Hyatt Elementary
December Newsletter
Hyatt Elementary Remote Learning
Remote Learning for students enrolled in face to face will continue until January 19th. Our Return to School Task Force is currently planning to ensure a safe transition back to 'in school learning'. Guidance from the Genesee County Health Department as well as our Linden Community Board of Education continue to aid us in the process.
tech.support@lindenschools.org or (810) 591-0716
Specials Google Classroom Codes
Mrs. Becky Stockford-Health and Fitness-xofbe4m
Mrs. Carmyn Sprague-Art-fzqlnwo
Mrs. Sandy Harwood-Physical Education-ep57z5y
Mrs. Shari Ravert-Music:
Y5 & K Music-duylgo3
1st Grade Music-yoo5lqo
Second Grade Music-7dgtp6z
Third Grade Music-ep57z5y
Alicia Keys - Good Job | Cover by One Voice Children's Choir | A Tribute to Covid-19 Heroes
Thank You Hyatt Families, Students & Hyatt Staff!
Hyatt Elementary School
Email: cthomas@lindenschools.org
Website: https://hyatt.lindenschools.org/
Location: 325 Stan Eaton Drive, Linden, MI, USA
Phone: (810) 591-8180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HyattPALS