Faye Wright Falcons
October 2021 Monthly Newsletter
Greetings, Wright families!
It’s hard to believe we’re heading into the second month of the school year. We’re off to a great start with students (and all of us!) adjusting to the new bell schedule and returning to in-person learning five days a week. It’s important to remember that the last “normal” school year was 2018-2019. That means our current third graders completed a full year of kindergarten, and have had disruptions each year since. Our second graders have only known school that involved some sort of learning from home. Seeing the perseverance and grit shown by our students, families, and staff fills me with great pride. We know there is unfinished learning that we will continue to tackle, all while ensuring students feel safe and supported. The Wright staff is deeply invested in helping all students make progress this year, and we are thrilled to partner with families as we move forward. You will have a chance to meet with your student’s teacher later this month at parent-teacher conferences. Please know that the purpose of these conferences is different than years past – grade will not be completed yet. This will be a time to build connections and set goals. Grade reports will be sent home in December and March, with another round of conferences in April. Anytime you need to talk to your student’s teacher, please do not hesitate to reach out via email or through ParentSquare.
Mark your calendars for these important dates!
Upcoming dates:
- October 6th International Walk and Roll Day
- October 8th NO SCHOOL
- October 12th School Board Meeting Stream Live on CC: Media YouTube.
- October 14th Picture Day (watch for more details regarding ordering!)
- October 20th-22nd NO SCHOOL
- October 20th 5:30p-6p Live Title I Parent Meeting with Principal Coyle
- October 20th and 21st Fall Conferences
- October 25th Read-a-thon starts (watch for more details coming around the 15th)
- October 26th School Board Meeting Stream Live on CC: Media YouTube
Visiting Our School Office
Students Leaving Early: If you need to pick up your student from school early please call the office at (503) 399-3198 prior to the pick up time so that we can have your student ready to go. 2pm is the cutoff time for early release due to end of the day dismissal at 2:20pm, so please make arrangements accordingly. You will need to come to the front entrance and ring the buzzer to the left. Please bring your ID with you as well.
Guidelines for Face Coverings
The district has updated our safety measures to reflect new guidance from ODE/OHA on students wearing face coverings outdoors, including recess, PE, brain breaks, etc.
The new RSSL guideline about masks requires that all individuals 5 years of age and older wear a face covering outdoors when individuals cannot or do not consistently maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from people not in their household. As we all know, this is very hard to maintain for a 6-year-old playing in the play structure, walking with a group of friends or playing a basketball game a recess. As of September 17th, all students in all elementary schools must wear masks outside during recess unless an adult is supervising an activity or game that can be accomplished with at least 6 feet of distance, or in our designated mask-break space.
This guidance pertains to adults as well. Wright staff will be wearing face-coverings outside. Families, please also follow and model this guidance when you are outside on the Wright's campus during arrival and dismissal as well.
Thank you for your continued support of our students' health and safety.
We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at Salem-Keizer School District. ParentSquare is designed to keep parents informed and facilitate participation at school. It provides a safe way for the school principal, teachers, staff, and parents/guardians to:
- Send and receive school and class information
- Share pictures and files
- See calendar items
- Sign up to volunteer
- and much more . . . all in one centralized place!
Parents – Getting Started video
All school/grade level and classroom information will now be sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text or you can download the free App.
The Help & Support question mark in the top right corner can help answer most of your questions. So join in!
ParentSquare: Download the new district communication app. Receive news from the district and your school.
Important Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- There is no adult supervision on our campus until 7:35 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and 8:35 on Wednesdays. If you need to drop your student off earlier than that, please be advised that there is no supervision.
- When dropping your student off by car, please pull forward completely before allowing your students to exit the vehicle. We have multiple staff members outside to help, so please feel free to stay in your vehicle and we will assist as needed. This will help the long line of vehicles trying to drop off their student move much quicker.
- Doors open in the morning at 7:40 (8:40 on Wednesdays) for students to pick up breakfast from the cafeteria or go straight to class.
- We begin dismissing students promptly at 2:20 each day. Traffic tends to back up when cars arrive too early, so we ask that you plan to pick up by car no earlier than 2:20.
- If you are planning to walk and pick up your student, please check in with our staff at the north end of the building on the grassy hill.
- If you want your student to walk home with a sibling, friend, or unaccompanied, let us know and we will dismiss them through the cafeteria.
Speak to Our School Counselor
- Every Wednesday is a one hour late start. Student school hours are 8:50am until 2:20pm every Wednesday.
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday student school hours are 7:50am until 2:20pm.
- 2pm is the cutoff time for early pick-up before the 2:20pm dismissal.
- If your student is sick, please keep them home and communicate as soon as possible with our office staff.
- If your student forgets their facemask, we will provide them one at the school.
- Please encourage your student to bring a water bottle to school every day!
Through the Oregon Health Plan, youth 19 years of age and younger have access to free health coverage, regardless of immigration status if they meet the income requirements.
More information, including income requirements and how to apply for coverage, is available online.
Contacting Wright Elementary and Other Important Phone Numbers
Fax: (503) 391-4090
Absence Reporting: (503) 399-5503
Email: coyle_amy@salkeiz.k12.or.us
Website: https://wright.salkeiz.k12.or.us/
Location: 4060 Lone Oak Rd SE, Salem, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 399-3198
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WrightElementaryOfficial