AP Coordinator Newsletter
October 2021
Set Up AP Registration and Ordering - ACTION NEEDED
See pages 44–59 in the AP Coordinator Manual, Part 1.
•School Information. Enter the contact information for the AP coordinator, principal, and backup coordinator as well as general information about how your school organizes its AP program.
•Exam Administration. Indicate whether your school expects to order AP Exams or order and administer AP Exams this school year.
•Student Exam Decision Indicator. Indicate whether you want students to enter their exam taking decisions or automatically be set to Yes when they join a class section.
•Roster Management. Indicate if you want teachers to be able to drop students from their class sections and move students between their own class sections.
•Participation Form. Sign the AP Participation Form to order AP Exams.
Create Class Sections - ACTION NEEDED
See pages 60–68 in the AP Coordinator Manual, Part 1.
•Class sections need to be created in AP Registration and Ordering to associate students with the classes and exams they’re taking.
•Once students are associated with their class section by enrolling through My AP, students and teachers can use AP Classroom assignments, and students are included in the AP coordinator’s exam roster.
•Class sections need to be created to generate join codes (1 unique join code per class section per school). Students use join codes to enroll in their class sections. (See “Distribute and Use Join Codes” later in this section for details.)
•Class sections must be created for all AP courses, even if there’s only 1 section for a course at your school.
•Class sections can only be created for AP teachers who teach a course authorized through the AP Course Audit.
Distribute and UseJoin Codes - ACTION NEEDED
See pages 69–79 in the AP Coordinator Manual, Part 1.
•Teachers provide the join code for each of their class sections to their students. When students have the join code, they can sign in to My AP (myap.collegeboard.org) to enroll in the class section.
•Students need to enroll in the class section for each AP class they’re taking using the unique join code for each class.
•Students must complete enrollment as an assignment so that they’re enrolled in their class sections by the second day of class.
•The first time a student enrolls in a class section or an exam only section in My AP for the current school year, they’ll provide their registration information.
•Students’ registration information is used to produce a unique AP ID label sheet for each student in your exam order. Students use their AP ID labels on their exam materials.
Full Time FLVS or eSchool Ordering Procedures
Exam ordering procedures will be the same for eSchool and FLVS for 21-22. I have already gone in and create Exam Only Sections to share with eSchool and FLVS.
Full time FLVS and eSchool:
- Full time FLVS and Full time eSchool testers (this includes Home School students taking an FLVS or eSchool AP course), will get their exam only code from those providers.
- I have communicated with FLVS that students taking a course with them that DO NOT attend your high school (i.e. full time or home ed), should not reach out to the AP coordinator at their zoned school. Please direct all parent inquiries to Karlie Schaefer, KSchaefer@flvs.net, with FLVS. I would also recommend communicated this procedure to front office staff to assist with these emails/calls.
- Students enrolled at your school taking an FLVS or eSchool AP course will get access codes from their home school site. You will locate these students by access the Courses at other Schools report within myStudent, under district reports.
*Important Note: all students taking an AP course virtually will enter TWO access codes, one to access the myAPclassroom resources and the other to order the exam.
Exam Ordering Deadlines
See page 20 in the AP Coordinator Manual, Part 1.
October 4, 2021
Preferred ordering deadline
•This is the recommended deadline to review exam registration rosters in AP Registration and Ordering, make needed changes, and confirm and submit an exam order.
•Orders may be updated and resubmitted without additional fees until the final ordering deadline.
November 15, 2021
(11:59 p.m. ET)
Final ordering deadline
•Final deadline to submit an exam order for all full-year and first-semester AP courses, and all exam only sections, without incurring additional fees.
•Exams can be ordered or canceled after this date, although a fee applies in some cases. (See page 22.)
March 15, 2022
(11:59 p.m. ET)
Spring course orders and fall order changes deadline
•Deadline to order all exams for AP courses that begin after November 15 and to update fall orders. (Fees may apply for changes made to fall orders.)
•Schools are encouraged to submit any known cancellations by this date to ensure timely processing and accuracy of the exam shipment.
AP Physics Update
No other changes to any of the AP Physics courses will be made this school year.
Later this fall, we'll conduct a comprehensive review of all four AP physics courses to ensure that they continue to align with the expectations set by higher education faculty, work well together as a sequence of courses, and remain consistent with the standard of rigor and excellence expected from the AP Program. We'll communicate our findings and any next steps once the review is complete.
Please continue to visit your AP Physics course page on AP Central® for news and resources, and join our AP Physics Teacher Community.
AP Coordinator Workshop
AP coordinators can watch a recording of this summer's online, interactive workshop to help prepare their schools for AP this year.
Fall AP Coordinator Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021, 02:30 PM
Spring AP Coordinator Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting