloss, fake eyelashes, and other body piercings are not allowed.
Digital Device Policy
Hall Elementary Cell Phone Policy
At George Hall Elementary we have opted for the cell phone safety box (pictured above).
Cell phone use is prohibited on campus during school hours (including arrival and dismissal). If students do bring a cell phone to school, it must be powered off and turned in to their home room teacher upon arrival. If cell phones are found on students, in desks, in backpacks, purses, etc., they will be confiscated and placed in Dr. Friday's office. A parent must come to school office to retrieve the cell phone before 3:45, or the next day between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the school and let us know.
Student Attendance Procedures
Student Attendance
Open House
Please come by to tour the school and meet our faculty and staff! Important classroom information will be shared.