ABC Community Update
News from the ABC Unified School District: April 18, 2024
Middle School STEM Olympics
The 24th Annual Middle School STEM Olympics, a testament to our district's commitment to STEM education, was a resounding success. Middle school students from across the ABCUSD gathered at Whitney High School on the morning of Saturday, March 23, 2024, to showcase their STEM knowledge. From building a tower out of spaghetti noodles to keeping an egg safe in a crash to designing box cars, the events were a true testament to their creativity and problem-solving skills. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Cerritos Optimist Club for their unwavering support of this event. Click here to learn who won medals at this year’s STEM Olympics.
ABC Students at MESA
All three teams from Artesia High School had a successful day at the MESA Day 2024 competition at USC. MESA (Math, Engineering, Science, Achievement) Day is a regional event focused on a series of STEM competitions. Congratulations to the team from ABC who placed well in their categories:
1st Place for Innovative Design in MESA Machine: William Bollas & Andres Gomez
1st Place for Innovative Design in Moon Base: Edgar Angel, Robel Adamu & Allistair Josh Lizardo
2nd Place for Overall Performance and 3rd Place for Innovative Design in Cargo Glider: Diego Lopez, Oswaldo Castaneda and Shankar Gadtaula
Reading Olympics
Teams from ABCUSD elementary schools gathered at Gahr High School on Saturday, April 13th, for this year’s Reading Olympics. The teams, made up of fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade students, selected books to read from a list of 20 books and then had to answer questions testing their retention and understanding of the stories. After the results were in, the “Book Worms” from Gonsalves Elementary took home the Gold medal. Congratulations to all of the students who participated in this year’s event.
Autism Awareness at Nixon
April is Autism Awareness or Acceptance Month, and the students at Nixon Academy took time to celebrate. Students learned about autism and neurodiversity in class and participated in events celebrating the month - from wearing blue on Blue Day to pledge their support and unity with those with autism on puzzle pieces. Well done, Jaguars.
Students Present Sweeney Todd
Cerritos High School and Whitney High School Fine Arts students present a joint production of Sweeney Todd. The show will run from April 17-19 and April 24-26 at the Grace Hu Auditorium at Whitney High School. Tickets are available at www.whitneydrama.ludus.com and at the door. Although this is the “Sweeney Todd School Edition,” it is a musical thriller that does contain some dark themes.
Whitney High School Recognized by College Board
Whitney High School has earned the College Board’s AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award for the second year in a row. This award acknowledged 1,127 schools for their work toward equal representation in computer science courses during the 2022-2023 school year. Congratulations, Whitney High School, for working hard to prepare the next generation of female technology leaders.
Cerritos High School Students Celebrate the Arts (Video)
Last week was Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Week at Cerritos High School, where students shared their performances and artwork. The week culminated with a showcase, supported by the Cerritos High School Education Foundation, where student artists displayed their drawings, paintings, pottery, and other visual art projects.
Diversity Book Fair at Hawaiian Elementary (Video)
Elementary students across the District are receiving free books through our Diversity Book Fairs. Through our partnership with Scholastic, students get the opportunity to pick their very own book with characters and stories that relate to them. Recently, Hawaiian Elementary School hosted the Diversity Book Fair and had a special guest - Clifford the Big Red Dog!
Dr. Crechena Wise Announced as the Next Principal at Cerritos High School
As many of you know, Mr. Patrick Walker will be retiring as the Principal of Cerritos High School at the end of this school year. We thank Mr. Walker for his years of service and dedication to students. Earlier this week, the ABCUSD Board of Education approved the appointment of Dr. Crechena Wise to serve as the next Principal of Cerritos High School. Dr. Wise has served in leadership roles at the District Office and at several of our secondary schools. We congratulate Dr. Wise on her appointment.
Board of Education Recognizes Volunteers
Prior to its April 16, 2024 meeting, the Board recognized individuals who have volunteered their time and talents to support ABCUSD. From serving on Board Advisory Committees to sharing their stories about a moment in history to those helping to assist students in need, we have amazing individuals, groups, and organizations supporting the District.
TOMORROW: Cyberbullying Workshop
There’s no doubt that the online world we live in has many benefits, but it also has its challenges. The District’s Child Welfare and Attendance Department is hosting a Cyberbullying workshop to help families learn how to keep their children safe online. Keynote speaker, Dr. Justin W. Patchin, will provide information and tips to parents and guardians about cyberbullying and online safety. The event is free and open to all ABCUSD parents and guardians and is set for Friday, April 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the ABCUSD District Office.
4/16/24 Board Meeting Recap
Below is a recap of the ABCUSD Board of Education Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024:
- Students from Cerritos Elementary School led the flag salute
- Mr. Mike Lawerence was introduced as the new Director of Information and Technology
- The Migrant Education Debate Team was recognized for their first-place result in a recent Los Angeles County competition
- Diya Bhaichand and Auizah Khabn, Board Representatives from Cerritos High School, provided an update about the school’s activities including the boys basketball team winning the league championship, the school’s drama class recognized for their outstanding performances, the Model United Nations team recent trip to New York City, and student Jasmine Koo earning fourth-place at the National Amateur event in Augusta, GA
- The Board held a Public Hearing on the Initial Proposal from California School Employees Association, ABC Chapter #24, and the District Response to CSEA, reopening negotiations between the District and the CSEA
- The Board approved Resolution 23-21, ordering the Biennial Governing Board Election on Tuesday, November 5, 2024
- The Board approved Resolution 23-22, proclaiming May 8, 2024, as the “Day of the Employee” to honor all ABCUSD employees
- The Board received and filed the Quarterly Williams Settlement Compliance Report for January through March 2024 with no findings or complaints
The next Regular Meeting of the ABCUSD Board of Education is scheduled for Tuesday, May 7, 2024, at 7:00 p.m.
Dates to Remember
April 18 - School Yard Rap Showcase @Cerritos High School (6:15 p.m.)
April 19 - Cyberbullying Workshop (6:00 p.m.)
April 24 - Legislative/Policy Board Advisory Committee (6:30 p.m.)
April 30 - Strategic Planning Board Advisory Committee (6:00 p.m.)
May 7 - Board Meeting
May 21 - Board Meeting
May 27 - Memorial Day (No School)
May 29 - Last Day for 7th Grade Students (CMS, FMS, TMS, RMS)
May 30 - Last Day for Students
The ABC Community Update is a weekly e-publication
produced by the ABC Unified School District.
16700 Norwalk Boulevard
Cerritos, CA 90703
(562) 926-5566
In 1965 the Artesia, Bloomfield, and Carmenita School Districts unified and became the ABC Unified School District. Today, the District serves over 20,000 Pre-K to 12th Grade and adult education students through its 30 campuses, adult school, and virtual academy. The District is home to some of the most awarded and recognized schools in California and serves the cities of Artesia, most of Cerritos, Hawaiian Gardens, as well as portions of Lakewood, Long Beach, and Norwalk.