Raptor Report
Save the Date......
Jan 25 - Wrestling Invite @ Erwin
Jan 27 - Art Club (3rd-5th), 3:40-5:00 pm
Jan 27 - Table Top Games (Middle School), 3:40-4:45 pm
Jan 27 - 5th grade Band, 3:45-4:45 pm
Jan 27 - Mission & Vision Parent Listening Session, 4:30-6:00 pm
Jan 27 - Girls Basketball Game @ WCMS, 4:30 pm
Jan 27 - PTCO Meeting, 6:00 pm
Jan 28 - Lego Club (4th & 5th), 3:35-5:00 pm
Jan 29 - Basketball Club (MS), 8:00-9:00 am
Jan 29 - Battle of the Books, 3:45-4:45 pm
Jan 29 - Girls Basketball Game @ Windsor, 4:30 pm
Jan 29 - Wrestling Meet @ Turner, 4:30 pm
Jan 30 - Panda Express Spirit Day!
Jan 30 - Math Counts Field Trip (GT) to TMS, 9:30-2:00 pm
Jan 31 - Donuts with Dr. D, 9:00-9:30 am
Jan 31 - 5th grade Orchestra, 3:45-4:45 pm
Riverview's Mission and Vision
We need your input and voices to help us build Riverview’s mission and vision! We are currently gathering input from our community, and your voice is important to us. Please join us at one of our listening sessions. The first listening session will be next Monday, January 27th from 4:30-6:00 pm. Our second listening session will be on Tuesday, February 4th from 6:00-7:30 pm. There is also the opportunity to provide feedback digitally on Google Form. If you are not available to attend our listening sessions, please provide your input virtually on the INPUT FORM.
Attention Middle School Students!
Are you Interested in learning to play Magic the Gathering? Trading Pokèmon cards? Playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons? Join Ms. Seaton on Monday from 3:40-4:45 Starts: January 27th
5210 + Challenge
The Challenge is Coming Soon! The Healthy Kids 5210+ Challenge is a FREE month-long program, during February, where students, school staff and families learn and practice the 5210+ healthy habits. The goal is to get 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, 2 hours or less of recreational screen time,1 hour or more of physical activity, 0 sugary drinks and 9 or more hours of sleep every day! Your student(s) will be bringing home a tracking log to keep track of their healthy habits throughout the month of February. Students that complete 80 checkmarks on their log will earn a FREE t-shirt. All students and staff that participate can help our school earn money for PE equipment and school wellness initiatives.
Check with Hannah Breckinridge for more information.
Special Education Advisory Committee
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) meets virtually on the 2nd Wednesday every month during the school year. During the meetings, the SEAC receives updates from the district, provides updates to members, and reviews proposals that require consensus/votes. The SEAC may also host presentations and trainings.
The Thompson School District Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is committed to inclusive education; by providing resources, supporting effective change, and empowering students, families, staff, and the community to enhance the quality of education for students with exceptional needs.
The purpose of the SEAC is to advise the Director of Exceptional Student Services on special education related topics and goals at the district level, including the needs and priorities of students with disabilities. "To advise" means to inform, counsel, recommend, suggest, or guide.
Click HERE for more information
Important Save the Dates for 8th graders
- January 28 from 5:30 - 7 pm - Thompson Career Campus will host an Open House. TCC is located at 1811 W. 15th St. in Loveland. Come check out the Career Pathways offered such as Health Sciences, Construction Skilled Trades, Design and Manufacturing, IT/Cybersecurity and Emergency Medical Technician (anticipated fall of 2025). For more information about the TCC Open House, click here!
- February 12 - MVHS registration night event from 5:30 - 7 pm at MVHS - During this event, we will be going over the registration process and will have a curriculum fair so that students and families can learn more about the amazing programs we have here at MVHS. Mr. Smith, our 9th grade counselor, will also be holding informational sessions with students at our main feeder schools.
- February 20 - TCC Field Trip - All 8th graders will be going to visit TCC during the day to learn about what they have to offer in high school.
- February 26 - Day of the Arts Field Trip - We have the opportunity to go to MVHS and see the spring musical, Cinderella! Along with the musical, we will attend various break out sessions to learn more about the arts at MVHS.
- March 3 - High School Registration packets handed out - Ryan Smith from MVHS will be here at Riverview to go over high school registration with all 8th grade students. This will happen during the regular school day. He will hand out packets that need to be filled out and signed by families and teachers.
- March 12 - Packets due! - Please bring your signed packets back by March 12. Ryan Smith will be back to help students put all of the information into the computer system so they are registered for High School!
Unified Basketball
Please join our community at the Unified Basketball games this coming January!
Berthoud HS vs Mountain View HS is on Friday, January 31st, 2025 (at Berthoud HS). The games are at 5:00pm (Girls), 6:30pm (Unified), and 7:00pm (Boys).
Join us and become an AUTHORIZED Riverview Volunteer
All volunteers in the Thompson School District must be registered before they are authorized to volunteer at the schools.
This is includes, but is not limited to, activities such as:
Assisting in your child’s classroom
Chaperoning your child’s field trips
Volunteering at events
Register by going to: tsd.org/get-involved/volunteer
Click New Volunteers (blue box)
Tip: Consider registering your spouse at the same time as yourself!
FYI: If you registered last year, you do NOT need to reregister!
Once you register, the district will provide Riverview with your personalized volunteer badge. When you arrive at the school to volunteer, just find your badge at the front office desk and log in to the volunteer system. This helps us keep track of all the wonderful volunteer hours provided by our Riverview families!
Riverview School
3550 Barkwood Drive
Johnstown, CO 80534
(970) 613-7000
Attendance Line: (970) 613-6666
Fax: (970) 613-7020
Principal: John Dumbleton
Assistant Principal: Jennifer Bradshaw
Supervisory Dean: Jessica Laue
School Secretary: Jana Lewis