.....smore of what we did this week
Hello prek parents. We met Vain V in language arts this week. We brainstormed and listed over 34 v vocabulary words. We spelled some with magnet letters in small groups. We practiced inventive spelling, handwriting, letter recognition, and sound to symbol with our teachers. We completed three phonics book pages, letter buddy journal entries, and worksheets. In social studies and science, we learned all about landforms. We explored in the earth and environment theme box. We illustrated our favorite landform and wrote the word too. Check out our bulletin board in the classroom. We also finished our voting theme. We voted on Tuesday and made good choices. We also discussed about how to handle winning and losing. We modeled good behavior and got rewarded with .....COOKIES!!!!! We continue to practice patterns, number recognition, number writing, and counting in math centers everyday. Thanks for a FANTASTIC week of learning, good choices, and FUN!!!!!!
please donate and come to the THANKSGIVING day feast here at CBA 11-12 on Tuesday the 22nd ...here is the link to bring your yummiest dish... www.SignUpGenius.com/go/60B0F4FA8AB2DAA8-thanksgiving3
Friday the 18th ...wear your pajamas to school please....and sneakers for gym:)
....smore what we will do next week
We will meet a new letter buddy. Please watch our touchcast video with your child. Thank you in advance. We will begin to count by 5's. We will learn about pilgrims, native americans and Thanksgiving traditions. Thanks for a GREAT week. Enjoy your weekends and be safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. Alaxson & Ms. Ali