St Mary's School Donnybrook
2024 Term 2 Week 9
We want our students to graduate as confident, capable and compassionate members of society who lead with their head, their heart and their hands
Spot an error in the newsletter? Earn yourself a freddo frog!!
Dates to Remember
Friday 14 June: Winter Carnival @ Hay Park Bunbury Years 4-6
Friday 21 June: DISCO
Thursday 27 June @ 9am: NAIDOC Prayer Service
Thursday 27 June @ 10am-Lunch Time: Faction Cross Country PP-Yr 6
Thursday 27 June: FREE sausage sizzle for students at lunch time
Friday 28 June: P&F Meal Deal (Pizza and Juice Box) - order forms going out next week
Friday 28 June: Last day of Term 2
Interschool Cross Country - Tuesday 30 July
Peter Sell Cup in Brunswick - Friday 9 August (years 4-6)
Father's Day Breakfast: Friday 30 August
Jumps and Throws Day: Friday 30 August
Faction Athletics Carnival: Friday 6 September
Year 6 Confirmation - Sunday 8 September 10am (Church)
School Photo Day - Tuesday 8 October (first day back of Term 4 as 7 October is a Pupil Free Day)
Swimming Lessons (PP- Yr 6) Week 9 and 10 of Term 3 (new dates)
Year 6 Camp - Tuesday 5 November - Friday 8 November
Monday 15 July
Monday 7 October
A note from the Principal
Dear Parents & Caregivers
Emotions education is often described as “fluffy” and at times cops the blame for a generation of people who are described as “soft” or “weak” and who are “lacking in respect for others”.
This could not be further from the truth. Emotions education is far from fluffy, and these descriptions often reside in a misunderstanding of the importance of becoming emotionally aware.
It is, however, important to also realise that with emotions education comes a developing sense of another’s perspective and an understanding or consequence. Setting clear boundaries and expectations is actually just as important as discussing how and why we might be feeling a certain way.
RULER not only supports students in better Recognising, Understanding and Labelling their emotions, but it also supports students (everyone really) in learning to Regulate and Express their emotions in socially acceptable ways. Whilst all emotions are important, valued and accepted, certain behaviours are not. It is important to understand how our emotions effect our mood, but we need to separate feelings from behaviours. We must learn to regulate our emotions, sometimes with the support of a regulated other, and to express ourselves in ways that do not damage the relationships we hold with other people. Fortunately, RULER teaches the skills and strategies to do this.
As a parent myself I know this is very hard. Sometimes it’s easy to sit with your children in their big emotions and support them, other times it’s near on impossible and the task of coregulation seems unachievable. It is important to realise that, much like our children, we are all on a journey. We all experience emotions. We all make mistakes, and we all have the opportunity to learn from those mistakes and model restorative practices when required.
Exciting News!
Talison Lithium Mine is supporting us financially to roof our basketball court. There is still a bit to work through regarding contracts and building permits, but I am hopeful this work will be completed for the start of 2025! The proposed structure will support our students with additional shade over the summer months, and more areas to play during the wetter months. A big thank you must go to the Parents and Friends Committee and the School Advisory Council for their support in getting this project approved.
Semester One Reports
Semester One Reports will go home on the last day of term. Reports will be provided in line with the School’s Curriculum and Standards Authority which outlines the requirements for each year level and learning area. This year, reports will be provided to parents electronically through SEQTA engage. This is in line with many schools across Catholic Education, cutting associated printing costs and reducing teacher workload. When the time comes for you to access SEQTA engage, if you are having any issues, please contact the office.
Winter Carnival
This Friday, 14th June, our Year 4, 5 and 6 students will be competing at the Winter Carnival against St Michael’s Brunswick and Our Lady of Lourdes Dardanup at Hay Park in Bunbury. At this carnival, selected teams will be competing in Football, Netball and Soccer. We wish our teams all the best for an enjoyable and successful day.
It’s DISCO time!
On Friday 21st June, our Year 6 students will be hosting their annual camp fundraiser 'Tropical' Disco. A massive thank you must go to the parents who have supported in organising and coordinating this event. Order forms went home with students this week (these are due back Monday 17 June). We are looking forward to hearing news of this year’s International DJ soon.
NAIDOC Celebrations
NAIDOC week celebrations occur every year across Australia and support people in better understanding the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year’s theme chosen by the National NAIDOC Committee is 'Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud.' We will be celebrating this occasion with a Liturgy at 9am with activities held after lunch on Thursday 27th June. On this day, the school will be providing a free sausage sizzle lunch to all students.
School Cross Country
Following our NAIDOC Liturgy on Thursday 27th June, our students will compete in the annual school Faction Cross Country carnival at 10am. This year our Pre-Primary students will also be taking part.
TREE Talks
As part of our TREE Network (Boyup Brook, Manjimup, Bridgetown and Pemberton) we have been included in TREE Talks for 2024. TREE Talks is a writing and speaking competition which is held each year and two students from Year 4, 5 and 6 will be selected to represent our school and compete. This competition will be held late in term 3 and will provide another avenue of extension for our gifted learners.
Parent and Friends
Our next P&F Meeting is scheduled for Thursday 1 August approx. 9.30am after the Assembly, in the staffroom. It would be great to have many parents at the next meeting supporting our executive team, so please come along.
School Website
Our school website is live, updated regularly and able to be accessed at Please look here for all school related parent information.
Term Calendar
The term calendar can be found on our school website or by clicking HERE
3-Year-Old Kindergarten
On Thursday 2nd May, we commenced our first ever 3-year-old program at St Mary’s. The classes run each Thursday from 9 -12:30pm with Mrs Nina Fiumano and Mrs Anne Dixon-Hotchkin in the Kindergarten room. There are limited places available so please share this information with potential families and ask them to call 97324700 as soon as possible to book their place in the program.
We are still taking enrolments across all years for 2024. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please ask them to contact 97324700 and I will give them a personal tour.
Important Dates
The last day of school for the term is Friday 28th June. School commences for Term 3 on Tuesday 16th July. I wish all our families a safe and enjoyable winter break with their loved ones.
Thank you
Andrew Gammon
Donnybrook District High School P&C Canteen
Donnybrook District High School provide canteen services for St Mary's students on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. To see menu and place orders go online before 9am via
St Mary's School Donnybrook
Location: 30 Bentley St, Donnybrook, WA, 6239
Phone: 08 97324700