Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
July 2024
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Voting platform, Forms, etc.
A Message From The President
Hello friends and neighbors,
I am so excited for the RAIN! As the irrigation is getting corrected and repaired throughout the community by our awesome landscape/irrigation group we are also getting much needed water to help it all along. Even though much of our landscape is weeds (as it has been for years) at least it is green and filling in the spots that were driven over and dug up.
The improvements around the pool and around the individual buildings have easily increased all of our property values and as the plants fill in and decks get completed, we will be back to our sunsets in true paradise.
It’s been a tough road with Clout. We have been fighting payments, change orders, and their lack of ability to follow through. After much research and deliberation, we have given the required termination outlined in their contract. We have teams coming out this week and the end of the month that will document the condition of the work done thus far. We also have four new contractors bidding to finish the job. We will likely have to jump through some hoops such as taking care of lenis placed on the property from Clout and the subcontractors that we will have to bond out, but we are prepared to tackle that as it comes.
We are also in the process of securing a new Builders Risk policy that can be used with a new contractor assuming we go through with the termination. Clout may try to sue us as well if we terminate, which is why we have teams coming to document the issues that have happened so far. The good news, we won’t be held up by Clout anymore. Once we have a new contractor in place the
building can be finished in a timely manner based on the plans and permits already in place (with a transfer of permits). Bonding the liens will allow units to keep transferring/selling between owners.
If you see people around your decks/patios/stairs please let them do their job and document the current issues. They will not be able to answer any questions from homeowners, but they are helping us move forward so please let them do that.
Trespassers: several people have reported people cruising up to the beach over the past few weeks and using our pool, spa and even anchoring boats and getting into a car parked here and driving out of the gates. Pictures have been shared but when approached the trespassers have said they were owners next to “insert name here” or they are visiting their grandparents in “unit number”. Several of the suspects are using the same owner’s name yet the owner is nowhere to be found. Guard hours were changed earlier this year to do more overnight hours in order to try to dissuade the car break-ins but on the weekends, if owners don’t feel comfortable confronting these people guard hours might be more important in the afternoons again. Over the years we have tried different methods, nothing really works so we need new ideas, or we have to live with the people coming off the beach and/or we can fine the owner who’s names keep coming up.
We are starting budget meetings in August and would like a committee of 5, right now we have 3 committed, so if you have experience with finance/budget/etc and would like to join please email the office.
Thanks everyone!
Enjoy the rest of your summer,
Tori Elvir ~ President, Bermuda Bay Board of Directors
Everyone wants to live in Bermuda Bay
Tori Elvir - President
Roger Daisley - Vice President
Mike Martin - Treasurer
Bermuda Bay Contact Information
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President -Roger Daisly- bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mike Martin - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - John King- bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Rafael Ferreris Jr., Property Manager: - bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey and Jen Sullivan - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Bermuda Bay Office: 727-864-0735
Bermuda Bay Security Phone Number: 727-212-9963 (Current guards - Alex Prince and Travis Howard)
If you have an after hours emergency, please call Condominium Associates at 727-573-9300 or reach out to a board member for assistance.
Police Non-emergency: 727-893-7780
Police Emergency: 911
Bermuda Bay Clubhouse WiFi: Username: Bermudabayclubhouse (it should pop up)
Password: bbclubhouse
We do have a separate web page called https://www.bermudabaystpete.com/
The password had to be updated, as passwords are occasionally.
Username: BBB (which is the same) and the new Password is: beachcondos
This is NOT the official website of Bermuda Bay, but we try and keep this one updated for your pleasure. The workable website for work orders, payments, documents, etc. is the https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/ and is maintained by CA
Update on Maintenance and Staff Performance
Dear Residents,
I hope this message finds you well. I'm pleased to take a moment to update you on the recent performance of our maintenance team and the overall staff over the past 90 days. First, I'm delighted to report that our new maintenance staff has been exceeding expectations. Since their arrival, they have shown dedication, skill, and a commitment to ensuring our community remains in top-notch condition. They have tackled a range of tasks from minor repairs to complex projects with professionalism and efficiency.
When they first came on board April 1, 2024, their work order open list was at 346 and currently they are down to approximately 130. Our subcontractor has completed over 36 damaged windowsills and
continues to move forward with the project. It is very time-consuming due to the conditions of the different windows. Your feedback has been invaluable in helping us shape their approach, and we are thrilled to see how well they have integrated into our community.
In addition to our maintenance team, I want to recognize the hard work of our Senior Administrative Assistant. From maintaining the front office demands as well as the rental and leasing documentation needed to securely protect our community, she has been working diligently to enhance your living experience. Whether it's responding promptly to inquiries, maintaining cleanliness in our common areas, our entire staff’s efforts have not gone unnoticed.
A kindly reminder from your Maintenance Staff: “It’s a hot summer so far and the Air Conditioners are running constantly. For preventative measures please pour 1 cup of white vinegar into your AC drain line at least once every 90 days. This will help eliminate the buildup in your AC drain lines.” The maintenance staff will be going around vacuuming the outside AC lines as well.
Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to maintaining this level of service
excellence moving forward. Should you have any feedback or suggestions, please do not hesitate
to reach out to us. Your input helps us continually improve our services and ensure your comfort
and satisfaction.
Thank you for being a valued member of our community. We look forward to continuing
to serve you and make this a place you are proud to call home.
Warm regards,
Ray Ferreris, LCAM
Property Manager
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
MySafe Florida Condominium Pilot Program
At last night's Board meeting, the Board voted to engage in the application process for this program. The application process begins July 1, and we plan to be one of the first to get our name in and going. This new program aims to assist eligible condominium associations by offering hurricane mitigation inspections to determine how to reduce a property's vulnerability to hurricane damage, as well as mitigation grants that can be used towards projects for hardening the property to improve its resilience against hurricanes.
The grant must be matched on the basis of $1 provided by the association for $2 provided by the state.
For roof related projects, the grant contribution is $11 per square foot multiplied by the square footage of the replacement roof, not to exceed $1,00 per unit, with a maximum grant award of 50% of the cost of the project
Grant contribution is a maximum of $750. per replacement window or door, not to exceed $1,500 per unit, with a maximum grant award of 50% of the cost of the project.
An association may receive grant funds for both roof-related and opening protection-related projects, but the maximum total grant award may not exceed $175,000 per association.
This is the basic gist of the grant awards that we are interested in. We hope to finish the roofs on the seven buildings that we had to privatize for our Citizens insurance, and get every building under the same umbrella.
1. We begin the application process - July 1, 2024
2. The State of Florida will send their people in to inspect the property (sort of an embellished wind mitigation report)
3. Inspector will make recommendations
4. A report will summarize and recommend improvements
5. Our insurance agent will report to us - range of cost estimates, and information on how the insurance will benefit from the improvements mentioned.
6. It goes back to review
7. Must have 100% vote of yes from each building unit on accepting the repairs
(14 day notification requirement)
More information will be forthcoming as we continue the process.
Why Do RV and Boat Owners Get Reserved Parking Spaces for Free? by Peg Daisley
That’s a question that comes up frequently when owners get into the usual discussions about our little piece of paradise. Why doesn’t our board charge RV and boat owners for the rather valuable amenity of a reserved RV parking space? It seems similar to charging for use of the clubhouse for a private event. Or charging for storing a kayak. So why don’t we charge for RV spaces?
It’s not that simple. I have been researching this question for the last few months and have found only two possible solutions that would be allowed under state law and our governing documents. I present these to the board and to owners to decide how best to move forward. Additional details below:
1. Charge a maintenance/lease fee
2. Amend our bylaws to allow the board to decide on fees for common elements
The only example of a similar situation I’ve found so far is The Villages. On their web site, it’s mentioned that they charge an average of $50/month for RV parking in a gated area, without electricity provided.
Bermuda Bay has 37 RV/ boat parking spaces. If owners were charged $50/month for each space, it would result in an added $22,000 to the Bermuda Bay budget each year. However, it is up to the board to make decisions like this.
It’s not that the board hasn’t ever tried to institute an amenity fee for RV parking spaces. In February and March of 2007, President Guy Cote was strongly in favor of charging for these spaces, but our attorney at the time (Fourie) advised that there would have to be an amendment to the bylaws. The vote did not pass.
Guy Cote’s subsequent proposals, recorded in the minutes, included “boat/RV parking will be open to all owners with no reserved spaces,” and then “the Board may consider having all owners vote concerning removal of all boats/RVs from the property.” Those proposals didn’t come to pass either.
No one knows when and why the board decided to allow owners to park their RVs and boats on the property for free, in the first place. But much more pertinent is what state law says about the matter now. And it seems to say that is OK to charge a maintenance/lease fee, but not to charge a “use fee.”
Florida State Condominium Law 718.111 (4) ASSESSMENTS; MANAGEMENT OF COMMON ELEMENTS.—The association has the power to make and collect assessments and to lease, maintain, repair, and replace the common elements on association property [i.e. MAINTENANCE/LEASE FEES]; however, the association may not charge a use fee against a unit owner for the use of common elements or association property unless otherwise provided for in the declaration of condominium or by a majority vote of the association or unless the charges relate to expenses incurred by an owner having exclusive use of the common elements or association property [i.e. USE FEE FOR AN AMENITY].
The management of these assigned spaces takes a lot of administrative time—assigning and tracking the owners, boats, RVs, making sure each owner has provided copies of their registration, insurance, and other forms, including for their trailer if they have one, and that they take their boat/RV out at least once every 6 months. And then make sure all 37 owners renew everything every year.
Some owners at Bermuda Bay told me they thought all the administrative work was done by volunteers. In fact, our admin manager, Jennifer, says that managing the RV spaces takes up more of her time than any other work she does, including managing landlord / tenant matters.
This would be one of the main reasons to charge a maintenance/lease fee for RV spaces—to cover the cost of managing them.
If the board decides we need to take it to a vote, we already have a legally vetted amendment to vote on. It was prepared for last year’s ballot but was taken off the ballot because there were too many amendments already. The board has already indicated they are willing to put it on this year’s ballot. Would you vote YES for this amendment?
III. The Board proposes to amend section 13.03, paragraph (4) of the Declaration of Condominium for Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium to add subparagraph (i) as follows: (i) The power to adopt or amend fees or charges for the use of the common elements, including fees for the storage of oversized vehicles, boats, kayaks, and other storage uses.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this matter. You can email me at: mdaisley@msn.com
I would like to see Bermuda Bay charge for RV/Boat Parking
Committee Chairs at Bermuda Bay
ARC COMMITTEE - Jennie Creighton - jenniecreighton@tagpartners.org
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison - Imzchef@comcast.net
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Environmental Committee - Vic Vena bigvic01@icloud.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Landscaping Committee- Cindy Hansen cindyhansen.travel@gmail.com
Pool Committee - Cindy Vena cyvena@icloud.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Security Committee: Peg Daisley- MDaisley@msn.com
Hello Bermuda Bay Residents,
Because, we have so MANY new residents and things are forever changing, I would like to address the use of our community clubhouse. It is an amenity for ALL owners to have access to host a PRIVATE party for a rental fee of $100 along with a deposit check of $300 that will NOT be deposited and will be returned to you AFTER an inspection of the clubhouse is done by a member of the management staff the following work day after the party. If there is a party or community event booked the next day, you will be informed then clubhouse will need to be cleaned and put back the way you found it prior to the next day's event.
We no longer have a Social Committee, therefore, Bermuda Bay residents should NOT EXPECT there will be parties held at the clubhouse for the community on every holiday as done in the past. This is hard work that has been done by a small group of residents year after year. Not only have they planned, decorated, cooked, cleaned up and purchased things from their own pocket in the past, they also have been taken for granted. Most of you all know who these people are, and hopefully you have thanked them and/or have pitched in to help your neighbors with these parties.
ANYONE who is a CURRENT Bermuda Bay Resident and wishes to host a Bermuda Bay event, the first step is going to the office to reserve a date. There is a $100 deposit fee that will be refunded to you AFTER the event, there is NO RENTAL FEE as long as the event invite is sent out in an email blast to the ENTIRE community, the host posts the event on our Facebook page, and flyers are posted in the 5 locations approved by management (Office board, laundry room bulletin boards, pool bulletin board & in front of main gate on guard house). If you like, the office will laminate your flyers.
This being said, you are ALL encouraged to bring your creative ideas, social butterfly personalities, need for community & fellowship or simply want to host a SPECIFIC holiday or theme party hosted for our Bermuda Bay neighbors!!! The office will have a "help" sheet for those of you who may want to see what is involved in hosting an event. Like asking for help.
Maybe you're thinking, how can I afford to host a party for such a large group WHO PAYS for these BB parties? MOST parties are BYOB, and you are asked to please bring a dish, appetizer, or dessert to share. Some events sell tickets prior to cover food and other necessities to provide for the guests.
We do have a social committee bank account. Currently, the balance is VERY low. This is NOT funded by our BERMUDA BAY HOA. I, Mary French, am currently in possession of this check book as I am one of the persons on the account. Our treasure, Mike Martin, has cash that was collected from the St Patrick Day games. When I see him, that will be deposited to the account to reimburse residents if they provide a budget and receipts for the community party. Other ways we have funded this account is from generous donations, ticket sales or fund raisers.
Most of us have all heard stories of past parties or have participated in many wonderful events put on by our fun-loving and hard-working Bermuda Bay residents; let's continue in the spirit of community and have some fun as well as raise money to support ALL the efforts of restoring Bermuda Bay to what it once was years ago.
We are blessed to have such a beautiful place with wonderful people & the BEST BACKDROP God has provided us to ENJOY!!! I am on FB, if you have questions or in need of help, feel free to message me.
Live, Love, Laugh
Mary French, 7 year resident
Saying goodbye is never easy
Jim and Geri have sold their unit, but hopefully they will be back to visit all their friends at Bermuda Bay frequently. It is always hard to see good neighbors go - but we wish them the best in their new adventures.
Traveling to Exotic Places
Take your dog to a Ray's game
Joining friends for a tennis game
Cruising the world
Getting in the July 4th spirit
A big "THANKS" to Donnie C and everyone that donated to the Bermuda Bay Fireworks Show
Enjoying those evening Fireworks from Gulfport and the surrounding area from our very own beach
Girls Night Out
Friends Night Out
Volunteers working together to make Bermuda Bay the best place to live
Celebrating Anniversaries
Holding the Grand Opening Ceremony for their New Business
Watching England vs. Netherlands in England!
John King and I are sending out weekly or bi-weekly updates for the community through email blasts. The purpose is to keep the community up to date on issues and progress that surround our construction projects. The links for each communication are below.
Construction Update July 2024
After much consideration and as a last resort, Paul Terry, on behalf of Bermuda Bay, is served the contractor on July 15 with an Order of Suspension and a Seven Day Notice of Intent to Terminate the Contract. The engineer has already provided us with the Certification of Sufficient Cause to Terminate the Contract required by the contract documents. We have a forensic architect, Martin Currasco of Fiebig Architecture, inspecting the project on July 30-31, 2024 to document the defective conditions. If we do terminate Clout; we will thereafter interview four experienced contractors: Tailored Reconstruction, Reconstruction Experts, EmpireWorks and Viktor Construction to select one to take over the job, correct the defects and finish the balconies. The first three contactors specialize in repairing construction defects, and our attorney has worked with all of them for over 10 years.
The Board will then entertain a Town Hall meeting, with Paul Terry present, for questions and answers after we have bids from the four construction firms.
Treasurer’s Report - No New Report
There were no NEW updates at the July 17, 2024 meeting because CA had not yet sent, so these numbers below are from( May 31, 2024)·
Bank Accounts
Overall, we have a total of $878k in the various bank accounts.
· Operating Account
In the operating account the balance is $134k. That amount is probably light as it is customarily prudent to have the value of 2 to 3 months expenses on hand. Our monthly operating expenses are typically in the $200 to 225k range.
There are several expenses that will go well over budget if the 5-month trend continues. The usual culprits are:
Ø We incurred a substantial increase in the cost of insurance overage so we will be about $85k over budget.
Ø It is hard to predict what will occur going forward but legal fees will very likely end up well over-budget, largely due to construction issues.
Ø Plumbing issues continue to be a problem and the total cost is projected to be over-budget by about $70k. But it changes from month to month so it can’t be stated with certainty how we will end the year. Many of our plumbing problems are caused by people flushing improper items. This also causes problems with the lift station.
Ø The trash expenses are considerably over budget.
The operating account balance is $117k.
With only 25% of the year’s data to go by, it is still early but there are a few items
I am projecting will end the year over-budget.
The insurance overage is currently up for renewal and there will be a
substantial increase over what was budgeted.
It is hard to predict what will occur going forward but legal fees will very likely
end up well over-budget, largely due to construction issues.
Plumbing issues continue to be a problem and the total cost is projected to be
significantly over-budget.
· Reserve Fund
The Reserve Fund currently has $452k in the bank.
Even though we have a bank loan financing the bulk of the Balcony Project, it is a part of the Reserve Fund. Currently, we are encountering difficulty drawing funds from the loan so payments to the contractor are several months behind. It recently came to light that, during the time of the Property Manager turnover earlier this year, an insurance policy covering the construction was unknowingly allowed to lapse. We are having a hard time getting replacement coverage and the bank is holding up loan advances until we do get coverage. All that is putting the project on hold. I am having daily phone and/or email contacts with the parties involved – the contractor, the bank, the lawyer, and the insurance broker - trying to get this resolved. In the meantime, one of the sub-contractors has placed a lien on our property because of non-payment by the primary contractor.
· Delinquencies
Delinquencies amounted to just under $35k - an increase of $29 hundred since last month. That is not a good trend as it ideally should be reducing, not increasing.
The majority of delinquencies are less than 60 days old or are of smaller amounts. But there is a total of $23k - about 80% - that is more than 90 days old. Maintenance fees account for $17k and $6k goes back to 2022 Special Assessment. Three accounts are with the attorney for collection. Demand letters and/or reminder notices have been sent to the other owners who are in arrears. While in arrears, these owners are incurring interest charges and notice fees.
· Balcony Deposits
We have $273k in deposits from owners for extended balconies. Payment for the last two holdouts was made earlier in the month so we are finally up to date. But the total on deposit has not changed since last month. I have to find out where those last deposits went.
These deposits are on hold until the respective balcony is completed at which time the applicable amount will be used to partially offset the payment we make to the contractor.
Bermuda Bay has a MINIMUM 30 day lease policy...that means no lease is acceptable with less than 30 days. No leases under 30 days will be permitted. You must also have your $100.00 application fee accompanying your documentation or your lease will be refused. Most owners that lease - follow this policy, but for the few who do not, it could cause a very unpleasant circumstance when your poor tenant arrives. Please follow the rules -they are being enforced.
If you have a long term lease that has expired for over a month, you will be required to pay the application fee and update the lease information. Those that rent need to keep on top of expiration dates and keeping all rental agreements current and up to date. The Bermuda Bay office is not a leasing office. The responsibility falls on the owner.
Kind of a Play on Words...but if you are in doubt as to what you can plant??????
Here is the updated list of invasive plants not allowed at Bermuda Bay.
Here are some other educational links:
You are also encouraged to contact anyone on the Landscaping committee. Cindy Hansen, Gail Cunningham, Bari Martinson, and Barb Barnard. They are more than willing to assist with your questions and all your landscaping needs.
What is the Florida invasive species app?
IveGot1 allows for both online and offline reporting with reports saved on your phone for uploading when you have network connectivity. Images and information on Florida's worst non-native invasive animals and plants. Real-time point distribution maps centered on your current location.
Recently I've been alerted to the fact that several work orders have been closed prematurely, without the work being fully completed or even started in some cases. While it's fine to submit new work orders, a more efficient approach would be for owners to email me directly at bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com and let me know the condition of the work.This way, I can reopen the existing orders. Reopening helps maintain the chronological order of the queue and preserves any existing notes or photos attached to the original work order.
Please continue to log all your requests and needs through work orders. We are now holding daily meetings to prioritize and ensure efficient, timely completion of these tasks.
Let's keep moving forward into the beautification of the property!
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Everyone needs to fill out an ARC application no matter what work you are doing, just for the record. Some work does not need any approval by the ARC committee, but your application will go into your permanent unit file for future reference if ever needed. It also lets us know what vendors will be on property to do work.
Other ARC work will need approval by the committee. Once it is approved by the ARC committee it is moved forward to the Board of Directors who will vote on it at a Board meeting. Plumbing, Electric, and Structural are major and need ARC committee approval. Second story flooring needs approval and a few other things as you can read below.
Also remember - per our new amendment to our documents - you must measure your balcony/lanai if you wish to keep your dimensions for the future. As continued work needs to be done - replacement will hinge on the documentation you are supplying now to the office.
Procedure to follow when filing an ARC application
Owner completes form and gives to office.
Office sends to ARC meeting
All NEW ARC forms MUST be submitted by the first Friday of each month so they can be added to the agenda in time for our Monthly meeting.
ARC holds its MONTHLY Meeting on the Second Wednesday of the Month
ARC committee makes our recommendations to the Board-We give to Board by the second Friday of the month so it can get added to board agenda and packet.
Board has meeting on THIRD WEDNESDAY of each month. They Vote.
Office Manager informs owner of Board decision and any adjustments or info is exchanged and documented.
Office Manager places ARC board notes etc… in the unit file for permanent record of work done within units.
Owner informs to Office Manager schedule of workers on the property. Contractor phone numbers should be on the ARC to help management if there is a problem or confusion of any kind.
Sunset/Clouds shared by Barbi Martinson
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP