BRMS February Family Newsletter
February 23rd, 2024
A Word From the Principal Team
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February has been an exhilarating and action-packed month here at Badger Ridge! We're delighted to share some of the fantastic moments that have unfolded:
Our first middle school dance of the year was an absolute hit! It was a joyous occasion where our students came together to celebrate their exemplary behavior, embodying the values of the Power 6, our universal expectations. It was a testament to the positive spirit and camaraderie within our school community.
In commemoration of Black History Month, we proudly honored the rich tapestry of African-American heritage through a phenomenal assembly. The event was a vibrant showcase of arts and culture, providing our students with invaluable insights into the contributions of African-Americans throughout history.
As we reflect on the vibrancy and unity of February, we're grateful for the unwavering support of our families and the dedication of our students and staff. Together, we continue to foster an environment where every individual thrives and shines.
Here's to more memorable moments ahead!
High Quality Teaching and Learning
As we continue to maintain our focus on high quality teaching and learning, this month we are highlighting the critical importance of regular school attendance and punctuality for your child's academic success. Attendance is the foundation upon which teaching and learning is built.
Attending school each day, on time, is not just a routine; it's a crucial aspect of your child's educational journey. Every minute in the classroom counts towards their learning and development. Consistent attendance ensures that they don't miss out on valuable instruction, important announcements, and collaborative learning opportunities.
As we diligently review daily attendance and tardy data, we've observed the impact that consistent attendance and punctuality have on student progress. It's a foundational habit that sets the stage for academic achievement and lifelong success.
We kindly request your support in reinforcing this responsible habit at home. Please take the time to have a conversation with your child about the significance of being present and punctual in class. Encourage them to prioritize their education by making attendance a top priority.
Together, we can empower our students to thrive academically and cultivate a culture of responsibility and commitment to learning.
Important Dates to Know
February 26th - March 1st - Black History Month Spirit Week
March 25th - March 29th - Spring Break
March 29th - End of 3rd Quarter
School Announcements
Black History Month Spirit Week
To wrap up Black History Month, we will have spirit week next week! Here are the days for the week. Remind your kids at home!
Spring Conferences
Spring conferences are here, and they are during the week of March 11th. If you have not already heard from your child’s advisory teacher, within the next few days, your child’s advisory teacher will be reaching out to schedule conferences. We will have the same format as the fall where students will take ownership of sharing their progress in their classes. Your child will be preparing for their conference during their advisory on the week of March 4th.
Spring Break
Spring Break is March 25th - March 29th. There will be no school during this time.
Assessments at BRMS
Wisconsin Forward Exam
The Wisconsin Forward Exam is coming up in April. The tentative dates at Badger Ridge will be April 10, 11, 12 and an additional day on April 16 for 8th graders. 6th and 7th grade students will take Reading and Math assessments. 8th graders will take Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies assessments. The testing will be done building wide in the morning on those dates. Please encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast and arrive to school on time. If your child has a conflict with those dates, please notify their advisory teacher so that we can make additional arrangements for testing.
Notes from Our Nurse
Medically Excused Absences for COVID & Illnesses
Is your student out with COVID or another illness? Here’s what you can do to get the absence medically excused so it doesn’t impact your student’s parent excused absences:
If your student tests positive for COVID, email a photo of the positive test result to Nurse Annie or Nurse Kristi. Once we receive the photo, we will medically excuse your student for the required isolation period.
In addition to reporting your student’s absence to the attendance staff, provide medical documentation – e.g. a medical note from a provider excusing the absences, positive strep test results, or after visit summary – to the school nurses or attendance staff.
In Need of Dental Assistance for Your Student?
The Verona Area School District is proud to have Bridging Brighter Smiles return for their 11th year in a row to provide preventative dental care to VASD students. Additionally, we are honored to have the first ever partnership with a dental program called Verona Smiles.
Bridging Brighter Smiles offers preventative dental care, right at school, with a dental hygienist who provides an oral screening, dental cleanings, a fluoride varnish application and sealants.
New this year is a program called Verona Smiles, which allows for your child to have x-rays taken of their teeth (once a year), be examined by a dentist (twice a year) and treatment for any cavities or dental problems identified by the dentist. All preventive and screening services are provided during the school day, for students 4K through 12th grade. If additional needs are identified and a student is needing further treatment for cavities, or other dental problems, those services could take place in a local dentist office, and possibly outside of school hours. All dental care provided through Verona Smiles will be covered under the BadgerCare Program or free of charge if your child has no insurance coverage.
Please follow the directions below to ensure your child receives these services. If you have multiple children who will be participating, each child will require their own enrollment.
Please click this link to enroll your child(ren) into Bridging Brighter Smiles.
Please click this link to enroll your child(ren) into Verona Smiles.
If you are needing assistance or have questions about either dental program, please contact your child(ren’s) School Nurse or School Social Worker.
Elevator Passes
We see a lot of injuries this time of year. If your student is injured and will need elevator access, please request a medical note from the medical provider that states they need elevator access and includes an end date for access.
Please note: a $20 fee will be assessed for all lost elevator keys.
A Word From Student Services
Staying healthy in the winter months can be a challenge. The student services team at Badger Ridge encourages students to use strategies for good mental health. Some students feel anxious in situations that are stressful to them but aren't dangerous. For example, they may feel anxious about taking tests, meeting new people, or speaking in class.
In this link, here are five things that can help teens get through anxious moments.
Learning to cope with anxiety takes time, patience, and practice. Most of all it takes being willing to face situations that prompt anxiety. Start with one small step. The more students practice, the better they get at lowering anxiety.
BRMS/CKMS Track and Field starts on April 2nd, once we return from spring break. Please make sure your child is registered online and all documentation for physicals are turned in in order for your child to participate. Here is the practice and meet schedule. Please remember that for away meets, there continues to be a lack of buses to transport students. Families are responsible for transporting kids to all AWAY meets. If you have any questions, please contact the coaches. Their emails are below.
Jill Scheibel- scheibej@verona.k12.wi.us
Danielle Schelm- schelmd@verona.k12.wi.us
Melissa Ruder- ruderm@verona.k12.wi.us
Spring Career Fair
On April 24th, we will be hosting a Career Fair! Keep an eye out for more information to come.
AVID Advisory
Students have recently had the chance to reflect on their Quarter 2 progress and set goals. Check-in with your student to see what their goals are for Quarter 3.
Students have been using AVID Strategies to continue practicing the skills from the first semester. The upcoming unit will take their learning deeper by creating an extended definition paragraph.
Tech News/Updates
Our Middle School students have been participating in digital citizenship lessons each month throughout the year during their Advisory classes. So far this year, our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders have learned about the topics of their digital footprint and identity, relationships and communication, media balance and well being, and cyberbullying, digital drama, and hate speech. All lessons come from Common Sense Media. In the coming months, students will also learn about the topics of news and media literacy, and privacy and security.
Community Resources/Events
According to the USDA, at-home food prices rose by almost 6% in 2023 (Source). Families are feeling the pinch as rising housing, gas and food costs compound. According to a recent study, it currently costs an estimated $20 more to buy the same goods as before the pandemic (Source). If your family needs support, check out these community resources for food access in our area!
Badger Ridge Area Food Pantry Resources - English / Spanish
Dane County Farmers Market Double Dollars Program - The Double Dollars program provides FoodShare shoppers with a dollar-for-dollar match up to $20 per market day at participating farmers’ markets.
If you have additional questions or need help navigating these resources, reach out to Ms. Hall, School Social Worker by phone at (608)845-4408 or (608)313-4797 or by email at halls@verona.k12.wi.us.