Te Whare Akoranga o Maungawhau, Aug 8, 2024
From The Principal
Kia ora koutou
The Maths Crisis
Recent announcements around maths results and curriculum changes for 2025 have again raised headlines about NZ achievement from Years 3 to 8.
The latest data comes from a new Curriculum Insights and Progress Study (CIPs), in which less than a quarter of students were judged to be meeting the expected curriculum level for their age. In the study, Year 3 children achieved just 20% at standard, Year 6 at 28% and Year 8 at 22%.
This obviously paints an alarming picture - far worse than anything we have seen in previous years. As with any achievement data, however, it's often wise to take a breath and dig a little deeper.
As it turns out, an important caveat to note is that the results cited are essentially based on estimates.
In a relatively small sample (46 schools), students answered a handful of questions online relating to number, algebra, space, statistics, and probability. These questions were based on a new (draft) maths curriculum, which has not yet been published for review (or taught in schools).
Compounding this, the benchmarks measured against are interim only (ie; not yet calibrated or standardised). Essentially, this means that the ‘goalposts’ against which the sample students were measured are quite opaque at this stage, and that the data is actually neither national nor normed.
Even though it would be fair to say that the recent CIPs data is questionable to say the least, it does reinforce wider concerns and trends (across the OECD) of declining achievement in maths, which is supported by a significant body of longtitudinal data (although - to be fair - other studies have indicated that the decline in maths has actually occured in later years of schooling).
For our school, as I have shared previously, the good news is that our standardised testing in maths continues to show MENPS students performing at consistently very high levels.
To be clear, not only have we seen no declining trend in maths achievement in Years 4-6 compared with our historic data, but we continue to out-perform when compared with the top 10% of NZ Schools nationally (by decile). If anything, in fact, our results this year are marginally higher, and consistently above the mean compared to other similar decile 10 schools.
MENPS Y6 Maths asTTle Achievement - Decile 10 Comparison 2015 - 2024
(Shaded blue area = NZ Decile 10 mean - Red indicator = MENPS mean)
None of this is to suggest we should be in any way complacent (we work hard to get the children to this standard!), of course, but hopefully this is a significant reasurance that the crisis being discussed politically is most definitely not reflected in our school.
There are many interwoven reasons for this but, above all, it comes down to our excellent teaching staff, and a clear focus on evidence-based practice in our maths programmes.
The research is clear. What children need to develop in order to have a secure foundation in mathematics is - above all - a solid ‘number sense’, which takes time and a structured, developmental approach.
This is best developed in what are sometimes termed ‘communities of mathematical inquiry’. Not a ‘one size fits all’ approach for every child, Not workbooks. Not endless rows of algorithms and calculations, not on-screen automated programmes, but rather engaging children with hands-on maths concepts to ensure they develop a secure foundation in their understanding of mathematical concepts. This requires a much more nuanced approach that allows for asking questions, solving authentic problems and - crucially - enjoying engaging with mathematics in a curious, collaborative and authentic way. This is not only supported by educational research, but also by our results.
So, headlines aside, you can be assured we will continue to ground our approach with evidence of what really works for developing successful mathematicians in the early years, whatever the political winds may bring.
Rugby Success
To success of a totally different kind, with congratulations to all our Zones Rugby participants earlier this week. The children put in a fantastic performance with their characteristic good spirit, with the girls even managing to win 2nd place overall! Thanks to Karen, Mr Reed and all our parent helpers on the day!
Ka kite anõ i a koutou
Alan Jackson
Events & Reminders
Friday 9th August:
- PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop - 8:15am - 9:15am
- Choir Rehearsal - ANI - 9:00am - 1:00pm
- Kowhai Intermediate Open Day - 9:15am - 12:15pm
Monday 12th August - Thursday 15th August:
- Year 6 Camp
Wednesday 14th August:
- Mid Term 3 New Entrant Visit 1 - 9:00am - 10:00am
- PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open - 8:15am - 9:15am
- School Board Meeting - 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Important Reminder
Do not ask your child to wait on the playground or anywhere on school grounds for a late pick-up after 3.15pm, and do not send them back to school after hours to play without parent supervision.
Tickets selling fast! Get yours today:
Auction will go live on August 23rd with so many incredible items up for grabs!!
We are so grateful to the very generous local businesses who have donated a range of amazing prizes. We will be highlighting these businesses here over the coming weeks to give you a sneak peek of what you can expect to see in the auction! First up.....
Get your school holiday activities sorted with prizes from these legends:
Keep collecting those Yummy Apple Stickers!!
This year MENPS has collected more than 4000 stickers. This is 40% of our total from last year and a great result so far. Please bring your full collection sheets to the office or ask your child to give it to their teacher.
Keep collecting MENPS!
Second hand uniform shop open Friday 9th & Wednesday 14th August
- 81.5 - 9.15am
- In the PTA Room: follow signs from Valley Rd gates OR
- Order online by emailing Jane at menpspta@gmail.com.
- Pay via Cash or Bank transfer.
- If you have any uniforms that your child no longer fits/needs then please consider donating to the Uniform Shop. Donations can be dropped off at the office. Thank you!
Change of date - Calendar Art Fundraiser
Calendar Art Fundraiser will go ahead this year but a little later than publicised in the Term Dates. We will be sending out information towards the end of this term, watch this space!!
Constitution of Mt Eden Normal Primary School PTA Incorporated
Pursuant to the new Incorporated Societies Act 2022, MENPS PTA has updated their constitution & registered it with the Incorporated Societies Register. You can read the constitution here.
Huge thank you to Chantal Brunner for her time, expertise and enthusiasm in handling this important process on behalf of the PTA.
PTA - Supporting our school through fundraising & fun events
Email menpspta@gmail.com I Follow us on Facebook
Refer to the PTA website for information on the various fundraising and community activities
Co-Chairs Pam Clifford & Svantje Reiber
Secretary Chelsea Chen
Treasurer Linda Waddington-Miller & Paula Tran
PTA Advisor Chantal Brunner
Sponsorships Rayni Chung
School Representative Hilary Edwards