Hornet Happenings:
Back to School Update - September 2024
Dear D91 Parents and Guardians,
The first three weeks of school have flown by! You have survived the whirlwind of back to school shopping, Expectation Nights, fall pictures, and more. The entire Lockport School District Team hopes that you have settled into a good rhythm for the academic year and encourage you to reach out with any questions.
The D91 Administration
Dr. Kathleen Wilkey, Superintendent
Ms. Kate Flaherty, Special Education Administrator
Ms. Dimitra Georganas, District Curriculum Coordinator
Mr. John Jennings, Kelvin Grove Principal
Ms. Jaime Koziol, Milne Grove Principal
Upcoming Dates
September 6: Last Day to Support the Band with a Fall Bulb Order
September 6: PTO Movie Night @ KG
September 10: Community Open House at Milne Grove - 5:30pm - 6:30pm
September 10: Board Meeting at MG 7 pm
September 11: Meal Order Forms for October are Due by 9am
September 13: 11:30 Dismissal
September 15: PTO Spiritwear Store Closes
September 18: 9:30 Late Start Day
September 27: Mid-Term of 1st Trimester
October 6: PTO's Chili Cook-Off 12-3pm @ KG (Bears vs. Panthers)
October 14: Columbus Day – No School
October 17: Fall Picture Retakes
October 21: Book Fair/Bake Sale Begins-Times TBA
October 23: 9:30 Late Start Day
October 25: 11:30 Dismissal- Staff Development.
November 5 Election Day – No School
November 8 End of 1st Trimester
November 15 Report Cards Distributed
November 25 Parent/Teacher Conferences - No School
November 26 Parent/Teacher Conferences - No School
November 27 Thanksgiving Break –No School
November 28 Thanksgiving Day – No School
November 29 Thanksgiving Break –No School
2024-2025 District 91 Meal Information
Breakfast $2.50 Lunch $4.20 Milk 50¢
All students in grades K-8 have the option to pre-order lunch and breakfast.
Meal services began on August 26, 2024 and will be offered when school is in session through the end of the academic year. Order forms for October 2024 are due by 9am on Wednesday, September 11th. Every month, a new order form must be submitted with payment in advance of the due date in order to continue your child(ren)’s participation. Orders to our supplier are always placed well in advance; if a student’s order is submitted past the due date, the student will experience a one-week delay before food service will begin.
Students may qualify for free or reduced lunches. In early August, Mrs. Dragosh notified families of their automatic qualification. Families that did not automatically qualify through the state database, are invited to complete a 2024-2025 FRL Program Application through our registrar, Mrs. Dragosh at the district office. If approved, this program may lower the parent’s contribution per meal to .40 each day, or the program may subsidize the cost entirely.
ALL students will need to provide their own cold lunch unless a lunch order form is submitted by the due date; lunch is not served on half days.
Students will arrive at 8am and enter MG Door G or KG Door 4. Breakfast will not be served on late start days. Only students who order breakfast through the school are permitted to arrive during breakfast supervision each morning; students are not allowed to bring breakfast from home to consume in the cafeteria.
Tips for Success:
Please make sure you have made a note of which days your child is not ordering hot lunch and will need a cold lunch!
Menu changes may be necessary. Notice will be given when possible.
Credits are available if a child is sick on a day he or she has ordered. You MUST use the credit on the very next order form, or the credit will be forfeited. Parents/guardians are responsible for keeping track of credits; notices will not be provided.
All payments must accompany the order form; forms will be returned if the payment is not enclosed; if you are using E-Pay to fund hot lunches, please indicate the amount of the payment and the confirmation number on your form.
All students are required to complete the lunch form monthly, even if your child has qualified for free or reduced lunch status.
Our kitchen does not keep extra hot meals on hand each day; students who forget their lunch may contact their parent or guardian to bring a lunch to school.
Mrs. Cote, Food Service Coordinator at Milne Grove
815-838-0542, ext. 2117
Mrs. Latham, Food Service Coordinator at Kelvin Grove
815-838-0737, ext. 1164
Important Numbers & Extensions
Call 815-838-0737 to reach either school.
Press 1 to leave a message on the student attendance line. All absence calls should be made by 9am; if you are requesting homework, please include the request in your message.
Important Extensions:
1101 - KG Office
1113 - KG Reception Area
2100 - MG Office
1104 - District Registrar
1102 - KG Health Office
2106 - MG Health Office
1164 - KG Foodservice
2117 - MG Foodservice
KG Fax Number: 815-834-4339
MG Fax Number: 815-838-6893
Our Mission
Lockport School District 91 is rich in traditions and honors Hornet pride. We embrace differences and build partnerships through collaboration, transparent communication, and continuous improvement. We provide academic, social-emotional, and extra curricular programs to empower every student to be successful.
Our Vision
Lockport District 91 fosters a positive, equitable and safe learning environment to cultivate critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and future leaders.
Our Core Values
Health Requirements and Forms
Miss Nicole Hasamear, RN at Kelvin Grove
815-838-0737, ext. 1102
Mrs. Chris Olson, RN at Milne Grove
815-838-0737, ext. 2106
Student Absence Reporting
Calling in Student Absences
As a protection to their children, parents are required to contact the school whenever the child will not be in attendance. These calls should be placed before 9:00 am. If not received by 9:00 am, the child will be marked unexcused. A message must be left on voicemail at 815-838-0737 Press (1) for the attendance line.
At this time you should give the following information:
Student’s first and last name
Reason for the absence
Details of illness
Homework request
If a student is not called in or a note received from the parent/guardian advising of the student’s absence by 9:00 am a phone call will be made to the parent/guardian inquiring of the student’s absence. If a student is absent for 4 or more consecutive days of school, a doctor’s note is required upon returning to school.
Homework requests must be reported by 9:00 am each day of the student’s absence. Homework will be available after school in the office until 3:55pm. Late requests for homework cannot be honored.
Student attendance is crucial to student success. Appointments during the day are discouraged. If your child needs to be dismissed any time during the school day (e.g., dental or doctor appointments), please notify the office in writing prior to the absence. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain assignments before leaving. Students in grades 1-8 must attend a minimum of 300 academic minutes (excluding recess, lunch, and passing periods) in order to be counted as present for a full day. Students must attend a minimum of 150 academic minutes to be counted as present for the half day.
School Fees
Payment of School Fees
Fall Picture Retake Day 2024 - October 17th
Picture Retakes will be offered on October 17th! Only students who were absent on picture day or return a picture package will be photographed.
Milne Grove Picture Day ID - EVTR7386R
Kelvin Grove Picture Day ID - EVT6BSB9F