Silverbrook Family Newsletter
Vol. 11 No. 2 August 30, 2024
Mission: Empowering ALL Students to be Successful Learners
2024-2025 Theme: SuperReaders!
First Day Information
The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3rd.
All 6th graders should head down to their houses at 7:45am.
All 5th graders will meet in the gym where their house teachers will meet them, also starting at 7:45am.
On all other school days, students may enter school starting at 7:45am. The first bell will ring at 7:55am and morning meeting will start at 8:00. Office hours are 7:00am-3:30pm every day. The office/attendance number is 262-335-5500.
Drop Off/ Pick Up
Drop Off/Pick Up
Students may be dropped off no earlier than 7:45am; that’s when supervision is in place. Students will enter and exit specific doors based on their house assignments. Below are the assigned entry and exit doors for each grade and house. Door Map
Door 1 (Main entrance off Silverbrook Dr)-5 Blue & 5 Purple and all students participating in breakfast
Door 2 (off Silverbrook Dr)- 5 Red, 5 Orange, 5 Yellow
Door 7 (off Silverbrook Dr)- 6 Green, 6 Blue
Door 9 (South Side of the building-accessible from Silverbrook Dr)- 6 Purple
Door 11 (South side of the building-accessible from 15th Ave)- 6 Red and 6 Yellow
Door 20-Bussers
Families have three options for dropping off students at Silverbrook.
Use the circle driveway off Silverbrook Drive. If choosing this option, please pull all the way forward, past the cafeteria doors. Right turn only leaving the driveway. Cars may not double-park.
Use Silverbrook Drive. From here students may walk in on the sidewalk.
Use 15th Avenue. From here, students may walk in from the north or south sidewalks.
Students must be picked up no later than 3:15pm due to supervision ending. The driveway/front loop off of Silverbrook Drive will be blocked off daily from 2:45 p.m. until 3:15 p.m. Cars that enter the driveway/front loop between 2:45 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. will be subject to police contact.
Families have the following options for picking up students.
Park on Silverbrook Drive. Students will walk down to Silverbrook Dr.
Park on 15th Avenue. Students will walk to 15th avenue.
Students who remain in the building or outside the front entrance after 3:15pm will be returned to the office to call home and will need to be signed out by a parent.
During school days, parent vehicles may not enter the back parking lot before or after school.
Lost and Found
There is a rack in the main hallway, near the front office, that contains Silverbrook's lost and found. if your child is missing a jacket, hoodie, books, shoes, gloves, etc., it may be in our lost and found. Please encourage your child to look through the rack on a regular basis. Lost and Found items that are not removed from the rack will be donated to charitable agencies at the end of 1st quarter, winter break, spring break and end of the year. As parents, you may also take a look at the lost and found items.
Silverbrook Spirit Wear
Silverbrook Spirit Wear is available for purchase!
Please use this link to shop our fabulous shirts and hoodies! The store will be open through Friday, 9/6, until 11:59pm.
6th Grade Students - Badger Cross Country
Badger Middle School invites the 6th grade students to join their Cross Country team. Please see the information flyers for parents and students. The season runs from Wednesday, 9/4 - Friday, 10/11 and practices after school at Badger. The annual Jami Block meet at the West Bend High School will be held on Saturday, August 31 @ 9am. There is an open race (2K/1.24mi) that you can participate in. No need to sign up! The Badger coaches will be there.
Upcoming school activities
Week of August 26
August 28
- Meet and Greet - 5:30-7:30
Week of September 2
September 2
- NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
September 3
- First Day of School
September 4
- Make up pictures (8:00-10:00)