Eagle Express | October 18, 2024
Orchard Park Elementary
Important Dates
October 28-November 1 | Red Ribbon Week
Friday, November 1 | Early Release @ 12pm
Tuesday, November 5 | NO SCHOOL - Election Day
Friday, November 8 | All Pro Dad @ 7am
Monday, November 11 | Veterans Day Parade @ 7:40am
Wednesday, November 13 | Battle of the Books
November 27-29 | NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Holiday
Red Ribbon Week
Lost & Found is GROWING!
Veterans Day
PTO News
Follow the PTO on Facebook & Instagram
Follow the PTO on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OrchardParkPTO
Follow the PTO on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/opespto.eagles/
PTO Website
Visit the PTO Website for to Update Your Child's Information
-Each student's grade and teacher must be updated each year-
PTO Email
If you are not receiving text messages from the PTO and would like to, please send your name, phone number and child's class to our email opespto@gmail.com
School Information
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Soar High With PRIDE
Orchard Park Elementary
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