Henry Happenings
Summer Update - July 31, 2023

November 10, 2024
Principal Message
It was great to see you at parent teacher conferences last week. Your involvement is crucial in helping your child reach their full potential. If for some reason you were unable to attend please contact your child's classroom teacher to schedule an alternative time for a conference. We aim to meet with ALL families!
Please keep reading below as our PTO has included a lot of information in the newsletter this week. You will find information about the new spirit wear sale, Charleston Wrap Fundfaiser, Papa John's night and more!
Dr. Jodi Oliver
Upcoming Dates
November 11 - Veterans Day Assembly 2:30 PM
November 12 - Tab Top Collection Day
November 13 - Early Release (Dismissal at 2:05 PM)
November 13 - PTO Papa Johns Night 4 PM to 8 PM (Valley Park store only)
November 19 - Reader in Me Submission Deadline
November 21 - PTO General Meeting 7 PM
November 22 - Reader in Me Prize Distribution
November 26 - Fall Class Parties
November 27, 28, 29 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
World Kindness Spirit Week
Attendance Information
As we continue to focus on providing the best educational experience for all of our students, we want to take a moment to highlight the critical role that consistent school attendance plays in your child’s academic success.
Why Attendance Matters: Regular school attendance is essential for your child’s learning and overall development. Every day in the classroom contributes to building knowledge, skills, and relationships that are vital for academic progress. Missing school—even for one day—can lead to gaps in learning, which can accumulate over time. By ensuring that your child attends school regularly, you're helping them stay on track, stay engaged, and feel connected to their learning community.
How We Track and Communicate Attendance: To help monitor and encourage regular attendance, we send home attendance letters each month to students with an atttendance percentange less than 93%. These letters outline your child’s attendance record for the month and include any absences or tardies. Please know this communication is an expectation from the Parkway School District.
A Partnership in Attendance: We understand that life can sometimes interfere with attendance, whether it’s due to illness, family matters, or other challenges. If your child is struggling with attendance for any reason, we encourage you to contact us so we can offer support and find solutions together. We’re here to partner with you to ensure that your child’s educational experience remains strong and consistent.
Storytelling Festival Presenter at Henry November 14th
Notes from Nurse Munch
Please see the pictured flyer to learn more about the Eye Thrive 24-25 Community Visit Schedule.
Also, check out the November Nurse Newsletter to learn more about the following:
- Orthopedic Injuries
- E-Cigarettes, Vapes and JUULs - What You Should Know
- Energy Drinks and Kids
- Healthy Sleeping Habits
- Parkway Vision Screenings
5th Grade Families, Save the Date!
🐾 Henry PTO Corner 🐾
Papa John’s Restaurant Night Wednesday
Papa John’s Restaurant Night – November 13, 2024 – 4-8pm - 21 Stonegate Ctr; Valley Park, MO 63088.
Papa John’s will donate 10% of net sales from the evening to Henry Elementary PTO. No code needed.
Stock the Lounge for November: Attention 3rd Grade Parents
Attention 3rd Grade Parents: Please help us stock the lounge for the teachers/staff/administration. 3rd Grade is responsible for the month of November. Please see the Sign Up Genius here and sign up to bring items. You can drop off at the school office by the morning of Monday, November 18th. Thank you for being so thoughtful and generous for those taking care of our students.
Staff Wishlist Available
The giving season is right around the corner and while it's not expected or required, we know families often want to do a little something extra for their child's teacher. If you're wondering what they might enjoy, check out this staff wishlist for ideas and inspiration gathered by the Henry Teacher Appreciation Committee.
Spirit Wear for Sale Until November 15th, Shop Today!
The PTO has new Henry spirit wear for sale! There is an online store featuring new designs and items open for a limited time (store closes on Nov 15). Orders will be delivered to school by winter break. Click here to shop.
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser, Learn More Below
We are officially kicking off our fundraiser with Charleston Wrap® – and we need YOUR help! To reach our goals and make this fundraiser a success, we need everyone to do their part. Luckily, it’s super easy! Below, you’ll find a flyer with detailed instructions about how you can register online and support our goals. We appreciate all of your support and encourage you to spread the word to your friends & family, near and far! The more people who shop, the more money we can raise for our organization! Together, we can ensure our organization reaches its goal – and even surpasses it!
Henry Elementary PTO will receive 40% profit except for Personalizable Items and Boutique Items, which are 30% profit.
Packets will be coming home from school with students this week so please watch those backpacks.
The sale ends 12/6, but order early and get your holiday gift wrap and gifts!
Thank you for your help!
PTO Dates to Remember
Henry Elementary School
Email: joliver2@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/15
Location: 700 Henry Avenue, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-6350
Facebook: facebook.com/henryelementaryschool
Instagram: @pkwyhenrybulldogs