Weekly Update
August 8th, 2023

April 22-26, 2024
Message From the Principal
We have FINISHED State Assessments!!!
Thank you to all who donated snacks to help fuel the students while they tested, thank you parents for making sure they got a good nights sleep, had a good breakfast and kept me in the loop if they were going to miss so we could work around things. It is much appreciated!
We should hopefully get results around May 10th.
We will take a break from high stakes testing for a week and a half and then will do our Fastbridge Benchmark Assessments May 1st and 2nd.
Please continue to help your student remember to charge their iPad so they have it ready to go every day, even though we have finished State Assessments we still have a lot of learning still to go before the end of the school year.
With the talk of the end of the school year please have a conversation with your child about appropriate behavior. I know we are getting close to the end of the year but the expectations are still there and we need students to still follow those expectations. Some increased behaviors teachers have been seeing are, inappropriate language, rude comments to peers, rough housing/horse playing and disrespect to teachers, their rules and their expectations.
Please help us end the year strong and positively by working together to minimize inappropriate behaviors.
After School Program
Don't forget to sign up for ASAP if your child is needing some extra help or time to complete their work. This 9 weeks we will be able to offer it 4 days a week to help students get caught up on missing assignments and get extra assistance and homework they might not understand.
The after school program is offered from 3:30-4:30pm.
Monday- Mrs. Kahler
Tuesday- Mrs. Patterson
Wednesday- Mrs. Patterson
Thursday- Mr. Hicks (Mr. Baker's student teacher)
If you would like your child to stay please fill out the form below.
Connecting with the Counselor
5th Grade
Please check your email for a message about 6th Grade Enrollment!
6th, 7th, 8th Grade
Hasn't it been so wonderful that it's still light outside at 8:00 PM!? I don't know about you guys, but it sure has made the bedtime routine at my house harder! I came across an article this week about helping teenagers get more sleep as they need about 9 hours of sleep each night. It is by one of my most trusted resources: The Child Mind Institute.
I wanted to let my families know that I will not be returning to JWMS next year. I have taken another position closer to home. I have loved every minute of being a Jeff West Tiger, and I will miss my students and their families fiercely. I was able to tell the students this week, and feel so humbled by their love. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your "village" for the past six years.
All Things Activities and Athletics
Track- 1 Meet this week on Thursday. Coach Williams has emailed out who will go.
If your child is in art this semester they will need to make sure the fee gets paid. Even if they were in art 1st semester there is another fee for 2nd semester.
Let's Talk About Food
Cost for Breakfast is $2.10- we start serving breakfast at 7:30 am
Lunch cost is $3.25- We are offering a hot meal, a sandwich and a salad option please make sure you let your child know what is on the lunch menu so they know what they would like when their teacher takes lunch count.
JWMS Calendar
Events for the week of April 22-26
No MS track practice, some 8th grade participants have signed up to help with the HS meet.
Wednesday- Administrative Professionals' Day!
Thursday- Track at Rossville- students will leave at 10:45 am. They will need to order a school lunch or bring a lunch from home.
Friday- Monthly Celebration
ALL students and staff will get KONA Ice sponsored by the Booster Club
24-25 Middle School Football Season- Upcoming 7th and 8th Graders
Middle School football players, the time is quickly approaching for our summer football camp. Paper copies were handed out to the future 7th and 8th graders Friday morning. Be sure to check your child’s folder for this. Due date and form is on the last page of the packet. Tear it off. Please include your child’s first and last name on the form, as I don’t teach every one of them this year! If your child didn’t get a form and is interested, please have them see me for a form to send home!